Wolf Empire

0262 wen pang zi

"Dad transferred our two troops from 'Stone City' and 'Wind Wing City' respectively to help the fourth brother because 12 and Little Coke grew up in the desert." An Xiaopan, the cautious twelve brothers, explained softly.

Although there was a little unhappiness in his heart, the fourth brother An Zixuan's affectionate embrace of the 12th Master still showed that he was very happy to see his brother he had not seen for a long time.

"Fourth brother." Hearing the greeting of the girl next to him, a mixed wave of love and disgust flashed in the eyes of the fourth brother An Zixuan. That trace of disgust was not to people but to things. The youngest sister they loved actually chose to enter the skeleton armed police force.

"Little Coke, aren't you in 'Wind Wing City'? Why did you come with Lao Twelfth? An Zixuan and the little princess An Xiaole hugged affectionately.

Under the military uniform of the skeleton police, she is a white and thin-skinned sand girl. An Xiaole was originally the orphan of the mayor of the "* Town" in the "Wusa Emirate". Antonye, who was the commander of the Mobei Legion at that time, died under the wolf saber. The young and helpless little girl was attacked by An Dongye. After Song Guangming, the former head of the 604 police division of the Holy See, was executed by General Wang, An Xiaole was ordered to take over the police force and quickly grew into a qualified and excellent police officer lieutenant general under the training of his military career, maintaining social security and suppressing An Lehou in the wind wing area. The remaining parties of South Korea and North Korea have made great achievements.

All armed police units, including the 604 Police Division, are subordinate to the armed police headquarters of the second princess An Zitong. This huge wolf army and police secret service intelligence agency has two parts of internal affairs and combat functions. The meaning of the latter is simple and clear, but the former is much more complicated. After the establishment of the dynasty, it gradually separated from the armed police system and combined with the "dark part" taken over by Wen Si to form its own system.

"My authority in 'Wind Wing City' seems to have exceeded the scope of the gendarmerie of the 'Blood Legion' under the third sister', causing some trouble. My little father was very angry and recruited me back to 'Wolf Du' and scolded me fiercely." The sharp sneer like a blade flashed from the corners of her mouth when the girl said "seems", but when it came to her father's nickname, the little face, which was originally full of disdain, quickly turned serious into reverence and flashed with fanaticism in her eyes.

In the wolf army, the third princess An Yinger's gendarmerie unit, which is in charge of military discipline, naturally has a relationship with the second princess An Zitong police force, which is somewhat vague in terms of functions. The biggest cause is the instinctive penetration of all aspects of the military and politics in the secret police functions within the police force.

"Dad is for your own good. Humph, when I have time to go back to 'Wolf City', I will explain to my father and transfer you to my regular army. Armed police force, that kind of dirty place is not suitable for your little girl's family.

The huge authority, pervasive means and dark reputation of the skeleton police naturally cannot make people feel good. The unhappiness of these skeleton policemen is naturally the most extreme among the generals of the regular army. However, it is also an indisputable fact that the second princess An Zitong's armed police and general were favored by General Wang himself.

Stop talking with his brothers and sisters, and the fourth brother An Zixuan turned to his key figure to understand the task. He is also another high-level member of the police system and the Minister of the Interior of the "Wolf Tooth" secret police force; the father of the "Wolf City" far away, absolutely not He will be summoned here for a small matter.

"Well, Mr. Wen, Your Highness General Wang gave you the task to Zixuan and others, and ask for instructions." As the second generation successor of the most favored "Immortal Dynasty", the fourth brother An Zixuan has had enough experience to distinguish the differences between public and private, and switched his mentality to the seriousness and determination to carry out the task. The three brothers and sisters are waiting for a common answer.

"Go back to the fourth brother, the order given by the servants is to give his highness's troops to the northward troops with supplementary equipment and supply. For specific matters, His Royal Highness General Wang will talk to the prince in person.

The cunning interior minister Wen Siwen fat man, who did not wait to answer, was the prince who valued the most by the king, and had a trace of respect in his position. His formulaic face continued to remain silent after saying the above words; however, his words still made An Zixuan find a new question:

"Is your father going to take action against the 'Sha Kingdom' in advance?"

In the face of An Zixuan's suspicious look, the only interior minister, Wen Fatty, who can know all the inside story, bowed and said, "Fourth brother, His Royal Highness the General Wang seems to hope to explain the specific matters to you in person. I don't know much about the hasty departure of the twelve and Princess Coke. Please go to the communication next door. In the room, long-distance communication with 'Wolf City' is ready.

With more words, the three brothers and sisters of the wolf group turned into the adjacent communication room. To their surprise, the device in the room was not the kind of military short-range, transceiver that they were used to using. In front of the three, there was only a metal frame the size of a table.

"Because the secret police department of machinery and equipment has recently developed successfully and is still in the trial stage, the image may not be very good, but the transmission of sound is very clear." With the start-up setting of Wen Si, countless rays of light were reflected in the originally empty metal frame. When the blurred pattern was fixed, the three wolves straightened their shoulders at the same time and clenched their fists on their left shoulders to make an internal salute to the wolves. At the same time, Wen Si, the Minister of Internal Affairs, lowered his forehead deeply to the loyal king.

The person who appeared on the light and shadow was General Andongye, the lord of the "Immortal Dynasty". After a pause for a while, a little sandy clear words came from Fang: "The wind and hot sun in Mobei seem to make you dark, Zixuan. Are you all right?"

"Yes, Zixuan is fine. Dad, how are you? Suppressing the fluctuations in his tone, An Zixuan answered with incomparable admiration. The unparalleled power of the father in front of him is exactly the goal he hopes to achieve all his life.

"I know you are angry with me, my child. The last time you left Wolf City, you were very unhappy. Without responding to Aiko's greetings, Antonno's voice was low and weak.

"No, father, my idea was too impractical and too naive at that time. Of course, you can't accept that unreasonable request. After all, there are many more important things for your father to consider than that. Please forgive me." Six months ago, An Zixuan had a quarrel between father and son because he was eager to be stopped by his father in the northern expedition to Shaguo. Up to now, An Zixuan regrets it very much.

"Half a year ago, Kanto was undecided, and there were internal and external troubles. It was really not appropriate for us to move troops against Mobei; now, we have finally eased our strength." General Wang of Antonye coughed gently and said, "Zixuan, go and realize your dreams and ambitions! Include the northern continent into the territory of our wolves!"

"Yes, Father." An Zixuan saluted excitedly.

"Well, Dad will be waiting for the good news from you in the 'Wolf'. My children, victory and glory-"

"It belongs to the wolves." The three young men and women of the An royal family put their right fists on their chest in uniform movements.