Wolf Empire

0310 blood change

Tianyi Harbor, "Tianyi Free Business Alliance" General Chamber.

Although he is the lord of Kanto, General Wang Dongye only passed by this port city two years ago. The neatly arranged soldiers of the Chamber of Commerce extend like stone statues in front of the Chamber of Commerce at the end of the street. This huge building has heard of this huge building even if he is not interested in this. However, according to the agreement between General Wang and An Tianyi, the leader of the Chamber of Commerce, he has no right to interfere with the internal operation of the Chamber of Commerce, let alone use his own money.

General Wang Dongye jumped off the wolf horse, ignored the quiet crowd in front of him, and went straight up the steps. A group of low-level officials and managers of the Chamber of Commerce respectfully lowered their heads.

The members of the "Holy Light Knights" are closely supported by their masters, and the unclear attitude of the Chamber of Commerce and the king's overly common sense boldness have only raised the vigilance of these holy knights to 120,000 points.

After the "Immortal Dynasty" appeared on the stage of the Northeast Continent, the new power dynasty, which is comparable to the power of generations, should be divided into two parts in essence. This is the financial matrix of the dynasty, the "Tianyi Free Business Alliance" and the "Wolf Group" legion.

The first chaebol in the mainland, a business alliance with only family power as the core, has the strength that cannot be underestimated, but now, this huge economic giant is by no means a simple commercial organization; because the commercial alliance occupies a strength and position that cannot be ignored in the achievements of today's general Wang Jingtong Northeast China, after the establishment of the dynasty, Shang The alliance not only retained the original independent autonomous territory, but also spread throughout the territory with the force of the wolf army. An Tianyi, the leader of the commercial alliance, became the queen of the West Palace. In the relatively centralized military and political system of the dynasty and dictatorship by General Andongye, all military and financial positions are crucial, while General Andongye confirmed the status of the Chamber of Commerce in the dynasty. This is enough to prove that at least at the beginning of the establishment of the dynasty, these two young men and women who jointly hold the power of the dynasty at the same level and have a considerable degree of trust and tacit understanding with each other.

- But when did the rift begin to appear between the substantive rulers of the two dynasties?

The answer is clear, and it really began at the moment when Xia Yaya, the queen of the East Palace, was pregnant with the crown prince!

From a private perspective, this power combination of male and female rulers is very unique, and there has never been such a precedent in the history of the mainland.

Although His Royal Highness Wang Dongye, the general, was humble, he stepped on the land of Kanto with his own strength, and his power and status could only be compared with the rulers of the powerful countries in the mainland. In contrast, although An Tianyi, the queen of the commercial alliance, is not a beautiful woman in the strict sense, her own strong financial resources and extraordinary means are enough to make up for this trivial defect. The two have been getting along and working together for several years. The strength of the dynasty is getting stronger and stronger, and their cooperation with each other is exemplary.

There is no shortage of subordinates in the group represented by the two young monarchs with the same concept. If the military strength of the dynasty and the financial resources of the commercial alliance are truly integrated, the wolves will go to a higher level of strength.

However, Xia Yaya's bosom, which made An Tianyi's long-accums grievances, finally broke out. After a fierce quarrel between the husband and wife, An Tianyi left the "Wolf Capital" immediately.

So seriously, the two have not seen each other for nearly half a year.

General Wang Jingjing looked at the sad woman in front of him and naturally took off the military cloak and handed it over. As if every time he led his army to leave or hunt back to the "Wolf Castle" in the past few years, An Tianyi took the cloak as a matter of course.

However, I didn't know that this simple action made many commercial alliance officials on the side secretly relieved, and the "Holy Light Knights" who had been tense and tightened their nerves also relaxed a little.

"I didn't expect you to have the dark chess of Fighting Warcraft-" There was a slight miscalculation regret in An Tianyi's tone.

"Didn't you think of it?" General Andongye did not add malice to his counter-examination, but just a pure inquiry.

"Indeed. I was surprised that you could use so many battle monsters, and I didn't expect that you really used these precious combat power on the insignificant and meaningless battlefield of wind wings. An Tianyi said lightly.

"You can rest assured that as long as I am alive, the loyalty of these monsters can be believed." General Wang of Antonye coughed lightly.

"Your precious son An Jinliang is becoming more and more unreassuring. I have ordered Ruo Shuang to stop military operations, but this wolf cub still forcibly ordered the little bastard Long Zhijie to start a war. This time, the mercenary regiment of our Chamber of Commerce has suffered a lot." An Tianyi is not blameless.

"Hmm. Wait for me to go back and spank the dick." General Wang of Andongye said with a smile.

After a short conversation, the two walked into the hall together. At this moment, almost all the senior managers and private mercenary army generals in the leadership center of the commercial alliance had gathered.

General Wang Dongye, who sat down in the only seat in the middle, looked at the business alliance managers and army generals on both sides. The personnel seemed to be quite different from the memory and asked, "Nice, you have changed a lot of people around you."

The power center of the Chamber of Commerce is different from other organizations, with An Tianyi, the leader of the alliance as the core, assisted by the two elders, and the structure of the internal board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce. In the "beheading" operation of the wolves, An Tianyi first purged the opposition forces within the Chamber of Commerce in order to consolidate his position and declare war on the "Canglang Empire". The two elders, Mr. Jinya and Silver Bottle Mother-in-law, have now died and died. The re-established center of the commercial alliance after that seems to have changed a new blood just a year later.

The managers or military generals in front of us are under 30 years old, and the two managers with old faces are under 40 years old.

"The corrosion of people's hearts seems to be faster than I thought. Although it's a little early, it's just a matter of the way to take this opportunity to clean up the internal personnel of the organization controlled by my restless little sister An Xiaoyi." An Tianyi said with a feeling.

"At this point, I really have to learn from the girl, master, I miss it too much." General Wang of Antonye said sincerely.

With the suppression and calming of the ridiculous rebellion in the Windwing Special Zone, except for the naval battle between the 16th Princess An Meiliang and Prince Chenyuan on the Canglang Front, the dynasty has taken the initiative on all battlefields. Naturally, the indecisive Chamber of Commerce will naturally choose a direction that is in line with its own interests. While showing goodwill to the north with internal cleaning up, An Tianyi took the opportunity to clean up the internal problems and related personnel gradually exposed by the Chamber of Commerce in the rapid development after the unification of Kanto, and thoroughly made full use of various favorable conditions.

"Bring the guests." In the creed of the Chamber of Commerce, the enemy is not regarded as a direct manifestation of the enemy, and the principle of "harmony is precious" is observed and regarded as guests, but it is unknown whether a certain brain can understand this black humor.