Wolf Empire

0349 Fight against the wind

The first year of the immortal dynasty, October.

An Jinliang, the fierce general of the empire, led himself to ride 70,000 wolves in the south and 30,000 troops, riding more than 10,000 auxiliary wings on the left and right. The central army soared, and the four wings rolled up and horizontally, waved thousands of miles, and broke countless attacks. In a few days and nights, he had broken dozens of Silin's camp, captured countless Silin people, livestock, cattle and sheep, and beheaded thousands of levels. The search return of the forward reconnaissance horse shows that there is no Sling in the southern area of Gosdanburg!

The second brother An Jinliang personally led the army to rush into the middle road. At the same time, he ordered the two wing divisions to leave the Senan Highway, go west and east to raid, and go to the Senan "Bezk" battalion outside "Gosdanburg" to meet with the Chinese army.

The intention of the second brother An Jinliang is to solve the largest opponent "Great Principality of Slin" in the southwest fortress in the shortest time. As long as the alliance of this "bright moon alliance country" is broken, the rest of the small countries will definitely not attack and fall by themselves!

A few days ago, the imperial scouts have gone deep into the principality for reconnaissance. The location of the Sling capital is their main target of their reconnaissance. If they can't break the main force of the Senan "Bezke" battalion outside Gosdanburg, the Imperial Road army can't find fighters. If you continue to patrol the hinterland of the empire, you can only quickly return to your teacher!

The "Bezbek Camp" is in the south of the middle section of the southwest mainland corridor, with fertile soil and fertilizer. It is one of the fundamental places of the "Great Duke of Slin". It will be achieved by plundering the "Bezbek Camp" with a large army!

An Jinliang, the second brother who led the army deep into the heart of the empire, and the whole 3rd Army of the Wolf Group were excited at the time of the war. They fought a decisive battle with the Slinse, the most powerful country in the southwest and also famous mainland, to seize the first contribution of the empire's western expedition. Thinking about it, it made these imperial soldiers excited!

The second brother, An Jinliang, decided not to wait for the two wings on the left and right sides to come to meet the division, and use the elite cavalry of the Chinese army to break through the "Bezke Battalion" set up on the perimeter of the national capital. The force should be enough!

Under the guidance of the scouts of the direct reconnaissance battalion, 100,000 imperial troops marched forward at the same time, like a rush of anger, like a lightning strike, like a sharp knife, and the blade pointed directly at the "Gosdanburg" defense battalion "Bezik battalion"!

On the way to the wolves march, Jiang Zhanzhong, the commander of the 314th Division of the striker, destroyed several small camps to avoid leaking news.

When I arrived at the destination, suddenly there was a storm, the sky and the sky was dark, and the thick snow on the ground was also swept into the air by the fierce wind, like a long dragon, rolling up and down, stirring up the sky and earth with smoke, white dust rolling, and high-speed rotating snowflakes, drowning everything on it!

The wind is overwhelming, getting bigger and bigger, and it's close at hand, and I can't see it clearly!

Everyone's eyebrows and beard are stained with white frost. If they want to talk to each other, they have to roar, and their breathing is suffocating. A cold wind howling, killing and biting, wild wolf's claws, as if tearing people's faces apart, cold to the bone!

The cold wind roared, and the wind blew the snow and dust all over the sky, making people almost unable to open their eyes. The rapidly marching imperial knights had to bow down and walk through the roaring blizzard step by step against the cold wind.

In the turbid storm, the horses' hoofs rattled and splashed snow dust, and the imperial knights still remained silent and resolutely filed forward one by one.

All the horses are covered with ice dregs and snowflakes, and their eyes, noses and lips are covered with white frost. In such a windy weather, the wind went against the trend, and the soldiers of the 3rd Army were discouraged and their morale fell quickly.

Zhu Langzhong, the commander of the 311th Division, and Sima Tianhe, the commander of the 313th Division, and the generals, proposed in front of their second brother An Jinliang whether to retreat and choose another day to fight?

Even the general himself muttered in his heart that it can't be regarded as this damn weather. Is it God's will?

It is indeed a bad climate, and it is difficult to even identify the direction. The second brother An Jinliang ordered the guards to surround dozens of horses and gather the generals of the division on the spot. The weather is bad, and everyone is not in the mood to talk long. They are all short and hurried statements. Seeing the difference, there are different opinions.

Since leading the army to fight, the second brother An Jinliang has been in trouble for the first time. Come in, this wind is too evil; retreat, the enemy camp is close at hand, and he is unwilling to retreat!

Looking at the superior, it was really unremitable and difficult to make a decision. At this time, the commander of the 312th Division, Lieutenant and General Gu Sanzhong, who had not made a statement, boldly said, "I don't know if I should say something to the general?"

"If you have a fart! When is it?" The second brother An Jin said coldly.

In the ancient three tombs, the generals saluted respectfully and said, "Military seat, according to the three tombs, this strong wind is really a heavenly help to our empire. When our army goes against the wind, the enemy will never notice it, and it will definitely defeat it in one fell swoop. When we return to the division, if we encounter the main force of the enemy chasing, the enemy will be at a disadvantage. There is absolutely no reason for our army to attack it by the wind!"

"Ah!" The second brother An Jinliang was overjoyed when he heard the words and said, "Lao Gu's words are reasonable! How could I not have thought of it!" Then he looked at himself and said loudly, "The group repeatedly invaded the capital of our empire, harassing the border, killing officials and harming the people. The so-called emperor's humiliation will worry about the ministers. We, the rookie of the monarch, should strive to break through the enemy's camp and wash the snow and shame of the king's father. How can we not enter? It's not the way for ministers! "Three ancient tombs!"

"I will!" The ancient three tombs responded with a loud voice.

An Jin, the second brother, pondered and said, "You have made great contributions to your words. From now on, as the commander-in-chief of the Third Army of the Empire, I will award you the third-grade military title and remember the second-class merit once! After returning to the division, you will be rewarded with military achievements and another promotion!"

"Cultivated by Second Master Xie!" Gu Sanzhong was overjoyed, turned over and fell down, and bowed on the spot. An Jinliang, the second brother, quickly helped him up.

This news spread in the army of wolves marching against the wind. Immediately, the army was excited and morale was boosted. Although the commander-in-two had a hot temper and often beat and scolded the soldiers, there was a great advantage, that is, the reward must be trusted, which greatly stimulated the bloodthirsty desire of the wolves to fight for merit.

An Jinliang, the second brother who strengthened his determination to march, ordered the whole army to make an urgent advance, and divided the troops into ten routes. He personally led two routes to assault the "Bezke Camp" of the Slin people in Senan. The other eight routes bypassed the Slin camp, listened to the general attack order, and at the same time the soldiers covered up and attacked fiercely and quickly!

In this storm and dark light, the Slin people's defense of the left-behind military horses in the battalion must have been caught off guard, and the destruction of the battalion has almost become a 100% certainty.

The excited wolf spirit knights revived, all fought bravely, urged horses to march, and went straight to the Slin "Bezk Camp" camp. Not long ago, there were some timid imperial generals. In a blink of an eye, they had become completely different and became a hundred times more courageous. This change of courage and timidity is really wonderful!

In the wild horn of the wind god, the wolves and iron horses quietly came and fell from the sky, spreading blood and death everywhere!

The wolf cavalrymen rushed into the camp like locusts, knives and guns like forests, bullets like rain, and mountains and tsunamis. They were fierce and light, and flooded the whole Slin "Bezke Camp" camp in a short time. The cavalry of the Slin Senan "Bezik Camp" were almost completely destroyed, and less than a thousand disabled horses rushed in. The wind roaring snow, fleeing.

After this dark battle, more than 50,000 levels were beheaded, more than 20,000 women and children, more than 100,000 horses, camels, cattle and sheep, and countless armors.

The empire also suffered thousands of casualties in this battle. Previously, when it broke through the Slin people's camp along the way, the wolves had few casualties. Unexpectedly, this battle alone made the 3rd Army pay a heavy price. The strong fighting power of the elite Slynse made all the wolf generals vigilant and slightly afraid!

-Battle is the elite horse of life, which really has the strength that no enemy dares to despise!

An Jinliang, the second brother, was worried that if he waited until the wind stopped and then retreated, in case the main army of the enemy retaliated at this time, and it was difficult to resist the cavalry army that heard the news and counterattacked, so after a little rest, he ordered the whole team to return to the army to escort and drive away what he had obtained. The captured prisoners, livestock and trophies quickly returned to the camp south.

Due to the strong wind, it is temporarily impossible to use the radio to inform Leng Ruoxhuang and Long Zhijie of the two wings on the left road to return to retreat. The second brother An Jinliang ordered to send capable communication soldiers on the road immediately to convey the order of the army headquarters to retreat. At the same time, he also ordered that as long as the strong wind stops, the radio station will be repaired immediately to see if it can be Contact the two-wing friendly forces that have lost contact.

An Jinliang, the second brother who gave the order, looked at the worried look of several division leaders and naturally knew what made his subordinates so worried. However, in his position, it was impossible to put hundreds of thousands of horses from the fortress army in danger and patrol the land of tigers and wolves. Just to wait for one or two teachers to come to meet!

"Military seat, why don't we wait a little longer-" Sima Tianhe, the commander of the 313th Division, said hesitantly.

waved his hand and stopped Sima's persuasion. The second brother An Jinliang sighed slightly and said, "I know what you want to say, but I can't help doing so!" I can't take care of so many things in the future! Go and execute it!"

A group of wolf generals sighed silently or shook their heads slightly, and went out to convey the commander's orders.

These generals are very clear that the leaders of the two wings on the left road are not fuel-efficient lamps, not to mention that Long Zhijie, who led the "foreign legion", is the brother of the three imperial concubines of Canglang. If there are any three advantages and two shortcomings, the officials of Canglang will certainly not sit idly by; An Tianyi, the big backer of Leng Ruoxue, who led the mercenaries of the commercial alliance , may not be willing to give up!