Wolf Empire

0348 The robber in the cloak of a philanthropist

Lu'an Ziran, a ruffian, played such a trick a lot when he was a child, and now he has carried forward and is used on the battlefield of life and death.

When those "red beard" horse bandits are confused by angry bees and lime, it is a good time for the imperial guard knights to take them in chaos and start killing!

The lime bag has made the whole bandit team in a hurry, and then dozens of hives thrown out were also blown up. These terrible prickly poisonous insects, "buzz" and "buzz" sounded, flew out of anger and attacked in groups.

No matter how good the fighting skills are, no matter how strong the ability to kill people are, the swarm of bees that stung people crazily also messed up the horse bandits and can't look at the beginning and end. What's more, the guard * hand that suddenly emerged from the ground has launched a stormy rapid blow from afar with strong crossbows and arrows, and the casualties are inevitable!

The roar shocked the sky, and the first six brother An Ziran led the guards and heavy armored knights**. The big knife in his hand was like thunder and lightning, and the blade was flying over, and the horse was fractured and cracked, like thunder and moving like lightning. An Zichen, the ninth brother who was ambushed in the distance, laughed and scolded, and then led the knife and axe to press it all.

In the face of the powerful sweep of the imperial guards, the whole mountain road suddenly turned into a bloody slaughterhouse.

Although the "Red Beard" horse bandits gang are all outlaws, they are also suddenly helpless in the face of the strong imperial army that cooperates with the cluster attack. Although several horse bandits leaders have strong martial arts skills, they play little role in the charge of the army that pays attention to cooperation with each other under sharp arrows and knives and guns, and they are also suffered sharp arrows. After a round of fierce strikes by the missile, too many people were lost. How can they be eager to atone for their crimes?

After a while, at the end of the battle, several leaders of the horse bandits had been unloaded eight pieces under the fierce siege of the brigade commanders and regimental commanders, and their bodies were divided randomly!

The mule and horse motorcade stopped quietly on the road, and the Mongolian women, who had not been stung by the swarm or shot by random arrows, squatted on the ground in fear, waiting for their next tragic fate.

The imperial guards began to scramble to clean the battlefield. The pit originally used to hide became a place where human and animal corpses were piled up. The bodies were only slightly cleaned up so as not to affect the gold and silver treasures transported by the horse bandits, regardless of killing and burying!

"Master Six, look at this!" Kou Dayong, the commander of the 1123rd Brigade, handed over the silver medals turned over by the two "red bearded" bandits to his boss.

The front of the silver medal is engraved with two lines of strange words. When it is turned over, there are many patterns in the north, which are extremely exquisite and not like folk things.

"You are paralyzed. You know that I don't know much, and you fucking ask me?" With a strange look, the sixth master turned to the distant female slave who was interrogating the Mongol, wearing glasses, and the grim guard officer shouted, "Glasses, come here!"

Major General Sima Youcai, the commander of the 1122 Guard Brigade, who was named, is the son of the Central Plains family. Later, due to the decline of his family and wandering in the desert, he angrily threw himself into the army and transferred to the 112th Division of the Guards, which is also the old base of the wolves. In the Guards Brigade, there are very few officers and soldiers who can read and read. Therefore, Sima, who wears generous and heavy myopic glasses, is also regarded as a treasure by the division, and because his name is too troublesome, the uncoordination boss and three colleagues at the same level are called "glasses".

Sima Youcai answered and flew close to him. He saw the sixth master throw the two signs and asked, "Look at what the hell these two things are?"

After looking carefully, Major General Sima Youcai's face suddenly changed.

"You are paralyzed, but you are talking? Why is it like a dead father?" Sixth Master An Ziran symbolically kicked a major general's buttocks and cursed with his mouth full of wood.

"Master Six, it's amazing." Major General Sima Youcai stastinted, "This is the military card of the captain and deputy captain of the court guard of the 'Great Principality of Sling'."

"Are you sure you can see it clearly?" An Zichen, the ninth brother who came to the horse, asked in a serious tone.

"It will be guaranteed by the head." Major General Sima Youcai straightened his waist.

Hearing this, An Ziran, the sixth brother, quickly picked out the red scarf on the faces of several nearby horse bandits who had not had time to deal with with the tip of his knife. He saw the deceased's facial features, which were different from the Mengjin tribe, and far from the Shaman Central Plains. He couldn't help taking a deep breath and said, "Grandma, it's really a Sling!"

An Zichen, the ninth brother, turned over and got off his horse, holding his chin and said to himself: "It's interesting that the court guard of the 'Haoyue Alliance' alliance's main country 'the Principality of Sling' actually became 'red-bearded' horse bandits and looted the herdsmen's property of the Allied countries. No wonder they don't fight like the rabble. Without rules, there is such a posture of a regular army-"

"Sixth Master, Jiuye, what about these Mengjin women robbed by the horse bandits?" Major General Kou Dayong pointed to the Mongolian women who were crying in the distance, swallowed his saliva and said tentatively, "Brothers, I haven't touched women for a long time since they left Beijing-"

"Fuck your grandma!" Six brothers An Ziran jumped up and scolded loudly, "Are you ** boars? Bullying these fistless and brave innocent Mongolian women, what's the difference between us and these horse bandits and beasts of the 'Great Duke of Slin'?! It's a beast!"

A young general scolded him silently, and another colleague with glasses secretly stretched out his thumbs to his boss and praised him, "The sixth master actually uses idioms!"

"Use you to paralyze!" Some six scolded Major General Sima Youcai, who flattered the horse's hoofs by mistake: "Your boy is doing things steadily. He immediately took your people to send these old men back to their hometown. Which wolf cub dares to beat the women and cut off his dick to the dog!"

Yes! Sixth Master." Major General Sima Youcai saluted and answered loudly.

"A flatterer!" Major General Kou Dayong, standing side by side, moved his black head and whispered; Major General Sima Youcai immediately turned his head and whispered back to his colleague:


"Sima, by the way, take these fake 'red beard' military evidence, bring a few bodies, take the opportunity to send the Mongolim woman back to China, announce the real face and sinister intentions of Lord Slin to the Monkin, and let those stupid and ignorant monks see the great mercy of the gods and savior in their eyes. Grand Duke Slin of the Shan family, what kind of thing is he!" Nine Brother An Zichen turned over and said, "Sixth brother, take the troops and the 'dark' liaison officer, let's go to the nest of the 'red beard'!"

Six brother An Ziran jumped on the horse and raised his arms and shouted, "Let's go! Fuck his grandma!"

Wolves come and go like the wind and roar away. The mountain wind came and blew away the bloody smell in the mountains and forests-