Wolf Empire

0330 Except for death, all departures are betrayal

The huge area with "Yingzhou" as the axis, the "Shaman Holy See" and the "Immortal Dynasty" kept putting into the army in batches. One side desperately rescued the king, and the other side resisted the death to stop the sniper. In August of the whole continent in 1963, the smoke of 603 was staged day and night.

The First Elite Division of the Dynasty, which was the first to rush to the front-line battlefield, directly inserted into the flank of the main battlefield without any rest and breathing, and carried out the threat of the new civilian army from the "Youth Teaching Brigade" for the "Youth Teaching Brigade";

Three days later, Chen Bing of the Holy See, under the strict order of the "Ministry of Military Affairs" in the "Liangzhou", left the territory to help "Liangzhou". The northern camp of the dynasty immediately responded. The 12th brother An Xiao climbed the "Black Eagle Legion" and dragged 100,000 Liangzhou soldiers in place at the cost of countless fresh lives;

Nine days later, Prince Rui Wang Lei assembled a reserve aristocratic private army and personally proposed that the army went north. An Mochen, the eighth brother of the dynasty, the "Spirit Snake Legion" moved when the wind, marched day and night, seized the highway, and took risks to block it;

The next day, An Xiaojie and General of the Holy See's armed police force led two police brigades to wait for an opportunity to fight and launch a decisive attack on the two wing positions of the "Spirit Snake Legion". They responded to the north of the reserve aristocratic private army. The eighth brother An Mochen suffered heavy losses. Mochen's face was scratched by shrapnel and vowed to fight the most. The latter one will not retreat;

Seven days later, most of the reinforcements of the imperial guard army arrived. The 11th-six motorized gun cavalry brigade belonging to the 11th and 3rd division of the Guards first arrived on the battlefield, replacing the remaining spirit snake friendly army with more than one and everyone with injuries, followed by Youdong, the first fierce general of the wolf group, led the brigades of the Guards from the "Pingbei Army" The swarming, the reserve legions of the Holy See and the police forces could not resist and retreated one after another.


All the battles revolve around "Yingzhou", all around the "hunting incident" that took place in order to compete for a woman Xia Yaya.

In August of that year, an inch of blood was born, and countless people died, and the blood stained thousands of miles of Guanshan-

Just when people thought that the war would fall into an endless cycle of death, at the core of the battlefield, the "Sword of the Guard" wolf youth teaching brigade led by General Wang of Antonye, who had red eyes and hair, finally opened the door to Yingzhou.

The relatives of the Holy See, led by Pope Mufeng himself, were forced to sit at the negotiating table.

At the other end of the long table, it was a man who was so haggard that people cried that he kept coughing violently, and every sound hit Yaya's heart, so loud, so shocked and lonely!

"Yaya, will you go home with me?" Antonye raised his head, and his bloody eyes actually gave birth to a little poor hope and vague fear.

After a long silence, Yaya's tears loomed and she sobbed, "Bad egg, give up your throne and go back to 'Huadu' with the girl, okay? The weather in Kanto is too cold. The girl is alone and has no relatives or friends. The girl misses her parents and family in her hometown. The girl is very unhappy-"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Suppressing the shock and pain in his heart, Antonye said in a series of heavy coughs.

"Bad bastard, you have been busy with your state affairs and expeditions, leaving the girl alone in the deep palace, and there is no one to talk to. The girl is very lonely and boring - do you know? The girl doesn't like this kind of life. Kanto is not suitable for me. Is it okay to go back to 'flowers' with the girl? Let's start again, please, stinky bastard-" Yaya cried and cried into tears for a moment.

"You know, everything I have is in Kanto, and I have too much hope-" Antonno buried his head deep under the table, and the pain was extremely painful!

"Don't talk nonsense with this bastard!" Mrs. Xu Yuxia shouted in a shrill voice, "You are a penniless lowly boy who may die on the battlefield anytime and anywhere. How can you make my daughter happy? At the beginning, my daughter was young and ignorant. She was coaxed by your clever words to go to Kanto and gave birth to a son for you. It was already the great creation of your family! At this point, you won't take my daughter away again. I won't let her go to your house to suffer!"

"I'm not bad to Yaya!" After a roar, General Wang Dongye looked excitedly at Yaya, who was crying and asked excitedly, "Yaya, explain to your mother!" I didn't treat you badly, did I?"

Yaya just kept crying and didn't say anything.

"Joke!" Uncle Yaya, who sat aside, and the lame Governor Xu Yushi said gloomyly, "If you treat my niece well, will she wash her face with tears every day and run away from home? My daughter-in-law and Mi Gong's wife are also from other places. Why don't you see her running to her mother's house?

"Okay--" General Wang Chang took a breath and said to Yaya, who was crying with red eyes, "I promise you to give up everything in Kanto and go back to 'Huadu' to settle down with you!"

Ya just showed a happy look. The old master Wang Guidan looked at the world and said, "You wolves withdrew 300 miles first, rest at the border, wait for our Wang Xia family to discuss a result, and we will reply to you tomorrow."

"What?" General Andongye roared, "I have promised to give up Kanto hegemony and settle with Yaya in 'Huadu'. What else do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything!" Mrs. Xu Yuxia jumped up and said nervously, "I'm going to marry Yaya into the palace this time!" I just sold my daughter! How about it?"

"In this case, it's useless to say more!" An Dongye grabbed An Xiaoye, the big-headed baby in Xia Qixi's arms, and went out with the Paladin!

"You can't let them go! You can't come back after you leave!" Yaya grabbed General Andongye desperately and begged him like her mother. The latter hit his head against the wall like crazy and threatened, "If you go with them, I will die for you!"

Yaya cried helplessly and fell to the ground. General Wang finally looked at the girl eagerly and saw that she had no intention to leave at the same time. She crossed her heart, hugged the scared and crying big baby Ono, shook her head and slammed the door!

"Higashino-" stood outside the door, and His Majesty the Pope stopped talking.

Looking back at the young playmate with deep hatred, General Wang of Andongye vomited word by word, "Baiye Mufeng, listen carefully! Take good care of my Yaya. I, An Dongye, swear to the wolf god here. With Yaya, my wolves will never step into the territory of the Holy See! If Yaya has lost a little, I will take a million, wash the Central Plains with blood, and let you be buried with the Hundred Ye Dynasty!"

His Majesty Baiye Mufeng, who was shocked and lost in a trance, An Dongye held the in his infancy and led a team of holy light knights to turn over and out of the city. The three little grids and the "Youth Teaching Brigade" followed outside the city. Under the back of the sunset, the mecha roared and thousands of horses galloped straight for Go to Kanto.

-"Big Head, this 'Youth Teaching Brigade' that will take you back from the battlefield in the future will be named after you. As your army, it will be called 'Ono Youth Teaching Brigade'. The baby should grow up healthy with his father and laugh at all the bad guys!"


In August 2003 of the mainland calendar, Andongye changed his name to be emperor, established the immortal imperial dynasty in Kanto, built the capital of Langdu, and called the emperor of martial arts. This year, he changed the original year of the emperor's dynasty and granted amnesty to the world. ( Volume 3 end)