Wolf Empire

0263 North of the North City, it has nothing to do with the wind and snow

In the long glass mirror, there is a lonely face with a little heroic dusk.

Leng Beicheng suddenly found that he had a few more white hairs on his head. He smiled bitterly and carefully sorted out the collar and medal of the general's military uniform that had faded slightly.

The general on the edge of the town, the glorious title, is the peak pursued by countless Pontifical soldiers throughout their lives. However, there are few people who can hold this tiger scepter in their hands.

Con looking at the Holy See, there are only four at present, and Lengbei City, the general of Pingbei, is one of them.

From participating in the defense of Wolf II as a slave for the first time, to turning to the southwest and then to the north of the desert, countless times to kill the enemy, countless times to lose the best comrades in the battle, countless times to cry -

This is Camel City, the northernmost city on the mainland, which has nothing to do with wind and snow.

Lengbeicheng, who is nearly 40 years old, has never married and married. Although many high-ranking officials in the court have asked decent matchmakers and repeatedly proposed marriages for their girls, and many local Sha powerful people in Mobei have offered to propose marriages, they are all rejected one by one by Lengbeicheng in good faith.

Although the subordinates of the Pingbei Army and the gentry of the government and opposition have much suspicion of the high-powerful and lonely general of Pingbei, no one knows the true thoughts in the heart of Lengbei City.

Except for the second person of the Pingbei Army, General Leihei, the Chief of General Staff.

Reminiscence of that day, in the "Huadu" city, the shaman festival was celebrated by the whole country, and the generals in Beijing were also allowed to participate in the festival carnival as an exception. At the banquet of General Xia Nanxuan, the head of the Second Division, Leng Beicheng, who was still an ordinary lieutenant colonel of the Fifth Division, saw Xia Yaya for the first time. The little girl smiled cutely and entered It's more eye-catching and heart-catching. After that glance, Leng Beicheng never forgot it again.

The age gap and the disparity in status make Leng Beicheng, a restrained and infatuated man, deeply buried his unforgettable love for Yaya in the deepest part of his heart.

For many years, Leng Beicheng has silently paid attention to Yaya and guarded the goddess in his heart, and never said the word "love".

Leng Beicheng dares not, because he is afraid that once he is rejected, even ordinary friends will not have to do it. Instead of that, it's better to secretly fall in love with Yaya for a lifetime.

At a private party of General Xia Nanxuan, Xia Yaya politely called Leng Beicheng "Uncle Beicheng", and Beicheng responded with laughter. That was the first and only time Yaya talked to Leng Beicheng; that is, at that party, Leng Beicheng saw the light in Yaya's blue eyes when she looked at another fellowin An Dongye.

In the hard days of staying in the southwest with the old general Xia Nanxuan, Lengbeicheng will intentionally or unintentionally learn about Yaya's recent situation through the family letter of Xiafu. During Yaya's marriage, Lengbeicheng used wine to drown his sorrows and cut off the water with a knife, which was another hatred and melancholy.

All of this can't escape the eyes of the brother Leihei, who is rough in appearance and delicate in heart.

- Some love is not only humble, but also unknown to make people cry.

"Your Excellency General." Lei Heizhong will call again to wake Leng Beicheng from the river of Xia Yaya's smiling memories.

lowered his forehead and asked, "Is it time?" The deep words contained the awe that cheered all the Pingbei generals behind them.

"Yes, Your Excellency." Lei Hei saluted, "An Moran, the eldest princess of the imperial dynasty, and the general of Youdong, the second heavy armored cavalry division and the third mechanized armor division of the Guards who personally participated in the military joint exercise, have gathered in the suburbs of the 'Wolf City' and are ready to go."

"Isn't that person coming?" Leng Beicheng frowned slightly and said in an unhappy tone.

"Your Excellency General, General Andongye suddenly fell ill at the founding ceremony two months ago and could not be a director, which was seen by the general himself. Today, his domestic military and political affairs are handled by the eldest princess An Moran together with cabinet ministers." Thunder underworld.

"That's right." Turning around, Leng Beicheng returned to a cold state and ordered loudly, "Order that the Chief of General Staff of Lei Hei has full authority to command the First Army and the Iron Gun Division of the Pingbei Army and participate in the joint military exercise. Be sure to take the lead first and don't fall into the prestige of my 'Ping Bei Army'!"

"Yes, General."


It seems that he is not used to the cold climate in Kanto. Hideki Asano, who was lying in his vacation, opened his eyes closed due to the vibration caused by the collision of the car body, took away the military coat he didn't know when he had covered, and immediately turned his eyes to the scene outside the stopped car window.

The white fog shrouded the platform at dawn. Through the thin lines of water vapor and dim yellow lights, police soldiers in black military uniform stood straight around the platform.

Press the button next to the seat and activate the electric bell outside. After a moment, he walked into the young attendant next door and said politely:

"Your Excellency."

Hideki Asano, the director of the Foreign Affairs Department of the "Canglang Empire", responded to the greeting of Chu Yunmian, a newly recruited young staff member, looked outside the window again and asked, "Have you arrived at the 'Wolf Castle'? Cloud sleep. What is this sound? Just as the president spoke half-inquiring and half-affirmly, the carriage and even the whole train shook again.

"Not yet arrived at our destination, sir. This noise is because the car is adding a guarded armored train. Chu Yunmian replied respectfully.

"Armored train?" Hideki Asano held the gold-framed precious glasses on the bridge of his nose and subconsciously repeated a sentence.

"Yes, Your Excellency. I heard from the colonel who led the team that in order to ensure the safety of my mission, His Royal Highness the General Wang specially sent this armored company from the 'Wolf City' and ordered the Central Army Group Military Region to increase the guards along the line. Of course, this is more or less the glory of Miss Jieyi. Now no one knows that the lady in the house is the favorite concubine of the General Wang. Chu Yun said with a smile on his face.

"My daughter said that she came to the Shaman Noble School to study, but she became the princess of the boy Andongye without telling her family. It's really hateful!" After complaining, Hideki Asano sighed again, "I just hope that in the process of this negotiation, Jieyi can play an unexpected role, so that His Royal Highness and Count Chenyuan and other adults can return home safely."

"Also, the colonel is waiting outside. Do you want to see him? Your Excellency." Chu Yunmian reminded the superiors.

"Of course, please." As a senior official of a "big country" (in fact, the land area has shrunk to the only "Tianjing" island), especially those who represent countries to other countries, can not lose their courtesy anywhere. Changing into the formal imperial high civilian uniform, His Excellency Hideki Asano quietly stared at the door.

A young officer followed Chu Yunmian and walked in. According to the military system of the "Canglang Empire", according to the age of 15 or 6 years old, even if he was born in the military academy, he was at most a lieutenant, right? But the three prisms on the silver epaulette and all kinds of medals on the military uniform show the bravery and merit of the wearer beyond his peers.

Relying on the recognition knowledge learned temporarily before the envoy, Hideki Asano especially noticed the blood-red striped logo marked with shaman text on the cuff of the left hand of the young officer with a baby face:

"The mainland is at the feet of our wolves!"

- That is the proof that the wearer in the wolf army is one of the 360 wolf teenagers when the wolf army was first founded.

"Coloney, the commander of the 137 armored train escort reinforced regiment under the Central Group Army of the Dynasty Wolf Group." The young officer saluted the vicissitudes, and Hideki Asano himself subtly sensed that the other party's self-introduction was not appropriate; that was the nightmare of all countries, the self-warlordization of the powerful army, and what was more terrible was that this mentality was so naturally manifested in the middle and lower-level officers.

"Your Excellency, under the order of His Royal Highness the Great General Wang, I will lead the headquarters to escort your country's mission to arrive at the 'Wolf Castle' safely." An's meticulous tone and look are not commensurate with his own age.

"Oh, thank you very much for the kindness of His Royal Highness General Wang. On behalf of all the members of the mission, I would like to thank you." Hideki Asano did not neglect or despise the interlocutor at all because of his age and status.

"I dare not, this is the duty of the subordinate." After careful observation, it was not the unified black uniform of the wolves of the dynasty. The young officer's military uniform showed a dark black under the light.

"The First Guard!" Hideki Asano took a deep breath.

This is the special military uniform of the first guard division, which is known as the strongest guard army in the wolf army.

This "boy scout" composed of more than 8,000 young ghosts with an average age of only teenagers became an army during the war in the desert north, from the smell of milky and unknown, to the test of the war, stepping on the bodies of the losers, and leaping into the ranks of the elite brigades of the mainland. Of course, the price they pay for recognition is also extremely heavy.