Wolf Empire

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"Wind Capital" is the capital of "Yingzhou".

As one of the military towns of the Hundred-leaf Empire in Kyushu, "Yingzhou" has always been a border area that soldiers must fight for. The land is less than 900 miles away from the "Huadu" and lock the key place where the Shura cavalry goes south. With the terrain, the steep walls and deep trenches, the beacons and fires are connected. All passes, all the pass can be stationed with battalions, and all those who can pass the woodcutter are guarded in Class A, gathering heavy troops. The capital of the Southern Ping Emperor, outside the north control gate, the danger of the left wolf, and the right side The key of the Black River is dependent on the middle and cool corners, becoming the most important peripheral barrier in the northeast of the "Huadu".

Shaman Pope Baiye Mufeng toured the "Wind Capital" government to avoid plague. Gou Hua, the vice minister of the "Ministry of Ceremonies" and Xu Yushi, the governor of Yingzhou, who took the first step forward, was eager to build a palace between them. Time did not allow, so he had to requisition the houses of rich private households and warehouses in the border towns to settle down many members of the royal family.

Gouhua, the eldest brother of Gou Ling, the shaman high priest, and Gou Qing's two aunts and cousins of Xia Yaya, the "Princes of Liangcheng", were promoted to the high position of vice minister of the provincial government with the "excellent performance" of their two sisters in the Pope**. They gave birth to a son and a daughter. They are quite decent person, but their wife is greedy and stingy, and often have trivial with their mother-in-law. The little things are out of hand.

With the arrival of the Baiye royal family, the whole "wind capital" government gathered and was heavily guarded. A large number of guards were sent to guard the city gates and intersections to strictly check the access of idle people.

Outside the city, all strategic places are full of royal guards, with tents in the suburbs, with clear banners, drums and horns rising from each other, and horses are hissing constantly.

Gou Hua was so busy finishing his official duties that he didn't have time to rest. He led all the "Ministry of Ceremonies" to be ordered to handle the officials and hurried to the royal line outside the city.

On the way, Gouhua learned that there was a large-scale religious believer* in "Huadu" through the news channel of Xuanwuwei. Some demons Huo were fighting with the British Prince Baiye Liufeng and Tang, the Taishou Tang, who came to support him, and took more than 60,000 believers and people far away from 'Huozhou', and called himself "Sa". "Manchu Emperor" openly rebelled!

Among the more than 60,000 believers who were wrapped up by Huo Du, Gou Hua's two own sisters, Gou Ling and Gou Qing, were spared because they were ordered to serve the Pope's holy driving body, but their fellow family Ye Ningxiang, Yun Mei Niang and Yu Linggu were among them!

It is said that His Majesty Baiye Mufeng is still ill, and his imperial car is closed, which is airtight, and the dark-faced Lord Xuanwu personally led 2,000 Xuanwu guards and drove the Pope's car to the iron bucket to "protect". Except for the three imperial concubines, no one can approach half a step.

As the representative of His Majesty Baiye Mufeng, the authoritative Empress Dowager Xia Zhanmei, accompanied by the two imperial concubines, met Xu Yushi, Gou Hua and other foreign ministers in the royal Xingyuan. Wang Zhengliu, the eunuch in charge of the seal, and the eunuch Hei Ba also served with the empress dowager.

"Lord Xu, where is the auspicious Tianjie stone mentioned on your table?" Xia Zhanmei did not have much good impression on the distant relatives of the young girl who often invited Pope Mufeng to please her. In her tone of voice, she was inevitably colder than respectful.

"When she returned to the Empress Dowager, for some reason, Jieshi somehow disappeared in the servant's house two days ago, and the great wizard who came to hire him did not say goodbye. He disappeared, and the servant was guilty." The lame governor Xu Yushi pleaded tremblingly.

"Lingrui's words are false, that's all." No longer paying attention to a frightful lame, Xia Zhan turned his eyebrows to Gou Hua and asked coldly, "Lord Gou, where is His Royal Highness An Dongye, the former royal minister who went on a trip with you? Why didn't you see him come to see him?

"Empress Dowager!" Gouhua's knees softened and knelt down and kowtowed: "As soon as His Royal Highness and his servants arrived at the interface of 'Yingzhou', they claimed that the road was unstable and were not enough, so they forcibly selected more than 4,600 strong and powerful military criminal women from the 'Yingzhou' hard labor camp; he also said that 'should be imprisoned to make meritorious deeds and make meritorious deeds', and forced to In the prison of 'Wind Capital' and 'Blackwater County', 8,000 female prisoners were taken away, all of whom were physically strong. Not to mention, thousands of unemployed women and barbarians on the ground of 'Yingzhou' were directly hired, with a total of more than 12,000 and sent ten captains of the Rose Women's Army to manage them, regardless of the obstruction of their servants. , set up a flag and go to the northeast.

An Dongye obviously escaped from power and violated the legitimate authority of the officials of the Holy See, but without the tacit and condoning of the empress dowager and the name of the royal brother, he probably couldn't be so arrogant and domineering, right?

Xia Zhanmei's eyes suddenly became as sharp as a knife, forcing him to survive; the latter only felt a chill on his back under the eyes of the empress dowager. The Empress Dowager is now very powerful. After not seeing her for a few days, the invisible momentum has grown a lot.

Half a sound silently, Xia Zhan's sharp eyes suddenly faded, and turned into charming and gentle. He said lightly, "This child Dongye just loves to fool around. That's all. I know it. Let's do it.

Empress Dowager Xia did not care about the unauthorized escape of a certain wild man, but she was not so polite to a deputy minister of ceremonial affairs: "Gou Hua, you have suffered a loss of duty this time, but I have been working hard for you all day, and I will not offend you. In the future, if you make a mistake again, I will punish you twice.

This is obviously to blame Gou Hua for the prince's mistake of fleeing back to China, suppressing this matter and eliminating it from invisible; Gou Hua quickly saluted and said, "Thank you for your kindness!" At the same time, he thought to himself, "Those cabinet bosses and local generals are not fools. Who can't see that you, a coquettish woman, intended to let your god son go?"

Andongye has led people to escape. In terms of this matter, they are all guilty of dereliction of duty and can't wait to fill the cave silently. If they dare to make it clear, they have to discuss their sins first. Don't they make trouble for themselves and fight against themselves?

So, look at me and look at the four cabinet ministers who are waiting under the ranks, and I look at you silently pretend to be good people; several bigwigs don't say anything, and the lame governor Xu Yushi is even more afraid to fart.

"Prime Minister Nalan, Lord Yuan, Prince Rui, Mr. Ming, you can discuss a result." Having said that, Xia Zhanmei still has to go through the scene. After all, half of the eight cabinet ministers are on the side, and the written articles still need to be done.

The four ministers said, "Obey the decree of the Empress." After a few simple exchanges, the four of them are veterans of officialdom. They are all measured and time is not long. A draft of the decree was presented to the three imperial concubines.

Xia Zhanmei began to read: "Zha, there is a royal brother, Prince Dongye, who ignores the holy grace, fakes the emperor's life, abuses private power, abducts 10,000 women, escapes from the customs, specially removed the prince's title, and blames him for surrendered himself; in the investigation, Gou Hua, the vice minister of etiquette, and Xu Yushi, the governor of Yingzhou, is incompetent. As a result, An Dongye fled, and each of them surrendered to the third class to see the effect of the future. The four ministers of the cabinet, Nalan, Yuan, Wang and Ming, were fined three years for their blaspousness. In addition, the Prince of England's Baiye Liufeng stayed in the imperial capital and calmed down *. Under his curtain, the civil and military generals waited for the Pope's dragon body to recover. After returning to Beijing, they were rewarded for their merit. In addition, Marshal Tang Shu, the military minister, made contributions to resisting the thieves and returned to the court at a later date. Shaman is with us."

"Hmm. That's what I mean, ministers, go down and do the affairs!" Xia Zhan's eyebrows and sleeves were shaken, and the ministers asked for peace and retreated. The two imperial concubines took the opportunity to salute and went back to their respective residences.

"How is Your Majesty now?" Empress Dowager Xia asked in a low voice.

Xuanwu with a turtle face turned behind the scenes and said gloomyly, "Don't worry, Gou Ling and Gou Qing are waiting for you. You can't run away from the palm of your hand."

"After calculation, we still underestimated the potential power of the remnants of the former dynasty 'Biluo' in half of Ancheng, and also underestimated the combat strength of the fief army close to Tang Shu. However, this is also good. The waste of Mr. Huodu swept away a large number of people and property. Yelang became arrogant in 'Huozhou', and no one will stop us in the future. Step by step. Xia Zhanmei laughed wildly.

"Master, you mean-" Xuanwu approached the Empress Dowager and asked ambiguously.

Xia Zhanmei smiled proudly and said, "Who said that women can't be emperors?" I, Xia Zhanmei, just want to have a try!"