Wolf Empire

0329 New Force of Wolves

When the "Youth Teaching Brigade" became an army, due to the needs of wartime, the armory as the teaching office of the "Wolf Group of Private Officers School" was given priority by these students and soldiers, and their family background was not ordinary wealth. The three little Gege, the head of the family, are all greedy masters with big eyes and food. Since the command department has released the weapons of the armory to meet their requirements, how can the three little aunts be polite? The advanced and excellent equipment and equipment of the arsenal were empty, and Mao did not leave one for the friendly army, causing the "Biluo Legion" soldiers who were ordered to replenish ammunition to be depressed for a long time, and almost returned to the battlefield crying with both hands.

The three "little local tycoons" were quickly equipped with a motorcycle rifle cavalry regiment, an armored teaching regiment and an armored grencing regiment, with a total of more than 8,000 soldiers. 320 tanks and fighter vehicles of various types, 2,000 combat motorcycles and more than 1,000 cars and half-track troop carriers, more than 600 large and small artillery guns, 400 light and heavy machine guns, almost all of the young student soldiers with heavy weapons, just like a group of newborn calves not afraid of tigers set out from the vast city of the "wolf capital" across the dynasty and After the blockade of the Shamanic See, it suddenly turned around. After breaking through the border defense of Yingzhou, its front was divided into two, and with a strong forcep-shaped offensive directly pointed directly to the main force stationed near the city of Fengdu, the capital of Yingzhou.

After General Wang appeared in the student army, to the "Wind Capital" encircled the main force of the "Yingzhou" army. In just seven days, the young wolves fought all the way. 80% of the military strength of the more than 100,000 local security legion of "Yingzhou" were defeated or dropped or dispersed under the attack of the new forces of the wolves like thunder. The capital of "Wind Capital" has no defense. At that time, only a quarter of the two main divisions of the Guards of the Central Committee of the Holy See, which received urgent assistance from the "Yingzhou", were mobilized, and there were only a very small number of local police forces on the long border, which was almost useless.

Governor Xu Yushi was forced to declare his capital "Fengdu" as an unguarded city, and the royal family and government dignitaries planned to take refuge in "Huadu" as a last resort. At this time, the wolf youth army also unexpectedly stopped moving forward in Fengdu. In front of the iron stream of wolves, the fruit of victory is reachable.

Shaman's intelligence department has learned that the battle was fought by the "Young Teaching Brigade" of the imperial guard, which temporarily emerged in the "Wolf City Defense War", and the general Wang An Dongye also personally led the army. If it hadn't been for the strong opposition of the courtiers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, His Majesty the Pope Baiye Mufeng was originally intended to go to the battlefield to meet his old classmates to adjust.

The action of the "Military Ministry" of the Holy See is faster than that of the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs". For the defeat of the "Yingzhou" army in such a short period of time, the senior officials of the Shaman Army are very concerned. In addition to ordering the garrison troops stationed in Zhong, Liang, Rui and other states to enter the first-level war system, the two main guard divisions dispatched by "Huadu" are appointed by the deputy military affairs Minister Wang Sigou led an emergency to the front line of Yingzhou.

From the situation of the battlefield, there is no absolute advantage in comparing the military input and advantages and disadvantages of both sides. The wolves took a sudden attack without declaration and took the initiative when the battle broke out. However, the wolf teenagers also faced the difficulty of long-distance attack and fighting. The nearly 1,000 kilometers from the "wolf capital" to the "Yingzhou" border were originally regarded as the invisible defense line of the "Yingzhou" army; the "ying zhou" fighting in their own country The army also has a clear advantage in quantity and compensation. However, in the face of the radical speed of 120 kilometers a day of the armored forces of the young wolves, which also included the large and small defense battles along the way, the young wolves quickly marched, making the "ying zhou" army unable to gather an effective counterattack at all.

General Wang Dongye made a request for the withdrawal of troops to His Excellency Gou Hua, the special envoy of the Holy See and the governor of Yingzhou; the Shaman Holy See, which is ready to cede land for peace or pay a large amount of war reparations, is surprised and overwhelmed by Anton Ye's request.

Mobilize the army, thousands of miles away, kill 100,000 people, is it just to recover Yaya?!

It is obvious that His Holiness Baiye Mufeng will no longer give Yaya to others, but the war report presented by the uniformed experts is extremely unoptimistic.

The perfect combination of high mobility and high firepower left an indelible and deep imprint on the senior management of the shaman army in the "Youth Teaching Brigade" where the wolves participated in the war. Roaring in the hundreds of steel bodies, as powerful as monsters, can destroy anything that dares to block in front of them, like an active steel city or a meat grinder that eats all flesh and blood. The "ying zhou" soldiers besieged in the "Wind City" once hoped that the powerful heavily armored cavalry could tear a crack in the enemy's encirclement; however, the final result was 50,000 corpses and the same number of horse corpses piled up into a hill more than ten meters high in front of the positions of the wolf youth armored forces.

"Huadu" is in danger, and the commander of the gendarmerie will be issued a martial law order. When the young iron armored division of the wolves swallowed the whole "ying zhou" like wolves, the 200,000 troops on the northeast border, until only a quarter of the combatshu of the battleshu were enriched to the long border full of loopholes.

In other words, if General Wang Dongye does not stop walking, but goes all the way down, and the mecha fast troops cross the plains of Pingchuan, the fall of the national capital is only a matter of time. Under the current system, it will take at least three months to mobilize enough local Kyushu Legions to counterattack and allocate military supplies. At that time, "Huadu" will be directly exposed to the artillery fire of the wolves.

When the unknown wolf "Boy Scout" jumped from the corpses of the defeated in the fire of war to the ranks of the wolf brigade, the reputation of the independent brigade directly under the imperial guard division composed of young people of an average age of 15 years old in the wolf group gradually became known to the world.

The two main royal guard divisions under the command of His Excellency Wang Sigou, Vice Minister of the Holy See, were directly defeated in the counterattack and the back road was cut off due to the command order of a vice minister of a useless general, which was completely flawed. . But even so, in the face of these still young enemies of the wolves, the Royal Guard, which has been known for tenacity, had to admit that they still did not win.

The "Yingzhou" offensive and defensive battle is no less tragic than any urban offensive and defensive war in the history of the mainland. The senior royal guards who were eager to lose the battle and devoted themselves to the elite Royal Guards in Fengdu had never thought that they would hand over the invincible and invincible glory of the Royal Guards in the past ten years in front of this small opponent.

——After the battle of "Yingzhou", after the special approval of Wuhuang Andongye, the wolf teenagers who won collective honors and personal achievements on the battlefield did not disband and return to school on the spot after the war, but were given the glorious title of "Sword of the Forbidden Army" and ranked in the glorious sequence of the "Guardian Corps"; and after the founding of the emperor In the third major reorganization of the wolf army, it ranked first among the Guard divisions with its division, and later became the backbone of the era after the "wolf empire"!