Wolf Empire

How far is 0274 forever?

The clear footsteps behind the curtain ended this embarrassing situation, and the courtiers stood up from their seats and prepared to welcome the only ruler of the kingdom and their king.

The condescending, arrogant and gloomy eyes do not belong to the arrogant figure that the ministers have long been familiar with. At this time, the person standing next to the throne hides his whole body in a long and wide white cloak, and the obvious inconsistency with his body shape proves that there is a heavy and solid layer of combat soft armor under the cloak.

"Mr. Yushi, where is His Royal Highness General Wang?" The old man of the Minister of State for Affairs, Bishamen, couldn't help but be surprised. Yu Shi, the commander-in-chief of the "Knight of the Dead", who had never left His Royal Highness the Great General, appeared alone in the hall.

The "undead" Hell Knights, which has always been haunted with strange skills, are the close force of His Royal Highness Wang Antonye, a direct general. Its real combat power and inside story, even these important ministers of the dynasty only know its name, and it is this evil year that the acting king himself directly commands the Knights. Commander-in-Chief of the Blue Knight.

As usual, the undead knight Yushi, who seemed to be full of cold breath, bowed slightly after sweeping the audience coldly and said, "Your Excellency, the second princess, and you, fish girl. Please ask the king."

One is the head of the formal officials, the father and minister who has tried his best to be loyal for several years; the other is the prince of a powerful policeman who followed him when he rose up; the other is a close relative who is not a sister or brother but is better than his sister and brother. The three people who were summoned by the king seem to represent something. Are they want to entrust them?

Although they didn't understand the king's meaning, the three still followed the undead commander-in-chief suspiciously, and the heavily armed wolf-tooth guard along the way looked very green.

The hearts of the three people sank at the same time, because more than ten old men were reflected in the eyes of the three people, which was the most famous on the continent, and even included the shaman imperial medical group "invited" by the undead knight.

In view of the poor and unknown health of a certain wild, most of these doctors are serving in the castle at any time, but to be honest, the fame of these famous doctors has long been dissatisfied with the close ministers of the dynasty compared with their strength.

The fish quickly crossed the undead commander-in-chief and rushed to the bed. The undead knight guarded in front of the bed knew the master's sister and quietly let go aside; there was no normal blood on his pale face, and his sleeping brother seemed to be suffering painful torture, and the doctor who should play a role was useless. This fish, which has always been mild, is also very popular:

"Daughts, you are experts. Isn't this the field you should be good at? Can't anyone tell me if there is any way for you to cure it?

Compared with the questioning of the general sister Wang, the doctors are more concerned about the eyes of the imperial police chief, general and the second princess An Zitong. The fierce eyes that directly regard everyone as pathogens and the same party make them even more at a loss.

"Forget it, sister." The weak voice made the people in the room bow their heads respectfully; General Wang, who seemed to be a little sober, tried his best to show his unimped smile to Sister Nai.

"Dongdong, how do you feel?" Without answering Nai's greetings, General Wang Dongye glanced at the important minister's cronies in front of the bed with his eyes, but his question was directed to the members of the medical group beside him:

"To tell the truth, how serious is my situation this time? How long will I sleep? One day? One month? One year? Or forever? Then you tell me how far it will always be?"

Even if there is no obvious malice in General Wang's words, the members of the medical group who looked at each other have been overwhelmed by fear. Their conscience and professional responsibility as doctors also make them deeply ashamed that they still can't grasp the exact cause of the disease.

"This useless body is the recurrence of this kind of old disease at this jugnum, which is really troublesome." While making others laugh at himself, General Wang of the Langya Army motioned the guards to temporarily put the members of the doctor' regiment under house arrest in the castle and said, "Let's retreat. They are not allowed to leave the castle for the time being."

Yuqi, who had been waiting aside, gently wiped the sweat on his brother's forehead with a handkerchief. A few words had consumed quite a lot of his physical strength. For the beauty around him, Mouye smiled gently and said, "Woman, I'll come by myself."

"Brother front teeth, let me do it." Yu Yu's gentleness is rare.

The private life of the king determines the direction and overall situation of the national political system to a very important degree, which has been an indisputable fact since the establishment of the original collective of the human race on the mainland. As everyone knows, Queen Xia Yaya in the East Palace is pregnant and is about to have a baby; Queen An Tianyi in the West Palace ran away from home angrily and did not know her whereabouts. The task of taking care of Wang Shang's life fell into a small circle of female concubines, adjutants and secretaries. Among them, the two female leaders of the Knights, Yuqi and An Yandan, played an important and stable role in the mental health of a certain field, whose personality was increasingly darkening during this period.

"I have ordered Moran to return to the 'Wolf City' from the Mobei drill ground. Under the circumstance that I may not be able to adjudicate government affairs and see affairs, the military affairs of the dynasty are represented by the ruling princess." The dynasty has never determined the final result of government affairs through democracy or consultation. Mouye is the only body of will, and its order is a clearly stipulated law.

"Yes, King." A wild voice is slightly weak, but the majesty that cannot be disobeyed is immediately understood by the three important ministers.

"I appointed Mo Ran as the regent, and I think the three of you should be able to understand Gu's thoughts." In this major personnel transfer, Antonye did not ask any subordinates for advice; others were fine, but General Wang of Andongye believed that the three important ministers in front of the bed at this moment would definitely understand their intentions.

"Servants (son ministers) are frightened." Pishamen, Yuyu and An Zitong saluted in unison.

The old man of Vishamen, the minister of government, can be said to have long been insight into the mind of the lord. This is mainly from the documents submitted for approval in the past six months, and the gradual increase of the beautiful handwriting. It can be understood that she, a female student, who is nominally the eldest daughter of the king, is indeed outstanding in talent. The pertinent opinions put forward by Moran in the civil affairs and military are enough to prove that she can fully assume the important task of assisting His Royal Highness the General, and she has also lived up to the old man's past teaching. Although there are also many officials in the dynasty who take strangers as their diseases, compared with the will of His Royal Highness the General Wang, those gossips are too insignificant.

An Zitong, the second princess as the police chief, and Wang Jieyu, who has a special identity, speculated that they are different from the old man of Pishamen with the status of "imperial master". One is a long-term fixed inertial obedience to the father; the other is to speculate that Nai Di himself is also invisible and the need to reduce his direct contact with the people. From the perspective of the consolidation of long-term rule, Nai Di intends to establish a new image in the hearts of the people of the dynasty to cover up his past brutality, that is, to set up a shadow that makes the people feel approachable.

The three important ministers of the dynasty felt that it was nothing to bow to the shadow princess An Moran of His Royal Highness the General.

"You are all the most trusted by the lonely king, so I hope you can lead your subordinates and regard the life of the princess regent as the order of the lonely king and add more assistance." After a violent cough, General Wang said in great pain, "In addition, the rebellion of Fengyi will evolve to this uncontrollable extent, which is all the indulgence of the lonely king. Therefore, the orphan king decided that it must be resolutely suppressed by force, and the rebels will be severely punished!"

At this point, there is no need to go through the cabinet meeting of the dynasty to discuss whether to suppress it by force. The fate of Fengyi is doomed at this moment!!!