Wolf Empire

0309 Battle of the East


The quarrelsome civilian general under the throne turned pale in an instant, and the crown rolled down the steps was finally held in his hand by the fast-moving servant Arthur.

Peter II was puzzled to feel the unspeakable debate in the world of adults. The lengthy meeting was undoubtedly impatient and puzzled for the three-year-old imperial emperor. At this time, the sleepiness of a normal child had quietly dominated this small noble body.

With the sign of Her Majesty Serena, the supreme empress dowager of the empire next to the throne, a court lady quickly came forward and picked up the emperor's small body from the throne and left the hall.

The young emperor can naturally get rid of the responsibilities and obligations he does not understand, but the imperial ministers do not have this blessing. Finally, after a heated argument with each other, the ministers turned their eyes to Her Majesty Serena, the young woman and imperial regent sitting next to the throne.

"Your Majesty the Empress Dowager, please." Arthur, the chief of the palace, expressed the meaning of all the imperial subjects.

Her Majesty Serena, the empress dowager of the "Sura Empire", even with such a noble status, the empress dowager of the empire is still a 36-year-old widow.

In the ancient history, there were also extraordinary talents and determined to support the national body in a similar position at the time of storm. But obviously, such a comment will never appear on the young Empress Dowager Serena. In addition to paying all his attention to her little idiot child, the empress dowager is at a loss about the so-called military and political affairs. Not to talk about making a ruling that is beneficial and wise to the empire under the current situation, but the rules of the imperial state have forced a group of ministers to ask for adjudication in the face of disputes.

Now, the two major problems facing the emperors and ministers of the empire not only consciously broke through the boundaries that they had been holding; the sworn enemies of the empire and the Eastern rebel army, unified by the shameful usurper Dorazha, broke through the imperial defense line with strict defense of the empire, and the soldiers pointed directly to the imperial capital "Rasha City".

It is not that Pi Liuli of the Imperial Military Command has not considered the possibility of the ability of the rebels in the East to break through the defense line. In fact, the rigor in this national character has already drawn up a variety of corresponding plans and counterattack plans. Therefore, according to the plan of the Imperial Command, even if it is the rebel's eastern defense line, it can still mobilise the reserve of the command and other troops from the rear to resolutely defeat the enemy.

Under normal circumstances, the front line of "Rasha City" also has at least one new "Asura" armored combat group, the Court Guard and four elite defense divisions under the National Defense Reserve Army.

However, the sudden offensive launched by the wolves at this time disrupted the meticulous plan of the whole process. In order to resist the fierce front of the wolves, including the armored combat cluster directly under the command, three reserve elite national defense divisions, with a total of 180,000 combat strength, were restrained on the battlefield on the western front. Therefore, the eastern front When it was in a stalemate, only one division and two temporarily formed second-line divisions could be transferred from the court guards to the eastern battlefield.

It has always been a taboo for soldiers to fight on two fronts at the same time. However, at this time, the imperial army had no extra troops to mobilize. What was fatal was that the wolves had killed the imperial capital like divine soldiers, as if they were echoing the Eastern rebels. One of its "war lions" suddenly captured the surrounding castle in the early hours of this morning.

This defensive castle not only serves as a guarantee for the imperial capital, but also serves as the only way for the front-line troops to retreat back to the capital. Moreover, the wolves and lions have shown signs of deep penetration into the inner city of the imperial capital.

Pi Liuli, the main responsible person who indirectly caused the danger of the empire, was criticized by other noble ministers. The shirk and abuse unfolded among the subordinates of different factions, and one of the main focuses of the debate is whether to negotiate with the "immmorable dynasty".

But in the simple equation of two minus one, this is undoubtedly the only choice, as General Astelo, the commander of the palace's personal defense, said: "Your Majesty, with the honor of Your Majesty the Great Emperor, there is absolutely no possibility of compromise and peace between our empire and the rebels in the East, which is absolutely impossible to change."

The commander of the Imperial Guard, who was holding heavy troops at this time, was also an important minister of the former dynasty, and was deeply trusted by Her Majesty the Empress Dowager Serena. A few subordinates who proposed to launch diplomatic means with the Eastern Army to stop the conflict.

"Your Majesty, please summon the special envoy of the dynasty immediately. If you want to save the empire from danger, you must turn enemies into friends with the wolves." Pi Liuli said loudly.

"But will the wolves agree easily?" Arthur whispered.

As long as the Second Army of Wolves stops military operations, even the imperial army, which is more depleted in the battle on two fronts, can have enough troops to counterattack the rebels entering the eastern front.

"No matter how big the concessions are made, they will not hesitate." General Astelo reiterated loudly, "Do you think that the current empire still has time to bargain?"

It was this sentence that touched the Empress Dowager Serena, who had been silent, so the feather girl came from the smoke-filled battlefield to the dangerous Shura imperial capital.

Due to the sudden subtle hostile relationship, the residences of the undead knights who escorted Serena's mother and son and ministers back to China were temporarily firmly surrounded by a battalion sent by the Imperial Guards in the name of protecting security, but in addition to freedom of movement, other aspects still maintained proper etiquette. Rainstone is also happy to eat and drink, and sleep soundly.

"Sir, Your Majesty the Empress Dowager, would like to ask you to enter the palace to discuss something important." When the messenger brought the residence of the Order to convey the will of the Empress Dowager, Rainstone was making fun of a slightly fat witch who came to visit.

"It seems that the situation has changed." The feather girl smiled confidently.

Or because of the approaching of the Eastern rebels, there are few people on the streets of Rasha City, which is completely different from the fanatical scene when Empress Dowager Selinda returned with Peter II a few days ago.

To the surprise of the feather girl, this summons and its purpose have obviously reached a high degree of consensus within the Shura court. Leaving aside the due diplomatic procedures, the hall was full of imperial subjects.

"Your Majesty the Empress Dowager." The young Peter II did not appear on the throne, and the feather girl saluted the familiar woman sitting next to the throne.

"Hello, long time no see, sister Yuqi." During the stay of the "Wolf City", the Empress Dowager Serena, who had had many contacts with the dark wizard, had a great crush on her.

The feather girl expressed her gratitude again. Immediately, after a short silence, Her Majesty the Empress Dowager Serena opened the topic and said, "Miss Yuqi, time is waiting for no one. Let's discuss the specific matters of alliance cooperation about the current situation of Shura."

After two hours of fierce bargaining, both sides made corresponding concessions, reached a preliminary unified opinion, and implemented it on paper and pen documents.

In terms of the whole contract, it is obvious that it is beneficial to the wolves. The eastern camp of the dynasty took over the existing army and territorial defense controlled by Shura, including the city defense and garrison of the imperial capital. Similarly, the dynasty had the obligation to protect the rights and personal and property safety of the imperial royal family and subjects.

The Shura Empire, a powerful eastern country, is still nominally an independent country, but has actually become a vassal of the dynasty. However, Serena's ministers as puppets are still satisfied with the status quo. At least in addition to ensuring the safety of life and the privileges of the aristocracy, they still retain the basic dignity of the "Asura" royal family.

As expected by the emperors and ministers, the actions of the wolves were fast and orderly, and the content of the contract quickly entered the substantive operation stage. The "war lion army" with tears in his eyes was stationed in the imperial capital as a victor. The remnants of the two armies in the west and south of the empire were ordered by the commander-in-chief to accept the unified integration of the wolves. As a reward, the "undead" knights of the rainstone replaced the palace guards and controlled the garrison of the palace. Soon, the twelve princess Anbo The "Rozal Legion" northern army went to the eastern line and carried out a full-line counterattack against the rebel army.

Half a month later, under the control of a mask control, Arthur, Marshal Pi Liuli and other important ministers of the empire jointly wrote a letter, demanding that the eldest brother of the dynasty be crowned as the regent of the empire and represent the government with full power. Empress Dowager Serena was under heavy pressure, so she had to resign from the regent on the same day and return to the deep palace to take care of her young son. Shura's power is in the palm of tears for peace.

In the decisive battle between the two armies on the Eastern Front, the twelve princess An Yusheng surrounded the rebels with an absolute numerical advantage. The Eastern Army general Mhan was defeated and only 16 horses broke through the siege.

In the day, the twelve princess An Yusheng swept away the eastern counties and returned to the court. The eldest brother came out of the city with tears to welcome him and ask for Wang Mei for credit; and wrote to the wolf group base camp to report the victory, and the eastern mainland has been peaceful since then.