Wolf Empire

0284 Sirius roaring moon

The young dynasty soldiers put the bayonet on the fixed rod of the gun, and then removed it. In the oppression before the war, their nervous faces were full of uneasiness.

"Bastard, put it away and install it will affect the accuracy of shooting." The sergeant took the special bayonet of the wolf tooth empire from the hands of the soldiers and helped him put it back into the knife sleeve. Although it is not a very dangerous move, it will unconsciously bring instability to others. Compared with these soldiers who have only worn military uniforms for more than a year, the sergeant who is not a few years older can already be said to be veterans.

In the quiet woods, there is almost no sound except the low sound of night insects. Less than 100 meters forward, there is an open space with only the remaining tree stumps cut down by man. A river that can be crossed on foot slowly flows through the river washed out naturally. On the other side of this nameless river is the "Saman Holy See" "The controlled area.

In the sight of glasses, a straiter climbed up the bank from the river. He grabbed the grass on the bank and gasped.

Two dynasty soldiers who had been watching for a long time rushed out of the covered pit and fell to the ground with a passer who climbed up from the river. The cold blade of the sergeant clung to the skin of the passerker, and in a hurry, the latter who climbed up the bank from the river shouted:

"Hang Long live General Wang."

Two dynastic soldiers stared at the rapid-breathing prisoner in surprise and heard the latter gasp and said, "I am a member of the 'Dark Department'. Are you the 'Spirit Snake Legion'? Take me to see your supreme officer immediately. It's about the war. Hurry up!"

The military force of the dynasty on the front line of the "Black Water River" is the main force under the establishment of the Black Water Special Military Region. In those years, Antonye led millions of wolves into Kanto. In fact, as the wolves entered the northeast mainland, there was also a miscellaneous army composed of gangs, which was the predecessor of the "Snake Spirit Legion". This miscellaneous army with most of the "Galo" city gangsters as the backbone has become It is a huge military group with a combat power of about 2 million.

The eighth brother An Mochen, a young gangster, resolutely gave up being king under the "Galo" and had a good future for the gang. He led his subordinates to follow his father Wang Andongye into Kanto to fight in all directions. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the hardships and dangers between them. All the hardships are rewarded. General Wang Dongye He is a nostalgic person, especially for those old people who still don't leave at the most dangerous times.

After layers of cross-examination, the "dark" member who had changed his clean clothes finally saw the eighth brother of the dynasty who was given a high position in the dynasty.

Luxury life is the common impression of the eighth prince in the world, and the "Supervision Office" under the "Security Bureau" of the dynasty has impeached his misconduct as a prince in front of the king for this reason. Although the general Wang himself ruled the dynasty above 10,000 people, it is well known that he is very simple in personal use and life. According to the officials of the "Supervision Office", other royal officials, especially military generals, should not be too extravagant.

The biggest example is that the Eight Prince, who lost two million military volumes in the most famous casino of "Wolf City" overnight during his debriefing. After listening to the report, General Andongye just asked faintly: "Is there any evidence that the money came from bribery and corruption?" Under the careful and thorough investigation of the "Supervision Office", it is still impossible to prove that the source of these money is unknown. After getting a negative answer, General Wang Dongye said, "Everyone has their own preferences, don't they?"

At this time, the eighth brother An Mochen was taking off a ring with a huge diamond from his finger. Somehow, the members of the "dark part" felt that when the ring was taken off, a sharp cold light shot out of the wearer's eyes.

The note taken from the waterproof bag was handed over to the six princess An Yichen and read the voice word by word: "With the beginning of the shelling of the city gate fort as a signal, a brigade of the 601 division of the enemy armed police will begin to cross the river; another brigade will cross the river downstream at the same time. Our lurking personnel will seize the control of the city gate according to the instructions of the original superiors, with a white towel wrapped around the left arm, and the password 'Sianwolf' and 'Xiaoyue'.

motioned the soldier to take the messenger down to rest. The sixth princess An Yichen said seriously to her brother, "Brother, it seems that the armed police of the Holy See want to do both in the light and the dark."

"Well, at least that woman An Xiaojie is also the chief of staff of the Holy See police, with at least two brushes. More than this, I was more surprised by the chess piece buried by my father early. The eighth brother An Mochen narrowed his eyes and said.

"I heard that the father's mind is becoming more and more unpredictable, and he also spoils the 'secret part' very much. I'm afraid that we children are--" The words of the sixth princess An Yichen were interrupted by her brother:

"Enough, sister. What to say or not to say, you have to be measured. Without my father, our brother and sister would have been hacked to death on the street of 'Galo' by the snake boss two morning.

An Mochen, the eighth brother, stared at Nai Mei fiercely and said, "My father still trusts and is quite generous to our old departments, so at present, we only need to obey orders and do what we should do."

Spread out the map on the table, and some staff officers had already put the newly obtained intelligence signs on the map. The defensive position of a brigade on the north bank of the "Black Water River" was obviously not enough to suppress the attack of the two brigades of the Holy See armed police in the upcoming war.

An Mochen, the eighth brother, pointed to the map and said, "Order the Special First Division and the Special Seventh Division to immediately reinforce this area, and the enemy will attack it halfway and hand over the artillery regiment directly under the military region to them."

The Imperial Blackwater Special Military Region has 13 divisions and six independent brigades, with a total strength of about 1.8 million. However, 80% of the irregular strength of slaves and exiles, not only other brotherly troops laughed secretly, but even the officers and soldiers of the military region also laughed at the river reclamation engineering units that were second-line. It is also based on this information that the Holy See's armed police force has absolute confidence to defeat the front-line troops of the unnamed dynasty "Blackwater River" under a frontal attack.

Some eight also had some ideas, and he knew that his birth was a dirty disease. My father has every reason not to believe in such a non-main force with former gang members as the backbone, but this idea proved to be a mistake.

After the establishment of the dynasty, the special division and the special seventh division were respectively, full of personnel, with a total of 80 tank fighting vehicles and nearly 600 armored vehicles. The armored division with a total strength of 57,000 people was enriched under the command of the Eighth Brother, which made the strength of the "Blackwater Special Military Region" leap forward.

At this moment, in the Sirius Pass, the "dark" lurking personnel of the dynasty planning to seize the fortress have gathered. They put the pre-prepared compression bottles containing anesthetic gas in the ventilation duct inside the turret. In the whole turret, except for the well-prepared people and a small number of Pontifical border soldiers who were instigated, most of the border army officers crooked into the realm of sleep.

The "dark" latent personnel wearing gas masks first closed the upper channel of the fortress to contact the outside world, so that the troops arranged by the Holy See's armed police on the periphery will not be able to immediately support the friendly forces in the fort after receiving the change.

Then, led by Colonel Sharon, more than 100 lurking personnel were divided into ten combat teams to control nine secondary forts and main forts respectively.

The officers and soldiers on duty in the attacked fort control room have felt that something has happened, but they can't get the specific situation through the internal telephone exchange controlled by the "dark" lurking personnel of the dynasty. When the gate should be opened and the attack team rushed in, in the face of the black muzzle, the current affairs are old. He raised his hand honestly.

General Sha Xiao, the commander of Chengguan, was arrested in his own lounge. When Sha Jian looked at his familiar subordinate Sha Mastiff pointing the muzzle at him, he was already scared out of his soul. After a moment of silence, he had no choice but to hand over his gun.

The battle to capture the bottom floor was the most fierce. What remained on this floor was a group of 50 members of the Chief of Staff of the Holy See and more than a dozen police officers. They threatened the border military officers and soldiers on duty at the former city gate on the last floor picked up their weapons and got stuck in the elevator to resist.

When this situation was fed back to the main fort of the temporary command center of the dynasty, Colonel Sharon, the head of the headquarters, decisively ordered that communication would be cut off and the armed police leader guard trapped at the bottom level; the headquarters of the first column of the secret police in the Sirius Pass may have sensed the loss of contact with the fort. Often, the "Wolf Xiaoyue" operation must start immediately.

Under Sharon's order, the ten cannons of the Sirius Pass roared at the night sky at the same time. The shells accurately hit the coordinates that had already been determined and landed on the head of a brigade of the 601st Division of the Holy See armed police gathered in the river crossing area.

The power generated by the shells was unimaginable by ordinary people. Hidden at the ferry, one battalion of the overly concentrated armed police forces of the Holy See completely lost its combat effectiveness in the first strike.

As soon as the Holy See's armed police force was confused under the bombardment of the huge artillery, it was hit more intensively. For a moment, the bombed people turned over and fled, ignoring the orders of the officers. The second heavy shelling came from the first dynastic armored division on the north bank of the "Blackwater River" and its subordinates. The artillery regiment directly under the district also did not hesitate to pour bombs on the enemy on the other side of the hidden position.

"Wolfs, go out--" The order of An Mochen, the eighth brother, flowed in the ears of the commanders of the dynasties, and the special one and special seven amphibious combat tanks began to cross the rapid river.