Wolf Empire

0264 Take the train to Wolfburg

There is no doubt that this elite of the wolf Guards, equipped with new weapons, young, elite and powerful and armed to the teeth, is loyal to only one person.

"Mr. President, if you don't order, please allow the subordinate to return to his post." Ann used the colonel's inquiry to remind a foreign envoy who had been meditating for a long time, who apologized:

"Please go back to your post, Colonel. Thank you again."

"You're welcome, the subordinate will resign." Looking at the figure of the young guard officer walking towards the door, Hideki Asano suddenly asked:

"Colonese, I heard that His Royal Highness General Wang's health is not very good. Is it true?"

"I think you must have heard it. Wang Shang has always been fierce. How can his health be bad?" Ann asked in a sarcastic tone.

"It seems that I really heard heard." Looking at the figure of the young guard officer disappearing at the door, Hideki Asano whispered to Chu Yunmian beside him, "If this represents all the middle and lower officers of the wolves, then this persistent loyalty has given Antonno a proud capital."

Asano Hideki couldn't help but waver in his confidence in this "Wolf City". However, for the revival of his home country and the restoration of the prince's freedom, even if he was not a soldier, Hideki Asano had a military-like pride in his heart. In a sense, aren't diplomatic officials soldiers fighting for the country? However, weapons are not swords, but lips, tongues and wisdom.

The train marched on the vast land of "Wolf City", and in the dawn, picturesque scenery passed in front of the window. Before and after the establishment of the dynasty, Wang Dongye, the great general of the Northeast Continent, launched hundreds of thousands of strong labor captured by wolves. In just two months, he built a castle at the highest point of the "Wolf City" and laid a railway line, holding the whole "Wolf City" more firmly in his own hands.

Hideki Asano has done enough homework before leaving for the opponent he will face this time.

An Dongye, a poor boy who is penniless and has nothing. No one can guess that the name will spread like thunder on the continent of Abdul Kaenduli.

For 600 years, Andongye participated in the defense of the Wolf Capital and stabbed the Grand Duke of Nara to death, which was amazing. In the same year, he waved his army into the "Wussa Kingdom", such as entering a no man's land, broke the famous city "Wusa City", and then set fire to the city, killing millions of people;

In the 601 mainland, Andongye led the wolf division to sweep the southwest and across the 16 countries in the southwest. The small country fell when they heard the sound, and the big country fled in the wind, which was invincible, which directly led to the disintegration of the "Hope Moon Alliance" and survived in name;

In the 602 year of the mainland, Andongye entered Kanto with a million, galloping boldly with strange schemes, breaking through the powerful enemy of the powerful country, swallowing the northeastern continent and becoming a hegemon;

In 2003, the mainland was born as a general king, and opened the state dynasty, and led the political power of the Northeast Army. The Shaman Central Holy See had no choice but to acquiesce to this iron-blooded fact.

Andongye is patient and resolute, resourceful, gloomy and impermanent, war-loving and easy to kill, except for the old prosperity, Kanto Daye; whether it is literary and martial arts or martial arts, it is no less than any powerful king.

It has been nearly two months since the ceremony of the establishment of the dynasty. His Royal Highness the General Wang, who seems to be still satisfied with this position so far, has not appeared in public for a long time due to his physical health. However, for the vicissitudes mission from afar, this His Royal Highness the Great General Wang, who has been living in the "Wolf Castle" for medical treatment, still gives him the honor to receive him. Of course, it is also thanks to the fact that he grew up with a very popular and knowledgeable daughter.

After half an hour's journey, the iron train taken by the delegation of the "Canglang Empire" finally approached the end of the journey - Wolfburg.

The newly built castle overlooks the whole Kanto Plain. In order to meet the interest and needs of the king, Gu Xiaodao, the designer of the castle, built the palace castle hall of Andongye, a small but complete palace with five internal organs, directly built the land into a military fortress with top-level munitions and solid defense.

I don't know when mainland historians mentioned the most famous cities on the mainland again, and the wolves have been at the forefront of the four famous cities in the mainland, such as the Shamanite Huadu, the Canglang Empire Tianjing and the Shura Empire.

Huadu, the religious and political center of the Shaman's Holy See, although it was plundered by the pagans in Huozhou after the double baptism of wind and plague, but after a short period of recovery and governance, it is still as fascinating as the most charming flower fairy.

Tianjing, the capital of the Canglang Empire, was once a gold mining paradise for all mainland merchants, but after the cruel Kanto War, it faced the blockade of wolves on land and lost its source of vitality, and the glory of the city seemed to pass away with the wind.

Rasha City, the imperial capital of the Shura Empire and the majestic capital of the East, has gradually begun to decline due to the large-scale civil war in China and its city's infrastructure and influence in all aspects.

Wolf capital, the capital of the immortal dynasty, the city of miracles, is like a superstar, rising and attracting everyone's attention!

When Chu Yunmian walked into the carriage, he saw the president, staring silently at the city figure in the distance outside the window. After a slight salute, he reported: "Your Excellency, the train will enter the station."

"I know, inform all the members and set it up." Hideki Asano said solemnly.

The train first passes through the outer defense fortress known as the "shield of the Wolf Castle", as a fortification outside the "Wolf Castle", excluding the wolf-tooth military police stationed there. Another iron-armed train patrols back and forth between the internal and external fortress from time to time. To the surprise of the Canglang mission, the rail train is equipped with a super-large-caliber giant train gun. Looking at the size of the caliber alone, its amazing power can be imagined.

No matter how surprised the guests were, the train entered the station and began to slow down. When the car stopped, the majestic military music was played to show the host's welcome to distant guests. Obviously, the general Wang himself or the dynasty cabinet have given the highest standard treatment to the arrival of the Canglang Mission.

The platform was full of a large number of alert soldiers and police with live ammunition, and several young women had already been waiting on the platform. At the moment of getting off the bus, His Excellency Hideki Asano, the envoy of Canglang, also guessed who would welcome him. According to the equivalent official position, it is probably the most likely Miss Shali, the minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies. Hideki Asano has an impression of the sister of the queen of the northern desert. She is a female official who can do her duty but has not make many achievements. However, this may also be due to the reason why the dynasty deliberately maintained a low-adjusting style.

The military and political structure of the Immortal Dynasty is self-contained. In terms, the establishment of five army groups and two special military regions as the main body, supplemented by the layout of local garrison and garrison forces, a total of five army groups, two special military regions, and other independent forces such as armed police columns, with a total of more than 28 million wolf troop units, under the unified command of the highest wolf camp of the dynasty. , under His Royal Highness the Supreme Commander General Wang himself, the commander-in-chief led by military marshal Yang Shu will cooperate;

In terms of civilian positions, it continues to inherit the functional structure of the shaman central government. The cabinet is divided into 16 departments in eight provinces, each with its own duties. The difference is that in addition to the eight provinces, there is also an important secretarial room for the consultation of His Royal Highness the Great General, led by the Fifth Princess An Muxi. Most of the clerks in its departments are His Royal Highness the Great General Wang Ben People's favorite concubines and maidservant, and more than 260 gorgeous beautiful employees are nicknamed the "small cabinet" by the dynasty.

The number of secretaries is uncertain, about two hundred. All of them are young women who have had talents in a single field. Their status is equivalent to that of five-grade clerks or military officers of military lieutenants, but they directly listen to General Wang An Dongye himself. They can be said to be the role of close ministers and concubines. At the same time, they shoulder the responsibility of supervising officials, which is eye-catching.