Wolf Empire

0283 It's hard to distinguish between the enemy and me

"A man of the eye! It's simply arrogant! These damn police dogs. I must sue General Xilou, for sure!"

The deputy general and the guards watched the direct commander Sha Qi's command push the door angrily and entered, and did not dare to say much. They carefully followed the officer back to the exclusive lounge of the "Sianwolf Pass" commander.

The luxurious room full of Mobei's exotic customs almost makes people forget that this place is still a military border; only when he returned here did the owner of the room tear off his calm face to cover up his flattery and cursed.

The fierce roar only lasted for a while, like a deflated ball. Major General Shaman's "Sianlang Pass" commanded by the Holy See. He knew that he had been humiliated, but he could only secretly gritt his teeth and swallow it. There is no reason. Those armed policemen of the Holy See with a skeleton mark on their collars want to get rid of one of his external attached major generals, which is just a small matter of going to the "Internal Affairs Office" to make up for a formality afterwards.

Lieutenant General Chang'an Xiaojie, the general staff of the Holy See Armed Police Force, took over the command of Sirius Pass at this time. One of the three powerful ministers of the Holy See, under the command of Lord Yuanbei Gu, the Minister of the Interior, directly commanded more than 300,000 armed policemen. It was this female police officer wearing single-lens, tall and cold-eyed police officers.

There is also a senior general of the armed police who accompanied the police and secretly took Mr. An Xiaojie to the front line of the Sirius Pass. He was the commander of the first column of the secret police column. The police force led by him is still following up in the rear. According to the unique establishment of the Holy See, a secret police column is equivalent to a newly formed regular army of the Holy See, with about 55,000 soldiers.

Although the border army of the Holy See's "Sianlang Pass" directly obeyed the order of the Holy See's "Ministry of Military Affairs", in the establishment of the Holy See, Shaqi belonged to the Tang Feng and generals of the original Eastern and Western armies.

Tang Feng and the general were originally listed as General Dingxi, one of the four town-side generals of the Holy See. At the same time, the young army commander is also one of the three powerful ministers of the Holy See and the eldest son of the military marshal Tang Shu.

Under the strong insultice of the "Xilou Consortium" Gu's uncle and nephew, the "Dingxi Army" was the main force to fight against the barbarians on the sea. This foreign war was not a battle by the Holy See for its own interests, but a private war launched by the son of a young marshal for personal martial arts and wealth.

After the landing of the "Western Army", it defeated the indigenous coalition forces of the islands and wiped out the resistance forces. At this point, the Canglang Musashi royal family could only shrink in the remaining isolated island territory and panicked all day long until the two sides signed an unequal armistice agreement.

In this inhuman war, Tang Feng and his half-brother Antonye cooperated closely in each other's practical interests.

According to the investigation of the "Business Administration" and the " anti-private office" under Wang Lei of the Holy See's "Ministry of Finance", and in accordance with the decree secretly issued by the Central Committee to impose economic sanctions and material embargoes on the Kanto region, the immortal dynasty can in fact still obtain the materials and raw materials it needs from specific channels, and this loophole is pointed out It is in the city of Galo.

The investigation had to stop before touching the core. The two guys involved in the case, one had a tough back and no one dared to ask, and the other was already self-respecting and lawless.

After that, Gu Xilou went through a series of meticulous arrangements and finally took Tang Feng and became the new partner of the dynasty. Gu Xilou, as an intermediary, is naturally very clear. With the mutual exchange between the two sides, he himself has to obtain no less than 10 million gold coins from the transfer of this material every year, which is dozens of times the military fee issued by the Holy See.

Because of this, Major General Shaqi was hesitant about being forced to submit to the armed police leader to participate in the "battle of the sky". On the one hand, he did not receive instructions from the "Western Army", and he always obeyed honestly to climb to his current position. On the other hand, he was afraid that the war might harm the pond fish. On which side, it is just a small matter like a mung bean to cause him to die in the desert.

"Hasn't Dingxi called back yet?" Shaqi looked at his adjutant Sha Mastiff and asked.

"Not yet. However-" The adjutant Sha Mastiff stopped talking, and finally continued to say under the officer's eyes, "General, the subordinate general thinks that Dingxi, that is, Lord Gu, has not responded. In fact, Lord Gu's meaning is actually very clear."

"Oh, do you mean that General Gu Xilou already knows about our situation here?" Shaqi came down quietly.

"General, think about it, it's okay to be someone else. Andongye is not easy to get with. Lord Gu doesn't want to give people a handle if he doesn't say anything. We just need to obey orders, so that no one can blame you." The adjutant Sha Mastiff, who was also a general of Mobei, said carefully.

"Hmm, hmm." He pretended to think and took two steps back and forth in the room. The brain, which was used to calculating personal income, could not think of a better way. Finally, Shaqi decided to say, "You immediately hand over this order to the fort. Remember, this is top secret! Be sure to hand it to Colonel Sandfish and ask him to sign for it and bring it back. Colonel Shayu, the commander of the artillery regiment, is another confidant in the army in addition to Lieutenant Colonel Sha Mastiff.

As always, he obeyed. Lieutenant Colonel Sha Mastiff left the command room and walked along the passage to the elevator. Several armed police officers strode out of the elevator and left in the face of the active salute of Lieutenant Colonel Sha Mastiff. Covering the flash of anger and sneer in his eyes, Lieutenant Colonel Sha Mastiff walked into the elevator.

The center of the "Sianlang Pass" controls the largest artillery in the fort group, with the lifting platform as the core, and is surrounded by important defense institutions such as power engine rooms, Chengguan command fortresses and groundwater filtration rooms.

The elevator stopped during the ascent. After the border soldiers at the door of the elevator confirmed that there was no abnormality, Lieutenant Colonel Sha Mastiff walked into the control room of a secondary battery.

More than a dozen lieutenant officers have been waiting in the soldier's lounge in the sixth order of the secondary fort. Lieutenant Colonel Sha Mastiff took out the top-secret order from his body and said to a colonel with the highest rank: "The order to the artillery regiment is here, but he did not disclose the specific time of the attack. It is very likely that he does not know."

- Major General Sha Jian will not believe what the officers of the border army directly under this are planning.

"The time for the attack has been obtained, and there are also our people around An Xiaojie's staff. Sure enough, it is the attack coordinates and firing signal regulations for the artillery regiment. Spread out the order and compare it with the signs on it one by one. Colonel Sharon, the head of the battery and host of the meeting, explained the information received from the armed police to his companions present:

"Now the attack troops of the shaman armed police have begun to enter the departure point. Half an hour later, with the heavy firepower of our fort and began to concentrate and suppress the Blackwater camp area as a signal, the two main brigades of the 101st Division of the Shaman Armed Police as the first troops, will grab the beach and cross the river in the fourth and fifth sections respectively, and the other brigade will follow up the river after opening the landing gate.

The shaman armed police force is equivalent to the regular army, and its largest independent combat force is the brigade. This time, the armed police invested 60,000 troops in three elite brigades. Due to the development of troops and the need of secret movements, they mainly launched an offensive with the 101st Division. The first secret police column of the same system still stayed in the rear town 20 miles away from the "Blackwater Special Military Region" of several dynasties. Once the battle begins and the beach landing port is consolidated, the first secret police column will also go to the Black Water to reinforce the friendly army overnight.

First, the scheduled landing port will be suppressed with the heavy firepower of Sirius Pass, and an armed police brigade will quickly cross the river under the cover of artillery fire. Considering the enemy's fire counterattack and resistance, another brigade will secretly cross the river downstream, and the last brigade will serve as the reserve to support the main direction of attack.

The battle plan formulated by the police headquarters of the Shaman Holy See is a completely important part of the overall "Sky Extermination Plan" implemented by the police leader Yuan. All the steps and details are not perfect. However, the "dark part" of the wolf teeth secret police penetrates, making This military operation has been overshadowed by failure from the beginning.

Inside the "Sianlang Pass" border army, and even the shaman armed police, there are a large number of middle and low-level lieutenants and police officers, who were corrupted, pulled over and rebelled by the "dark" personnel of the wolves, and became members of the secret front of the dynasty. Sharon and the sand mastiff are just the tip of the iceberg.

"The groundwater filtration room has been taken over and controlled by armed police, and the poisoning plan is no longer possible."

"If anesthetic gas is used through ventilation pipes, it will be much more difficult for us to move. Moreover, there are air filtration equipment in the lowest floor and each secondary fort control room. It seems that we can only seize it by force."

"Most of the first, fourth and fifth forts are controlled by ourselves. We don't have many other forts, but at least 70 or 80 people, a little less, but enough."

For the latent officers of the dynasty who participated in the secret rally, you review the final action plan, and the final decision is handed over to Colonel Sharon, the head of the station. Returning the order to the changed content to Lieutenant Colonel Sha Mastiff, Colonel Sharon scanned the officers present and said, "Many people know each other's identity today. In order to identify themselves, the 'dark' personnel of our dynasty brought a white towel on their left arm. Everyone, everyone, long live General Wang of Andongye!"

"Hang Long live General Andongye!" Everyone shouted in a low voice.