Wolf Empire

0271 Dear immortals, long, cactus

"Wolf Capital" Nanshi Street, with many shops and crowded people, is the most lively and prosperous commercial prime location in the center of the city. Merchants from mainland countries are willing to lay their stores here, even if the facade is a little smaller.

After the establishment of the "Immortal Dynasty", in order to heal the wounds of the war and restore the people's strength as soon as possible, the An royal family decisively adopted a loose investment and investment policy. Foreign businessmen only need to obtain a business license at the "Ministry of Civil Affairs" and file at the "Nine Cities Soldiers" to open their jobs. While simplifying the procedures, tax Gold has also been transferred to an all-time low, which has caused merchants from various countries to hear the news and stimulate the economic market of the dynasty capital to a certain extent in a short period of time.

As the leader of mainland commerce, the "Tianyi Business League" with strong financial resources relies on the innate advantages of Queen Xigong An Tianyi and occupies the share of 16 stores in South Street alone, including groceries, books and magazines, grain and oil, clothing, cars, catering, accommodation, entertainment and other aspects of clothing, food, housing and entertainment, which can be said to be the dominant .

The ordinary taxi carriage stopped across the street in front of the pawnshop of the Chamber of Commerce. The woman in a black travel gown lowered the brim of her hat and swept around with sharp eyes. Just a few times, the tall man in black had received a safe signal from the scattered sand bodyguards, holding the simplest lady's bag. She walked through the crowd and walked into the pawnshop lobby without hurry.

Considering the needs of some status guests or customers who do not want to attract attention for various reasons, there are several reception rooms in the left compartment of the lobby. In front of the tall woman in black, who flashed into the compartment, there was already a dark and fat girl waiting there.

"Hello, I'm An Xiaoyi, vice president of the Chamber of Commerce. Is there anything I can do for you?" The fat black girl looked up and down at the guests.

"Exterminate the sky." The tall girl in black gently spit out two words, and her voice was gentle and beautiful.

"Hmm. Two guests have arrived first. An Xiaoyi, a black and fat girl, quietly opened the separated baffle and motioned the guests to follow her through another exit of the room.

The highest-level elevator leading to the lowest floor of the building has been opened three times in the past half an hour, which is enough to arouse the curiosity of elevator operators compared with the record of less than ten times in the past year. But with his status, he is not qualified for the inside story, and he doesn't want to know.

"Princess Ninth, please come with me." An Xiaoyi, who arrived in front of him, said the shocking identity of the guest in a relaxed tone and said, "Xiaoyi really didn't expect that as your little demon royal nobles, she would personally participate in this 'exting the sky' plan."

"Well, the person who is surprised should be in this palace. The commercial alliance will actually join this plan. The idea of Queen An Tianyi is really unexpected!" The ninth princess An Xiaoyao said coldly.

"Oh, doesn't Princess Nine believe the sincerity of our Chamber of Commerce in this plan?" An Xiaoyi said.

"No, I believe it, but I still doubt it. Anyway, your sister is also that person's wife and queen. What's the profit for your alliance to participate in?" Nine Princess An Xiaoyao said.

"The reason is very simple. Xia Yaya, who is also the queen, is pregnant, and according to the doctor's diagnosis, it is very likely that she is a little brother. I don't need to say more about what this means." An Xiaoyi has no reservations.

"Ten thousand people are not as good as being spoiled by one person. The mother in the east is expensive by her son. No wonder that the Empress An Tianyi in the west has left the 'Wolf City' a few days ago. It seems that we women are all fickle animals." Nine Princess An Xiaoyao sneered.

"What about you, Princess Nine? Do you work for Saudia? An Xiaoyi tried.

"Since we are a partner, there is no need to hide it." An Xiaoyao sneered and said, "Yes, I am the spy placed in the royal family of Sha. I was originally the maidservant of the Queen of the Spox. As early as the wedding of my Lord Queen and King Suffon, under the clever arrangement of the Queen, I met the third brother An Yaoyi at the wedding banquet. However, what is hateful is that that man has never been used to me as a prospective daughter-in-law. In order to prevent me from marrying with the third brother, he accepted me abruptly. The righteous daughter, in public and private, has a reason to participate in the alliance plan that will be launched on Yuan Zai, right?

While talking, the two had come to the basement, and An Xiaoyi bowed and opened the door of the conference hall.

There are already two people waiting there in the conference room where there is not much light. A dete middle-aged Shura gentleman was smoking a cigarette, and a short man in black sitting opposite him covered his mouth and nose with a snow-white handkerchief, as if he was extremely tired of the smell of smoke all over the room.

When the new guests came in, the two early arrivals projected their eyes at the same time.

An Xiaoyi introduced the plan to the latecomers. First, she led the short man in black: "Saman Holy See, the armed police leader Yuan Zai and the general."

Wu Yuanzai, the commander of the Sixth Legion of the Shamanic Holy See and the leader of the armed police, is almost a general of the same generation as the feudal officials such as Antonye and Leng Beicheng, and is even more well-remarked on the mainland with his ruthlessness. With the tense and hostile relationship between the dynasty and the center of the Holy See, the staff of the secret police headquarters of the Holy See who are directly responsible for spying against the "immmortal dynasty" are taken to the "Red Sty Column Prison" once captured by their peers of the dynasty. This hard-working prison supervised by the "Security Bureau" of the Wolf Tooth Secret Police of the Imperial Dynasty, with landslides, mosquitoes, flies, snakes and insects, whips, and poisonous gas. As the head of the secret police of the Holy See and the first person on the blacklist of the secret police security bureau of the dynasty, there is a sufficient need for you to personally be involved in danger.

An Xiaoyi introduced another participant: "Sura Empire, Mayor Haster."

As the father-in-law of Prince Liubocha, the current ruler of the "Sura Empire", Mayor Harster is running in the dynasty to call for help for his son-in-law's surviving rule.

"This is the ninth princess, Her Royal Highness An Xiaoyao." After An Xiaoyi finally introduced, her fat buttocks tilted and sat on an empty chair beside the shaman police. The bamboo seat immediately made an unbearable "squeak" sound.

Yuan Zai glanced through the conference room and asked the provider of the venue, "Miss An Xiaoyi, hasn't the representative of Canglang arrived yet?"

An Xiaoyi replied with a smile, "That man temporarily decided to meet the Canglang delegation and should have been on his way."

When that man was mentioned, he hummed several times at the same time, and Mayor Haster said contemptuously, "That lowly inferior!"

Nine Princess An Xiaoyao commented coldly: "Ha ha, lowly or inferior, we are not much stronger than those who are forced to sit together by that madman. If we don't look at the strength of the enemy, we must be the ugly person who will die in the end.

"Well said!" The words echoed to the young and handsome figure who had just appeared at another entrance of the conference room. Through the dark light in the room, the representative who came first stared at the young man who was free and easy.

"Son Yunmian is late, please sit down." An Xiaoyilang greeted Chu Yunmian, the representative of Canglang, and turned to a cold-faced policeman beside him and smiled, "Dear immortals, chiefs, cactuses, everyone is here, and we can start."

"I am here to represent His Majesty the Pope and thank you for your participation. Without your strong assistance, the 'extinction of heaven' plan will not be implemented." Yuan Zai and the general stood up and said, "There are no eternal enemies or friends in politics. Because of one goal and interests, I, the representatives of the five parties of the Shaman, the Tianyi Chamber of Commerce, the Canglang Empire, the Shura Empire and the Mo Beisha Kingdom, have walked together. I hope that everyone here can eliminate the past and cooperate sincerely; in order to get rid of us Common enemy, I propose, let's drink a toast!"

Three men and two women stood up and raised their glasses at the same time. After the wine glass settled, An Xiaoyi deliberately shook two groups on her chest in front of the outstanding Chu Yunmian, spit out her tongue and asked, "Mr. Yunmian, I heard that your delegation has met that person in the 'Wolf Castle'. I don't know how the specific condition of that person is. What about it?

Chu Yunmian moved the corners of his mouth and said, "According to Yunmian's observation, although the disease makes that person look very weak, the person with this idea will definitely die faster; moreover, in the eyes of the four major Wen, Yun Mian can't see the loyalty and awe of the deliberate performance, just like a hound facing its owner."