Wolf Empire

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"Hum, Wen Si's fat dog can't live for more than ten days." Yuanzai, the leader of the shaman police, said confidently, "It should put an end to the competition between the secret police headquarters of the Holy See and the Security Bureau of the An Dynasty. In order to pave the way for the 'extinction of the sky' plan, the town has dispatched the last ace assassination team. It won't be long before the traitor of the Holy See will go to hell!"

"Is that person's health really that bad? It's not a way to hide people's eyes, is it? That man is as cunning as a wolf. In the face of the uneasy question of An Xiaoyi, vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, Chu Yunmian turned his eyes to the more convincing and qualified Sha girl beside him.

"In the past few months, the man's unexplained fainting and high fever have made the most prestigious doctor on the continent at a loss. Even Dr. Mei, a shaman who was kidnapped by the undead knight, could not find out what caused the patient to fall into a lethargy and high fever for so long time. The final conclusion may be a one that has not been found. When it comes to the bacterial lesions of effective metallurgical methods, the patient's body will gradually weaken with high fever, and this situation will change dramatically with the change of the patient's mood, which may terminate that person's life at any time. The statement of the ninth princess An Xiaoyao obviously could not satisfy the partners present. Yuan Zai sneered and said:

"Don't expect too much. It is also possible that the madman will live longer than all of us here."

Mayor Shurahurst, who has rarely spoken, said sarcastically: "Guys, let's focus on the plan to destroy the sky. We can gather 60,000 Shura cavalry in the suburbs of the 'Wolf City' in a short period of time. After the matter is completed, our request is also very simple.

Yuanzai, the leader of the shaman police, turned a blind eye to the projection of Mayor Haast. For him, even if the "Plan to Destroy the Sky" achieves the ultimate goal, it is impossible to hand over the important town of the Holy See again. However, in the implementation of the plan, it is also necessary for the Shura people to spread in the suburbs of the "Wolf Capital" Ride power, let them hold this fantasy for the time being.

Chu Yunmian took out a volume of documents and pushed it to An Xiaoyi and said, "The empire has implemented wrong political measures against your business alliance in the past. His Majesty Emperor Musashi hopes to make your sister understand that the royal family will correct this mistake. This is a formal contract signed by His Majesty the Emperor, and Miss Tianyi still enjoys all the independent rights in the past.

The intention and sincerity of the Canglang Musashi royal family to repair their relationship with the "Tianyi Chamber of Commerce" is credible, at least for a long time; carefully collect the documents, An Xiaoyi said:

"Although it still needs my sister's ruling, please rest assured. In my opinion, my sister has been very sad and disappointed with that person."

Before and after the establishment of the dynasty, the "Tianyi Business League" became the most trustworthy support for the wolves. Intelligence, personnel, technology, capital, and even private legions and fleets, especially in the post-war reconstruction and a series of military and political reforms after the establishment of the dynasty, could not be completed without the help of the Commercial Union.

The Chamber of Commerce was rewarded for controlling the trading rights of the whole dynasty, and Miss An Tianyi, the leader of the Chamber of Commerce, ascended to the throne as she wished; unfortunately, the man gave his favor to another girl named Xia Yaya.

"We all know the general content of the plan, but how to transfer the 'guards' stationed in 'Wolf City'? If it can't be reached, the follow-up of the plan can't be carried out at all. The strong and well-known "Guardian Legion" of the dynasty can only carry out the next plan if it is transferred. Mayor Shurahurst's problem can be said to be the core.

The police officer said with a smile: "According to reliable information, two divisions of the Guards are now participating in military exercises with the 'Pingbei Army' in Mobei. The Holy See has sent powerful ministers to Mobei. It is expected that there will be a new trend in Lengpingbei soon. As for the remaining main imperial guard division, we have There is an arrangement."

"Oh, I hope to hear about it." Mayor Shurahurst asked with a squinting.

"Wind Wing City." Yuan Zai said arrogantly: "The Secret Police Department of the Holy See has successfully lobbyed the old ministers of the Kingdom of the Windwing Kingdom, secretly taking back the little prince An Shangyan and recovering the country independently." Fengyi's city is adjacent to the 'wolf capital'. At that time, that person must send out the last trump card forbidden army in his hand to quell the rebellion. At that time, there will be no soldiers available in the city, which is the time for us to launch it.

"Not only did the Wingman participate in this plan, but I also persuaded a heavy and heavy brother of the imperial dynasty to join our 'exting the sky' operation." 19th Princess An Xiaoyao said mysteriously, "This is the name of this emperor's brother. I can't tell you for the time being."

An Xiaoyi smiled and said, "In this way, we have seven forces together. That person has betrayed his relatives and become the target of public criticism. Our plan will definitely succeed."

"Don't be happy too early." Yuan Zai smiled coldly and said, "You should know that we are in the land of wolves, and here, the knife in that man's hand is the sharpest!"

The people in the secret room were silent for a moment.


Wind Wing City.

Countless people gathered outside the palace and cheered for the restoration of the country. The simple joy was sincere and warm. A wave of Boeing poured into the palace, and even the room in the depths of the court was faintly heard.

Wangcheng guards pushed open the closed door, and An Shangyan, a young man wearing a crown, walked into his sister's room surrounded by the ministers of the kingdom. His eyes flashed with pride and majesty. It was not until he saw An Xiyan, the girl sitting in front of the window, that he showed the same age and hoped to be affirmed by Sister Nai.

There is no joy on the girl An Xi's beautiful face, and there is only deep sadness in her eyes.

"Aren't you happy? Sister Wang. An Shangyan asked innocently.

An Xiyan, the former eldest princess of the "Wind Wings Kingdom" and the consul of the Wind Wing Special Military Region, is not only sad, but also deep sadness.

"This is my father's crown. Do you see it, sister? It's my father's crown. Today I put on my father's crown. Isn't this what you want to see? The new wing king, who had just completed the coronation ceremony half an hour ago, said excitedly, "Listen to the cheers outside the window. The people of the kingdom are on our side, sister. It won't be long before I use my hands to protect you, just like you used to protect me.

The blood relationship dissolves the gap between sister and brother. Even if he is annoyed by this adventure that is close to gambling, His Royal Highness An Xiyan is sincerely willing to exchange his life for everything in front of him to exist forever. The girl finally said, "Wuyan, go and do your duty and responsibility. No matter what your choice is, my sister will always support you.

The winged ministers standing aside couldn't help cheering when they heard Her Royal Highness, who had a deep people's heart and influence, and also expressed their support for their restoration of the country. There was only one person in the crowd who remained calm. It was a heroic female general with a fire-like military uniform with an imperial wolf group and general on the epaulettes. The sign.

"Sister Eleven, are you also confused?! That man won't sit back and wait to death!! I don't think this kind of family trick can defeat him!!!" Angel, the fourteenth princess and deputy commander of the Windwing Special Military Region, said sadly and indignant at the remaining girl after the emperor and ministers of the kingdom left the room to receive cheers from the people.

"I know, so I must stay. There must be someone who blocks that person's anger, saves the people of the wind wings and my poor brother-" said the young girl An Xiyan sadly.

Her Royal Highness Princess Hancheng of the old kingdom, deputy commander of the military region of the dynasty stationed in the Windwing region, sighed and turned away.

Three of the division leaders of the four divisions under the "Fire Phoenix Legion" under the command of the fourteenth princess Angel have sworn their loyalty to the new king. After exchanging several eyes with the cousin who was willing to stay to clean up the ending, Angel led An Yuqing's division to leave the "Wind Wing City" and go to "Hancheng" to arrange everything.

In April 2003 of the mainland calendar, the old wind wing territory under the Immortal Dynasty declared its separation from the dynasty and the restoration of independence. The news quickly spread all over the mainland of Al-Kine.