Wolf Empire

0306 Wang Sigou as an official

In the side hall, Queen Shahu stood silently in front of the special mainland map, but her husband Prince Sha Jun stood beside her.

The prince is very familiar with the territorial sign that the queen taps on the map. It is the heart of the "wolf capital" of the "Immortal Dynasty". He only heard his wife say, "Andongye is really a great figure. Whether it is a success or failure, it is just an ideal and action intended to unify the whole continent."

"Does Your Majesty really want to hand over the country?" Prince Sha Jun asked coldly.

"Do we have a better way out?" Queen Shahu smiled and said, "In this 'destroying the sky' plan, so many of our forces have joined hands to deal with the madman, but they not only failed to put him to death as they wished, but also freed him to turn defeat into victory and reverse the overall situation. This person has been defeated by human power."

After a pause, Queen Shahu continued: "What's more, in the battle of 'Wood Eagle Fort', our elites have been lost and we are unable to fight again. I don't want to make the same mistake and turn 'Fox City' into the second 'Wus City' ruins. If it is lowered, it may also protect the wealth and glory of our husband and wife and the lives of a common people-"

"I want to surrender you alone! The feud between the king and the Andongye killing of his father is not the same. My horseman and I will not surrender!" After saying these words angrily, the young Prince Sha Jun didn't look at his wife and took the Changsha Muying, the guardian of Mahu.

With a weak sigh, the Queen of the Spox ordered dejectedly, "Fire Fox Bodyguard, please ask Her Royal Highness Princess An Xiaole, the special envoy of the dynasty, to discuss the specific matters of surrender."


"Grew the salute!"

In the command post of the "Blackwater River" shaman defense position, in the order of An Xiaojie, the commander-in-chief of the armed police front line, and the officers of the Holy See and armed police officers around the long table stood up like springs.

"Guys, take a breath."

The short commander Wang Sigou, who walked into the conference hall, looked majestic, and the medal of the Vice Minister of Military Affairs he wore was of great significance.

Two months ago, His Majesty Baiye Mufeng, the Pope of the Shaman's Papal Dynasty, issued an oracle in the name of the supreme shaman: immediately revoked all positions of the Holy See's "General King of the East", Andongye, and seized his army general rank and all his royal princes and other honors.

From Antonye led the wolves into the territory of Kanto to fight, this self-respecting guy not only swallowed a whale in the northeastern continent, but also broke away from the jurisdiction of the Holy See. Although the central church of the Holy See reached a certain degree of reconciliation with the "Imperial Minister", the hostile relationship between the Holy See and the dynasty has been very clear.

However, even so, in the past, the Central Committee of the Holy See did not openly seize the position of "heavy minister" and left room for work, or adopted a strategy to avoid angering the maniac general with millions of armor and full wings.

The fact that the "Black Water Special Military Region" will defeat the invading police force of the Holy See on the front line of the "Sky Wolf Pass" really shocked the Central Committee of the Holy See. Of course, there are also many people sitting and watching jokes.

Three powerful ministers who once worked together to assist the old Pope Baiye Changqing to jointly establish the Baiye Dynasty. They respectively grasped part of the real power of the Holy See, that is, fighting with each other and supporting each other to maintain the overall operation of the imperial dynasty.

accumulated contacts and strength in the open and secret struggles of the three powerful ministers of the imperial dynasty. The eunuch group led by Empress Dowager Xia, with its orthodox identity of the imperial dynasty, received the allegiance of the shaman state religion and some aristocratic forces, and was divided with the three powerful ministers who controlled most of the military power and the affairs of the Holy Court and internal affairs. The court fought.

The fact that the direct armed police force belonging to the faction of the Minister of the Interior has been severely damaged is obviously what Empress Dowager Xia Zhanmei is happy to see. Even Tang Shu, the military marshal who reached an agreement with Yuan Beigu, the Minister of the Interior and was reassured by the Holy See, cast an indifferent vision to weaken the strength of the ally, which is also in line with the interests of the Grand Marshal Tang family to a certain extent. However, with the police staff chief Chang'an Xiaojie and the retreating police force abandon a large area of the territory of the Holy See, and the wolves are even directly threatening the safety of Huadu, it is obviously not appropriate to look on the wall.

Empress Dowager Xia first reached a political consensus with the three powerful ministers, and the result was to issue a notice to officially seize the military position and honor of Wang Andongye, the "royal son" general.

At the same time, the two sides also paid full attention to the military. Under the order of His Majesty Pope Baiye Mufeng, they immediately mobilized the main force of the newly formed civilian army corps of Wang Sigou, Vice Minister of the "Minister of Military Affairs" to cooperate with the police force.

For various reasons at the beginning of the founding of the dynasty, the main legions formed in the early days of the Holy See were more or less inclined to be out of central control and independent. Among them, the most important of them are naturally the "Eastern Expedition" of Andongye. The second place is the direct legion of the military ministers, which is determined by the eldest son of Marshal Tang Shu. The "Dingxi Army" commanded by Tang Feng was directly exiled overseas.

In view of this, the Baiye royal family took the original guard as the base and formed a new legion with the help of the Wang Xia family. The commander of its legion was the old four kings and four dogs of the Wang Xia family.

Wang Sigou, who was born in the royal branch of the Holy See and has been the deputy envoy of the "Ministry of Military Affairs" for a long time, is mediocre in appearance and short in stature. He is a little less domineering that soldiers should have, and a little more soily taste that belongs to rural farmers.

It will take time for the overall mobilization of the new People's Army Legion, and the Holy See will not let this armed force of the "Huadu" of the imperial capital pour out. A deputy minister who led the legion headquarters to rush to the front line of the black water was not welcomed as expected by the senior generals of the police force.

Although the police force was extremely humiliatingly defeated in the Blackwater Campaign, it was defeated by An Mochen, the eighth brother of the dynasty, and also exposed the "Huadu" to the artillery fire of the rebels. However, as soldiers, the generals of the police force still hope to wash away the shame in person with their own hands, especially now that they have consolidated the Blackwater defense line after receiving reinforcements from the first column of the secret police column, the police leader Yuan Zai and the brigadier general of their brother Yuan!

After briefly formalizing the defense tasks of the troops, Wang Sigou, who was not popular, returned to his camp and rolled around with the singer brought from "Huadu".

Lieutenant General Chang'an Xiaojie, a staff officer of the Holy See police headquarters who is good at collecting information, naturally knows the details of his opponent. Because of this, he was beaten by such a team started by gangsters. He escaped from the front line of the "Wolf Pass" and retreated to the periphery of the Black Water. Such humiliation can only be done with the enemy's blood. Wash.

However, the arrival of Wang Sigou made the second figure of the police force, Chief of General Staff An Xiaojie, reluctantly hand over the command power of the front-line force.

Before that, after her reorganization, the police force and the remnants of the border army retreated to the outer edge of Blackwater, totaling nearly five brigades, not to mention the only secret police reinforcement column, also under her command, and the time was ripe to counterattack. But at the moment when everything was well prepared, the Central Committee of the Holy See actually sent reinforcements. An Mochen, the commander of the wolf group who went deep into the Holy See, is not a fool. He will certainly not sit back and watch the encirclement network of the superior forces of the Holy See. The armored forces led by the "Spirit Snake Legion" and the mobility of the mechanized infantry can be promoted at any time.

If the police force can't wash away the shame of defeat with practical results, they will definitely be severely punished unimaginable by Lord Yuanbei Gu in the future. Every time they think of this, the police and generals can't help staring at the camp of the superiors who are looking for fun not far away-