Wolf Empire

0286 11 thousand urgent

After An Moran retreated, he handed the folder presented by the head of the secret police at the previous moment to Sister Wang with a trace of vigilance. Looking at it, sweat involuntarily slipped from the forehead of the second princess An Zitong.

The main opponent of the dynasty's secret intelligence agency is the police department controlled by Lord Yuanbei Gu, the Minister of Internal Affairs, one of the three powerful ministers of the Holy See. The open and secret struggle between the two sides is covered by a harmonious battle between the center of the Holy See and the dynasty. As the chief of the armed police of the dynasty, An Zitong recognized the person in the photo at a glance.

- Yuan Zai, the leader of the armed police of the Shamanite, is the top figure that the intelligence organs of the dynasty intends to remove. In contrast, in order to completely subvert the regime of the "indestructible dynasty", this Yuan Zai also does everything in methods; An Zitong, the second princess of the armed police director of the dynasty, naturally hates it. You have to swallow each other.

It is this metaload that actually appeared in the "Wolf City"!!!

The report submitted by the secret police of the "Security Bureau" is very detailed. The armed police leader from "Huadu" entered the "Wolf City" by hiding the dynasty's intelligence system in the name of a businessman. Of course, no one expected that the heavyweight figure would take risks in person. Fortunately, the civilian clothes of the secret police officers inadvertently took this photo during routine surveillance activities.

At the same time, the woman who appeared in contact with the armed police leader of the Holy See was a general of the imperial armed police force, Major General Cui Fang, the commander of the 12th and 25th Division of the "Skull Legion" armed police.

The dynasty armed police force has a total of seven combat divisions, of which the 122 divisions are stationed in the three countries of Southwest Serbia to accept the restraint of the third brother of the Western army. The other five divisions supervise more than 60 prisoner of war concentration camps and forced labor prisons distributed in various provinces and counties respectively. Only the 264th Division, formerly known as the armed police of the Sixth Army of the Holy See, was stationed in the "Wolf City". Its commander Cui Fang, Major and General, are also the cronies of the second princess An Zitong.

If it is in peacetime, this armed police division with 110,000 people is nothing. The "guard army" stationed in the "wolf capital" has 180,000 people, and the urban defense army has 50,000 combat strength. But now the situation is different. During the critical period of the windwing rebellion, the main force of the five Ago An Xiaoyu's imperial guard division with the highest combat effectiveness and loyalty was transferred to the windwing chaos, and the other two guard divisions were still far away to participate in military exercises in the desert, and the number and defense strength of the "wolf capital" have dropped to a closest dangerous historical level. As we all know, the main composition of the "Wolf Capital" city defense army is a general officer from the former Shura Northern Army. The brave national characteristics and unconformity have never died.

As the greatest combat power of the "wolf capital" today, if the 12th Division of the armed police is unstable, it will be even worse for the current dynasty. Moreover, the action worthy of the Lord Yuanzai's personal action will never be a trivial matter.

Wen Si, the leader of the secret police, was too late to get this neglected information, but he still urgently dispatched the Wolf Tooth operation force and immediately presented the information to the new regent princess.

"Zitong has nothing to defend, Sister Wang." The second princess An Zitong returned the document.

General Wang has always followed a simple principle in dealing with the mistakes of his courtiers, that is, if there is merit, he will be rewarded, and if he has done it, he will be punished. Therefore, the second princess, the police chief, An Zitong, knows that no matter what the excuse is, she can't excuse her responsibility as the armed police chief, not to mention that the incident also involves one of her direct trusted subordinates.

If the father did not fall ill, he can still believe that the father remembers the friendship of the past and will not believe that she is suspected of rebellion. However, at this moment, the acting father's ruling on the military and political affairs of the dynasty, and has listened to the report of his sworn adversary, the fat man. Instead of quibble, it is better to take the initiative to take responsibility and retreat for progress.

"You're wrong, second sister, the eldest sister has no intention of blaming you. The second sister is an old minister who followed her father to rise up in difficult times. My sister often hears mention the name of her second sister beside her father. If you can't even trust your second sister, who else can believe here?" An Moran took Nai's hand and said sincerely.

"Zitong is extremely frightened." An Zitong, the second princess of the armed police chief, sincerely bowed in front of her sister.

"Now that the dynasty has reached a dangerous moment of 110,000, all kinds of unfavorable information show that the rebellion of the wind wings may not be accidental and alone. Now that this kind of thing happens again, I have a hunch that something big will happen. Second sister, you must act immediately. Any thing or person that dares to harm the wolves and your father must be firmly eradicated. Her Royal Highness Princess An Moran said excitedly.

"Yes, sister." The second princess An Zitong said awe-inspiringly.

After softening his excited tone, An Moran continued: "I know that the armed police department under the command of the second sister is at peace with the Security Bureau. But in the current situation, you need your sister and Fourth Master Wen to work together to cope with the changes. You are one of the most capable of the more than 30 brothers and sisters in the dynasty. You should understand these truths.

The second princess An Zitong naturally understood what the eldest princess meant. She wanted to temporarily put down her personal grudges and unite with the dead-and-death leader Wen Fatty to eliminate the unfavorable factors and enemies that endangered the existence of wolves, and unify the power of the dynasty intelligence organs in the same direction.

"Don't worry, sister, Zitong knows what to do." An Zitong lowered his head.

"That's fine." An Moran turned his head and ordered the Rose Guard Officer, "Master Wen, please come here. Let's discuss the countermeasures."



In an empty land, armed men of various colors and identities gathered from all directions.

With the passage of time, there are more and more armed men who carry various weapons and speak various languages. Among them, there are shaman police, Canglang warriors, Shura cavalry, sand horse gangs, wind-wing scattered soldiers, and some commercial alliance employees. Ants gathered in Yuntun, and nearly 200,000 people gathered in just half a day. There are a lot of rats eating elephants.

These underground opposition forces, either far or near, hid around the dynastic capital, finally bravely surfaced after a series of conspiracy and instigation. Dozens of hostile forces, large and small, talk to each other and are as lively as a vegetable market. Everyone was nervous and couldn't help waiting for the organizer's speech.

The armed police leaders of the Holy See in the crowd frowned. In the eyes of Yuan Zai and the generals, although there are 18 or 90,000 people of these miscellaneous troops integrated and entangled by themselves, they lack unified command and backward combat effectiveness can only be regarded as a group of mob; but Their life and death Yuanzai does not pay attention to. These people are just his "pawns". Yuanzai does not expect these * to take down the "wolf capital", but as long as they can cause chaos and the elite subordinates placed on the front line of the "Sianwolf Pass", they will have the opportunity to cross the "black water river" when the wolf camp is chaotic. **, replaced by the "Immortal Dynasty". At that time, the northeast mainland will be my original!

"Listen, everyone! The lame Higashino himself can't see things now due to illness. His loyal and powerful 'Guardian Legion' is also suppressing rebellion and Mobei military exercises at this time. There is also an old armed police department of me in the city. Now please tell me loudly that 200,000 of us can take the 'Wolf Capital' city? Yuan Zai did the final pre-war mobilization: "Be louder!"

A lieutenant with gauze on his head stood up and shouted, "Yes!"

In less than a moment, the armed people in the wilderness stood up one by one to echo, and their voices roared: "Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!"

Yuan Zai raised his arm and shouted, "Victory!"

The rebels who unified their will to fight were excited and shouted: "Victory! Victory!! Victory!!!!"