Wolf Empire

0273 Meet

"The winged man rebelled!" The garrisons of the Windwing Military Region have fallen into the rebel group!" Fengyi City found the officers of the Shaman Holy See!"

The news should only be qualified by the senior officials of the dynasty. Obviously, under the conscious spread of people or forces with ulterior motives, it has spread among the citizens of "Wolf City" and the preliminary plan to destroy the sky has been successfully launched-

The bleak alarm circled in the night sky of the city, and the nine-city soldiers and horses' "blooded" gendarmerie headquarters represented the highest-level curfew signal, informing the general public that unusual things had happened.

Cars allocated to senior dynasty officials passed through the streets of the city defense guards and gathered at the cable car station under the top of the castle. Obviously, the dynasty government officials who had just been pulled up from ** greeted them for a short time and boarded the carriage one by one.

"Has everyone really rebelled? What else do they want?" The old man Vishamen, the political minister of the imperial dynasty, asked his colleagues in the carriage this seemingly impossible question. This old minister from Shura is orderly and skillful in handling government affairs and won the trust of the king. The question he raised seems naive, but it is not without the basis for asking questions.

Of course, it is understandable to restore the country and establish a free country that belongs to its own nation. However, when everything is pursued has been enjoyed, is it worthwhile to seek a false reputation by force, although it can be called the benevolent rule of the ruler over the ruled?

The Windwing Special Military Region can also be said to be the most specific regime on the whole continent. In fact, the old winged nation, which has lost its national foundation in the Kanto War and suffered from the war, has gained autonomy beyond the greatest tolerance of a centralized ruler under the rule of General Wang Dongye.

Princess An Xiyan of the old "Wind Wing Kingdom" served as the consul of the special military region. Eighty of the government officials are from Fengyi. The two legions of "Wind Wing" and "Fire Phoenix" in its jurisdiction are basically composed of wind wing people and enjoy the same status as the subjects of the dynasty as the people who have lost the people of the country. Treatment and so on, it can be said that in addition to the reputation of an independent country, winged people enjoy the same or even better life and freedom as their subjects of other countries.

However, the winged man still chose to rebel and deviate, which will deeply hurt the dignity of General Wang Dongye!

"Hasn't the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received any updated or in-depth information?" The words of the finance minister Yuyu girl made the carriage basically full of dynastic officials belonging to civil servants, and they all turned their eyes to Ms. Ivy, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The source of information of the dynasty is naturally a plural route, mainly including the "Comprehensive Coordination of Resources and Intelligence" under the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs", the "Special Military Intelligence Section" under the Operations Bureau of the headquarters command department, the "National Security Bureau" of the Wolf Tooth Secret Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the "Second Department of Foreign Affairs Police" belonging to the Armed Police Headquarters. . Compared with these four most well-known dynastic intelligence agencies, the intelligence coordination office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which has always been extremely low-key in diplomacy, has not performed well. In this windwing rebellion, the work of intelligence agencies has obviously been lost. Although it is not a family fault, as the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Ivy will inevitably be involved in the involvement.

"The latest news from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the main brain of the windwing rebels is Min Xiang's minister of the old kingdom. When Prince An Shangyan, the 12th brother, went out of the city to hunt, the secret subordinates picked up Prince An Shangyan and returned to China. In addition, some shaman officers were found to appear in the wind wing. Among the garrison, this matter should also be directly related to the Holy See. Ivy cautiously replied to her colleagues.

"The king is still too kind to the windwingers, and there will be today's chaos." A certain field's generosity to the wind wing has long been criticized by many imperial ministers, but when it really happened, only a qualified old minister like the Prime Minister of State Vishamon dared to speak bluntly about this kind of untimely backfire.

"You adults don't understand what I mean. The eleventh princess An Xiyan, the consul, is more popular than the little brother; however, the eleventh princess did not appear in public, or even appear at the coronation ceremony of the little prince An Xiyan. Can't this remind you of something? Compared with the profound political conspiracy, the dynasty officials mentioned by Foreign Minister Ivy have more or less guessed what their colleagues mean.

"Eleventh Princess An Xiyan is a very wise girl. She should be very clear about how such a reckless behavior will attract the anger of His Royal Highness the General King, so-" The words of the head of the Minister of the Ministry of Affairs, Yuyu, seemed to have been approved by her colleagues: "I think it should be just those dreams. The old people in the country are daydreaming with the twelve brothers, Prince An Shangyan, as their puppets, right? At least, it is true that the 14th Princess Angel, the military chief officer of the military region, did not agree with the rebellion. The king's anger should be slightly reduced. Originally, whether it is the suppression division or the mobilization of armed police, the rebellion will soon be pacified.

"There is no doubt that the rebellion will be suppressed, but you, we can't let the bloody little guys of the military to incite His Royal Highness the General to use unbridled force. After all, the wind wings are the unity of my dynasty. If there is too much loss, it is also the loss of our dynasty as a whole."

The words of the political minister Vishamen were approved by the officials present.

The dynasty established the country with martial arts. Fortunately, the general Wang Dongye was a man who only knew how to wave a big stick, which made the current civilian status balanced with the strong military officer group. From the perspective of politics and metallurgy, this is also a great opportunity to enhance its influence in front of the throne of the general.

The sound of the cable car touching iron colliding on the hook is particularly loud in the quiet. Due to the rebellion of the wind wings, the already very strict guards of the "Wolf Castle" have been strengthened several times. Some heavy armored cavalry and rose women's army belonging to the 1st and 12th Divisions wearing combat armor can be seen everywhere.

Several people have arrived in the castle conference hall. Corresponding to the officials who arrived later, these are all senior generals of the dynasty army with the rank of generals, among which the military minister Yang Shu, the highest military minister, looks particularly ugly.

According to the routine regulations, the female major of the imperial secretarial office recorded the senior military and political personnel of the dynasty who attended the meeting: Minister of State Affairs, Pishamen; Minister of Military Affairs Yang Shu; Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivy; Minister of Internal Affairs Wen Si; Minister of Finance Yuyu; Minister of Justice Zhu Luo; Minister of Civil Affairs Gu Xiaodao; Minister of Ceremonies Sha Li; Wu; Wu An Zitong, the second princess of the police chief; An Muxi, the fifth princess, the chief secretary of the secret room.

An Tianyi, the indispensable queen of the Chamber of Commerce, who attended the imperial meeting on weekdays, did not attend the emergency meeting that night; it is reported that the Empress of the West Palace left the "Wolf City" and went to Tianyi Harbor, the important town of the Chamber of Commerce, many days ago.

At the same time, the person who did not attend the meeting is the owner of this room, which belongs to the throne of General Andongye, and the important ministers under his command gather in time and space.

The ministers of the dynasty looked at each other in consterance, which is almost impossible. Although that guy is stubborn and indulgent, he can act tirelessly in government affairs.

Sitting at the top of their seats, everyone thought about the views of the organization while waiting for the arrival of the king. However, nearly an hour passed, and there was still no movement behind the curtain leading to the throne.

-Is there something wrong?

At the same time, everyone's eyes turned to the fish girl, the beautiful woman who had an unusually close relationship with Wang Shang and was like her sister and brother. A fish, which has attracted the attention of many colleagues, is embarrassed and deeply worried about his brother.