Wolf Empire

0259 Donggui

"I'm back-"

Looking at the steep and towering "Sky Wolf Pass", Antonye rarely shows his inner feelings, and his eyes are a little wet.

Andong Noce rode into the middle of the team, which was a "carmine camp" riding team composed of the women's army that he personally trained into the army and the female prisoners and healthy women who took over the power.

The team even includes Gong E, sister-in-law, prostitutes, criminal women and warbler. Forced hard labor and criminal prisoners, hired the exiles as guards, and all kinds of forced and seductively to coerce and lure themselves. Andongye also paid out of his own pocket and bought more than 5,000 good horses from horse dealers, coupled with a full set of saddles, bag bags, and from the "ying zhou" arsenal and munitions, soft and hard Get out a full set of armor, military uniforms, armor, boots and hats, *, arrows, *, sabres, spears, javelins, shields and other ordnance, and equipped this female army from head to toe.

If the warehouse management of the "Yingzhou" armory and the munitions depot do not have money, no matter whether you are the emperor or a relative of the emperor, they will never honestly take out all the good ordnance in the warehouse, replace the inferior ones, and replace them with the inferior to the best. Corruption has always been their way to make money, but they met Andongye. A rich local tycoon, without saying a word, threw a lot of silver over, and then they attentively equipped the good things in the treasury one by one to a female cavalry team in the wild. Even the governor of "ying zhou" and the "Qianlang Pass" guard have never enjoyed such the highest treatment.

In this way, Anton Yeguang spent tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of horses and supporting harnesses. In addition, in order to equip the best saddle armored ordnance, bribed ordnance and the current warehouse officer of military supplies, which was really expensive. Hundreds of thousands of gold coins were spent like running water in a blink of an eye, quickly allowing the whole female cavalry to complete the armor. Everyone rides.

"Yingzhou" is located in the north, and there are not many women who can't ride horses and shoot, but the riding and shooting skills are good, and few of them can reach the level of elite cavalry. Among the 12,000 women's cavalry that gathered in a short time, barely half of them were good at riding, and the rest of them could only 'horse riding'.

In order to equip this team, which costs a lot of money, the majestic-looking women's riding team will not collapse at the touch of any mountain thief like an embroidered pillow. On the road, these female soldiers will inevitably be strictly trained. Every day, the camp is also in accordance with the law of the army, patrolling the army, strictly governing the army, patrolling the night, and meticulously. At night, most of the female soldiers of the army have to perform martial arts with each other to compete for victory, and then each of the ten cavalry who has been promoted to a thousand cavalry chiefs will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the daytime cavalry shooting, evaluate the level and give rewards.

Moreover, Mouye still played the old trick and adjusted the atmosphere of the army with the lottery. All the female soldiers who shot, hunted, rode, strictly abided by the law, and won the competition, immediately fulfilled his promise and rewarded each color difference, and never overnight to stimulate the morale of the army. In fact, this is also a certain field's subordinates subordinates. In the past, Enwei also gave a necessary means to establish his image of trust and punishment.

Along the way, I saw that I was under the " Sirius Pass" and remembered that when I entered the customs, I was romantic with the little maid Xia Qixi that night when I closed the post hall. ** The scene was still in front of me, and Antonye was slightly moved.

At the three-k road, there were hundreds of horses waiting for them. A group of wolf masters such as Yu Si, Wen Si, Yu Shi, An Yong, etc. jumped to the horse and ran close to meet the Wolf King.

"Woman, I don't see you for the rest of the month. You are fat. Be careful not to get married!" Antonye teased a wizard with slightly round cheeks.

"It's not the fault of Mr. Xu. I secretly buried the engraved stone tablet under the 'black water' riverbed, and then arranged people to report to report. In the end, I appeared in person. Master Xu's words made Master Xu believe it true, and then there was a request for the Holy See to move the capital." Yu Yu said excitedly.

"Does it matter if you get fat?" Mouye didn't forget to add another sentence: "Yu Yu, you fat paper."

"Yes! Of course, it has a lot to do with it. Yu Yan shouted bitterly, "The dog officer surnamed Xu regarded the wizard as a god. He invited him to enter the 'Governor's Office' and served him with good wine, good dishes, mountains and seas and seas every day. You said, I can't control my mouth! After a while, I fed my girl fat-" With that, Yu Yan gently slapped herself in the face, and her lovely appearance made everyone laugh.

"At Tang Gong's place, Wen Si and Mr. Yu Shi have settled down. Don't worry about the Wolf King. Tang Shuai's rise is not far away." Wen Si, with a smile on his face, touched his nose.

When he spoke, there was a lookout for a long time, and the general was shocked. When the latter heard the news, he was dressed neatly and took the sand soldiers up to the tower. Looking around, it turned out to be a female cavalry. He couldn't help but be confused and secretly said, "When did the Holy See build such a women's cavalry army?"

"Report the number! Don't get close!" A loud garrison shouted with an open broken gong voice.

An used a burst of voice and said loudly, "The former royal minister, General Andongye, was ordered by the Empress Dowager to go out to work!" General, please open the gate quickly!"

After hearing this, General Sha Yan on the tower couldn't help muttering in his heart: "This Dongye was recognized by the Empress Dowager Xia as a godfather's son. This is a matter of the whole country, but when it comes to going out of customs, what about not receiving the 'Ministry of Ceremonies' and the 'Ministry of Military Affairs' in advance? I was originally a surrendered general attached from the Mobei Sha clan. It can be said that there is no foundation in the Holy See. Today, if I make a mistake, not only will my official head be guaranteed, but I'm afraid that even the parts and families attached to me will fall to the ground-"

While meditating, Guan Na Anyi has already scolded angrily, "Your Highness is here, why don't you open the city to welcome him? Don't you think your head has been growing on Po's neck for too long and you have to move?

"Ha ha!" Sha Yan smiled angrily and said, "Little baby, don't blow your air!" Are you scared to be a general? With thousands of female soldiers, how can you handle this general?!"

An Dongye, not far behind, looked cold and nod slightly to a stone with an evil smile beside him. The rain stone stretched out a "sounding arrow" from behind and flew out with his arms--


The rocket shot into the clouds, reflecting the wolf-shaped spark pattern, and the tail sounded for a long time!

The sand and others on the wall were shocked and saw thousands of arrows in the sky in the other direction shooting into the sky, just like a rain of arrows, powerful!

The shock was still undecided, and the north side of the city gate suddenly shouted, shocking and shocked the ghosts, making the generals on the city gate lose their color.

General Shaqi was about to send someone to go to the north gate to check what was going on. In the chaos, a small school student climbed up the city tower with a crying voice and said with an unclear tongue: "General, general, the big deal is not good. An Mochen, the eighth wolf group under the North Pass, gathered millions of 'snake spirits' to seize the city gate!"

Shajiao's face suddenly turned white. An Mochen, the eighth brother of the wolves, has been reclaiming wasteland under the Beiguan for nearly a year. Millions of exiles and millions of soldiers. Shajiao didn't know it. An Xiaojie's armed police force reported in the court newspaper was left to drive because of the outbreak of the plague. It has not been in place for a long time, based on his own hand. How can the border army of 50,000 resist the front and back attacks of the wolves that are several times larger than themselves?

After a battle between heaven and man, the gate of "Sianlang Pass" slowly opened. Sha Qian led more than a dozen border army generals and did not ride through armor. They all held helmets in their hands, put knives into the box, stood by the horse road, and welcomed His Royal Highness into the city.

When passing by the gate, Antonye sat on the horse and hugged the ugly sand and said, "I'm in trouble." The latter turned his head and replied, "I dare not." An Mochen, a windbreaker wearing sunglasses, led the crowd to welcome him, "Welcome Dad back to the court!"

Looking at the Rose Women's Army, An Dongye smiled and said, "I'm still waiting for someone!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw the Holy Sister An Yidan and a team of holy light knights surrounded a float, hurriedly following the official road from far to near; the curtain opened, revealing a beautiful face of a serious illness, Xia Yaya's eyes were like autumn water, smiling like flowers.