Wolf Empire

0287 make a comeback

On this night of lightning, thunder, wind and rain, His Majesty the Emperor of the "Canglang Empire" Musashi passed away from the world in the fear of internal and external troubles.

The whole country mourns, and the three armies are always there. Forty-seven concubines and concubines under the royal queen killed and buried themselves.

Due to the rapid decline of the military hegemony of the "Canglang Empire" in mainland countries, few foreign dignitaries have come to "Tianjing Island" to attend the emperor's funeral; domestic military, political and business leaders, such as Chen Long, the armed naval minister, and Kudo Takexun, known as the "Tiger of the Army", are rarely made public. Yoshino, the air minister, Hasegawa, the ninth master of the "Shadow Blade", and the "Black Club" gang tycoon Heihei Man, etc., who appeared on the occasion, were all absent.

Princess Musashi, who answered the ceremony at the funeral, wore filial clothes, white flowers on her temples, her jade face was reduced, and her tears were like wet wipes, which was pitiful.

His Royal Highness Prince Musashi Fuji of the imperial family still failed to catch up with his father's funeral. When Hideki Asano protected Prince Fuji and his party, who had been redeemed with a lot of money, and the boat kept rushing back to his home island, His Majesty had been buried for more than half a month.

Prince Musashi Fuji, who received a series of failures and major blows, finally couldn't stand the violent stimulation, became insane, and became a moody idiot. After the consultation and treatment of the royal medical team, it was concluded that His Royal Highness had lost his normal human thinking and could not complete the task of inheriting the crown prince.

The three marshals of the empire negotiated urgently. Two days later, the eldest princess Masashi issued a separate statement and elected her as the queen of the empire. More than 40 members of the "presbyterian" who held objections were all arrested and imprisoned by the "Tianjing" city military police who rushed into the venue at the opposition rally. After that, the "Tianjing" city police chief, who presided over the arrest of "traitors and lawbreakers", received a commendation order from the military department and was promoted to three levels.

On the day Queen Lihui ascended the throne, Count Chenyuan, her fiance and the naval commander who returned to Beijing at the same time with Prince Fuji, gave him a prince and state affairs.

The whole island of the empire was immersed in the grief of losing the emperor and the oppressing atmosphere of incomparable hatred for the wolves and their masters. This backlog of negative emotions was finally released after the text of the "Extermination" battle plan learned by Chu Yunmian channels on the other side of the upper layer of the royal family. At the same time, it was quickly passive The military war machine also began to operate at maximum power.

In just five days, 240,000 of 17 divisions of the Land Combat Defense Force were mobilized, as well as all the ships of the Imperial Navy. After the fiasco and blockade of the Kanto continent, the new army created by the empire with the strength of the whole country and the large amount of wealth accumulated by past generations can be said to be the final foundation and hope for the revival of the empire. As the saying goes, "raising soldiers for a thousand days, using troops for a while", if the empire does not grasp the biggest enemy, the split and turbulent gap of the "immmorable dynasty" An regime to regain the lost land territory, I'm afraid there will be no chance to turn over.

As the main force of the first three legions, which served as the main force of the first landing, they have successively boarded large and small ships moored in the military port. In order to organize ships with enough initial strength, not only the transport fleet under the Imperial Navy, but also many private ship owners spontaneously drive ships and are willing to take huge risks. Join the fleet. In any case, the waves are a fine nation with the most national cohesion and cohesion.

In the battle sequence of the Imperial Navy, the battleship "Chenyuan" and the huge steel body of the Prince Chenyuan-class battleship are outstanding among many naval ships. The indestructible hull and the cannon that can tear everything are the living embodiment of the perseverance of the empire.

Her Majesty Princess Musashi personally smashed a bottle of champagne at the bow of the ship to see off the newlywed husbands and soldiers on the expedition, according to the practice of each new ship in the Imperial Navy.

"H Long live the Queen! Long live!! Long live!!!"

In the warm tsunami of the soldiers, Queen Lihui may have tried too hard and saw that her beloved wife's footsteps seemed to be unstable. Prince Chenyuan, the royal military minister, hurried forward to hold her.

In fact, His Royal Highness Prince Chenyuan is completely careless, but he should be more careful about his pregnant fiancee, not to mention the dignity of the queen of a country.

Prince Chenyuan gently held his wife's body and never thought that it was in front of thousands of subjects that he lowered his forehead and listened to the voice of the little life in his beloved wife's womb.

The originally noisy harbor wharf was quiet, as if no one existed.

"Rie, wait for me to come back." Prince Chenyuan kissed the queen's finger, with a few reluctance in his words. As a father, he had to take on the heavy responsibility of the revival of the empire and lead the army to the An Dynasty to recover the lost land. No one knows more about the danger of this war than Prince Chenyuan. The strength of the enemy is an indisputable fact, and his so-called allies cannot be trusted, and the chips in the hands of the empire are only enough for this adventure and gambling.

His Royal Highness Prince Chenyuan pulled out his sword and announced to the subjects present on the other side of the distance: "We will return triumphantly!"

"For the queen! For the empire!" Countless unyielding subjects of the empire burst into fanatical shouts at the same time-


As the imperial fleet was marching, heartbreaking screams suddenly sounded one after another, and explosions in the fleet of ships rose one after another, and almost half of the fleet were dyed red.

After a while, some sailors on the Chenyuan suddenly felt the shaking of the deck under their feet, which was a series of small explosions from the inside the hull.

"What happened?" Prince Chenyuan shouted at the panicked sailors, and the losses reported one after another made the prince's face pale.

The Southern Army Group of the Wolf Empire stationed in Haicheng, two naval legions, dispatched new submarines and took advantage of the cover of the night to dive into the sea of the waves. The flying fish warriors from pirates placed the explosive device they carried on the key parts of the large warship and caused great destruction.

The Dynasty "Flying Fish Legion" is equipped with two submarines with a total of three * launchers, and also quietly floated from the bottom at the same time. At this time, in the face of the Imperial Navy ships that are neatly arranged in the march and can be launched almost regardless of the shooting targets, and the "Flying Fish" diving * boat will carry * all in one breath. The launch itself, the prince's command ship Chenyuan, which has destroyed the key parts of the interior, is also the key object of care, and the last two * straight to the giant ship.

The "flying fish" submersible*boat, which has completed the combat purpose, dared not stop and hurriedly evacuated. Now, except for the tail launch tube, it still retains a shot* and has no ability to counterattack.

Compared with the escape from the dynasty "flying fish" diving * boat, the pain left to the attacked side is indescribable. From the first explosion, the transport ship "Iron Maru" of the Imperial Navy carrying 3200 Imperial Marine soldiers was almost cut into two pieces, and the army soldiers who escaped from death kept struggling on the sea with fire and oil; and the Prince's command ship Chenyuan was also hit on the side side of two * and poured into the water. In less than half an hour, the morale imperial fleet has turned into a sea of cruel fire. Fundamentally, the "shameless" pirate * sneak attack of the An Dynasty was not a big blow to the imperial navy as a whole, but the fact that the Prince's command ship Chenyuan was severely damaged and the serious casualties of thousands of soldiers still hit the morale and will of the whole army.

"The warriors of the empire, it's time to wash away the shame! The whole army has warships, in an attack formation, move forward!" As the royal military minister and the commander of the landing this time, Prince Chenyuan issued an landing attack order with a pale face.

On the coastline, a fiery red-haired "Flying Fish Legion" commander and 16 Princess An Meiliang appeared at the bow of the "Flying Fish" against the sound of the explosion. In the periscope, the vast fleet of the "Canglang Empire" navy did not because of the "flying fish" The submarine retreated with a sneak attack, but aggressively rushed to its own fleet!

The sixteenth princess An Meiliang sighed and ordered the telecommunications soldier, "I'm afraid my father will be unhappy. Power generation to the base camp: vicissitudes have taken action.