Wolf Empire

0307 Where's Dad?

Unlike the complex psychology of the police officers of the Holy See, the senior generals of the "Blackwater Special Military Region" of the wolves also have to make a decisive judgment on the next action of the army, but obviously this determination is not good.

The "Black Water Special Military Region", formerly known as a gangster, has always been in the tail position among the military departments of the wolf army. The troops belonging to the "Black Water Special Military Region" stationed on the front line of the "Black Water River" are not even as good as the "Windwing Special Military Region" formed by unreliable wingers in terms of equipment and troop replenishment.

Ordinary soldiers can also be satisfied with a lot of military pay, but many middle and senior officers can't hide their complaints. They also follow the Wolf King to fight in Kanto, but in the end, they are empty.

An Mochen, the commander-in-chief of the "Black Water Special Military Region", did not complain as much as the old brothers under him. The young general, who was about the same age as his loyal father, performed remarkable during the garrison of the "Black Water Special Military Region". Although he was relatively luxurious in his personal life, even if the means were dense. The "dark" secret police can't find their corruption or bribery.

As part of the Shaman's "Plan to Destroy the Sky", the Holy See police force attacked the Dynasty Black Water Military Region. Before the war, it was enriched to the front line, including the most effective armored brigade and mechanized infantry brigade in the wolf army, making the Blackwater Army become the main force of the wolf army. The black water army with open its secret fangs, with the cooperation of the "dark" undercover agent, made the Holy See police force who underestimate the enemy suffer a painful loss, and was expelled from the "Wolf Pass" all the way to the foot of the imperial capital "Huadu".

In fact, I didn't expect that the Holy See police force would give up a large area of territory so simply. An Mochen, the eighth brother who chased him outside the defense circle of the imperial capital, was faced with a great **, that is, a direct attack on "Huadu"!

- And this achievement will be beyond the reach of any wolf army. Even if his brothers, the four brothers who have followed his father for the longest time and the four hard-working brothers "Lion, Wolf, Tiger and Dragon" can't be taken care of it!

In the gap between the Blackwater Army waiting for the follow-up troops, the Holy See police force received reinforcements from the first column of the secret police and had consolidated the information on the front line outside the Blackwater, finally making the generals of the wolf group Blackwater Military Region realize that the best time had passed.

While the wolf generals were in a dilemma, the military department once again received a strict order from the regent Princess An Moran from the "wolf group" of the wolf group base camp: the troops belonging to the "Black Water Special Military Region" immediately left the hinterland of the Holy See and returned to the front line of the "Sky Wolf Pass" to consolidate the defense line. Those who violate the order will be severely punished by military law!

A spiritual snake backbone who fought with the eighth brother An Mochen in the early years, and today's veteran Black Water Army officer said disdainfully, "Well, if it hadn't been for the favor of His Royal Highness the Great General Wang, how could it not be a little girl like An Moran to point fingers at us?"

"Shut up!" Chang'an Mochen, a soldier who had been closing his eyes on his seat, suddenly became angry: "Who dares to say such nonsense, I will sew up his mouth!"

The officers were all horrified, and the colleague's speech was indeed very careless. After all, the name of Her Royal Highness the Regent was not something that rude officers like them could call directly, not to mention the ** topic of Wang Shang's private life.

At this time, the guard on duty reported: "The 'Dark Department' secret police intelligence officer has an emergency military intelligence report." Like all regular army generals, the eighth brother An Mochen is as disgusted with these guys who are working in secret, but the "dark" secret police have a huge intelligence network in the Holy See, which is comparable to a local snake, which is extremely needed by some eight.

The information of the "Dark Department" secret police officer is very important: the Central Committee of the Holy See decided to mobilize the main force of the Royal Guard of the First Legion guarding the imperial capital "Huadu" to reinforce the Blackwater, which means that the front of the wolves will not only be the five brigades of the Holy See police force and the new civilian army that have been in place, but also may also Deeply trapped in the siege of the enemy.

The armor of the "Blackwater Special Military Region" received an order to retreat from the military on that night. At the same time, the armored brigade will serve as the defenders of the whole army to cover the safe departure of the army's direct forces and main forces from the shaman border; then, the mechanized infantry brigade that went deep into the forefront of the Holy See also received a message of the emergency withdrawal of the military.

The two front-line major commanders have been assigned to the Black Water Army for a short time and are incompatible with the Spirit Snake Force. However, as soldiers, it is a natural duty to obey orders, and the two major generals began to execute the orders of the Eighth Brother An Mochen, the direct commander.

The major commander in charge of breaking the rear armored brigade has only one concern: that is, the first column of the secret police, which is not bad in combat effectiveness.

The two troops had a brief battle a few days ago, and a company of the main tank regiment of unprotected wolves engaged fiercely with three times the number of shaman armored troops. The wolves lost a rescue tank of 13 tanks, and this small victory must have given Yuan a certain self-confidence.

The speed of this secret police armored column must be delayed, otherwise, the main force of the retreating military region is likely to be contained. The road out of the territory of the Holy See will not be as calm as during the invasion, and the garrison of the Holy See must be a strict order to block the Black Water Army in Huadu.

The major general measures the strength at hand, but he still has a special trump card in his hand. Now he just needs to decide where the battlefield is.

The big step retreat of the Blackwater Army finally stimulated the police force of the Holy See. The chief of staff of An Xiaojie, who wanted to be ashamed, refused the strict order of the new front-line commander and deputy military minister Wang Sigou. When the troops of the legion had not yet reached the flank, he pursued the armored forces of the first column of the secret police as the lead.

The armored brigade of the Wolf Blackwater Army as a guard fought and retreated, completely losing the edge of the earlier attack. However, with its mobility, it can always break away from the siege of the Holy See's police force and the circuitous obstruction of its armored column at a moment.

Three days later, in order to chase the enemy, the first column of the secret police, under the command of its commander, Brigadier General Yuan, arranged several columns in the dark to pass through the slope outside the village. According to the practice of defending against enemy attacks at night, he sent flanking soldiers in both avant-back and defenders.

The darkness greatly limited the movement and pursuit ability of the secret police armored forces. Although it may lose the pursuit of enemy guards, the cautious Brigadier General still ordered the columns to strictly implement various controls.

The first round of shelling came from the darkness. Some of the tanks hit by the shells were blown into pieces, and some slowly pressed into the inertia before the attack into the roadside ditch. The secret police infantry, who had been riding on the tank, pounced on the flames and screamed loudly.

"It's not good! Enemy attack!"

Search for the enemy! Hurry up!"

The secret police armored forces that suffered a sudden attack immediately carried out fire suppression in all possible directions, but when the target could not be seen clearly in the dark, the tank commander and gunners could only rely on intuitive orders to fire; at this time, the second round of shelling destroyed four tanks again. This time, the secret police force finally noticed the instantaneous flash when the other party did not fire at all.

"Fighting flares! Catch up!! Kill them all!!!" Brigadier General Yuan, who was hit in the arm by the enemy's artillery shrapnel, roared crazily.

"The brigade headquarters called each regiment to leave the battle and go to an ambush point." The wolf army blocked the mission commander and the major general of the armored brigade ordered the subordinate armored regiments to leave the battle and go to the next scheduled ambush point.

The half-track command vehicle equipped with infrared searchlights put away valuable equipment and disappeared into the dark night with five escort tanks-

After dawn, when Chang'an Xiaojie, a staff officer of the Holy See Police Headquarters, arrived, he saw the wreckage of a square chariot and a piece of fragmented and vague secret police corpse, as well as a colleague Brigadier General Yuan with a broken arm.

Under the full response of An Yichen, the sixth princess of the dynasty who stayed behind at the Sirius Pass, and the Shahi, the Shahi, the eighth brother An Mochen, who ventured into the hinterland of the Holy See, successfully broke away from the heavy encirclement of the shaman army and safely withdrew to the defense area of the wolves.

The war report co-signed by An Mochen, the eighth brother and the sixth princess An Yichen, reported to the wolf base camp through the channels of the "dark" secret police. In the report, the eighth brother asked for his own recklessness in this battle, and for the commander of the armored brigade, a group of lurking personnel and a group of lurking personnel and generals. Sha Qi and others asked for credit.

However, in the "Wolf City" receipt, he still didn't see the signature of his father, General Wang An Dongye. He has not returned to the base camp, nor is he in Fengyi. Where did his father go?