Wolf Empire

0350 three thousand rides

Ten thousand horses are galloping and the cold wind is blowing on the face.

Long Zhijie and a team of "famous flower" soldiers rushed to the enemy array almost at a crazy speed, holding the saber high, pulling the trigger, opening the bow left and right, arching arrows, roaring loudly, roaring, shouting, rushing forward like a tiger, as fast as a tiger, as if they have completely ignored the death threat close at hand.

The reason for the vast snow is that the brigade's people and horses are fighting and fighting desperately. Blood is sprayed and scattered into mud. It is already a piece of snow and white snow, one piece in the east and west, dotted on the grassland. The spots are as ugly as dysentery, and there is no snow and clean, but only a reckless poem. Love and painting, only the cold wind is still the same.

On the four-sided snowfield, the sound of drums and shouts of killing were clearly heard. The 35th Army of the besieged wolves struggled to rush through the dead and horses all over the ground, pushed away the arrows flying from time to time, and cut through the Slinse cavalry formation besieged in all directions. However, the Sling generals who commanded and deployed the horses was very smart. The locusts swarming up like the tide, layer after layer, that is, with the strength of the main division and the direct guard of Longzhijie, it is difficult to completely cut through the multi-layered defense line of Slinsel's horse and get rid of the pursuit and interception for a while!

Leng Ruoshuang, a member of the 35th Army's "Foreign Legion" belonging to the 3rd Army of the Southern Camp, and the 34th Army's "Business League Legion" Leng Ruoshuang. The division of the left and right wings was ordered to plunder the defense camp arranged by the Silin people outside the national capital from west to east, but they and their second brother An Jinliang led Like the main force, it was also attacked by a rare strong wind and snow, which greatly slowed down the pace of the march.

When the wind stopped, the two-wing wolves had delayed the best time to meet with the main army. Also, due to the strong wind, all the contact radio stations were damaged, and the multi-channel communication cavalry sent by the Chinese army had to delay several times than usual, which conveyed the commander's retreat order to the two-winged wolves on the left. Commander, these factors caused the two-wing troops on the wolf group south road to fall into an extremely dangerous situation after the main force retreated from the fortress and returned to the division.

Fortunately, after the strong wind hit, Leng Ruoshuang, the owner of the right-hand commercial alliance also took into account the situation of Srindi's rapid support. Therefore, he was ready to retreat before receiving the order to retreat from the army headquarters. He not only greatly slowed down the pace of the march, but also decided to let it after discussion. The troops and the wounded and sick took a step ahead; after receiving the withdrawal order, the main force of the 341st Division of the 34th Army did not hesitate to attack the encircled Slinse with superior forces and jumped out of the enemy's encirclement as quickly as possible, reducing casualties to a minimum.

However, the rapid advance friendly army on the left side was not so lucky. Slin's main army reacted so fast that it was far more than Long Zhijie imagined. In any case, he did not expect that the enemy would brave the blizzard to carry out a large-scale siege and annihilation war, and the estimation of the enemy would be wrong, which was bound to pay a high price for it.

After the wind stopped, in the Longzhi Department wandering in the eastern area of "Gosdanburg", first the communication cavalry of the Chinese army brought the withdrawal order of the army headquarters, and then received a number of military pigeons flying from the right merchant allies, including not only the same withdrawal orders as those conveyed by the Chinese communication cavalry. Order, and there is also enemy notification, Slinger has quickly gathered more than 400,000 from all over the world and returned to the division quickly!

After foresaw the situation, Ryunosuke immediately decisively ordered Major General Chihata Hitomi, the commander of the 352nd Division, to quickly retreat and retreat into the jurisdiction of the southern camp, while Major General Naono of the 351st Division, who suddenly took the forward position, 10,000 foreign cavalry, automatically and The guards directly under the military department took on the heavy responsibility of cutting back and covering.

Although Long Zhijie's order was decisive, it was only faster than a roundabout and a 100,000-slinsai horse that quickly cut in.

Major General Hitomi Chihata, the commander of the 352nd Division, who has withdrawn from the border of Slin, dangerously rushed to the south Vietnamese border and retreated into the camp defense area before the Slin army cut off the way. The 10,000-riders and 5,000 organ guard troops led by Long Zhijie, who were responsible for covering the break, were cut off by the Slinse horse because of their way, and could not After withdrawing into the camp defense area, it fell into the encirclement of at least 200,000 cavalry. This is one of the main Bezik cavalry, which is known as more than 200,000 people with string control. Even if this number has water, as a strong division, 150,000 horsemen are absolutely only a lot.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Long Zhijie knew that the way to go south had been cut off by the horse, and then rushed south, that is, he had to fight hard with the elite of the horse. He had to go west first, interspersed in the heavy encirclement of the horse, causing all the horse horse to chase west, and then suddenly turned back to the east and play the light horse. The flexible characteristics disrupt the whole encirclement deployment of the horse, intending to fish in troubled waters and take the opportunity to jump out of the encirclement of the Sling people!

Long Zhijie's chaotic battle. At first, the effect was relatively obvious. He had almost got rid of the four-sided blockage of Bezkesai and almost jumped out of the encirclement of the 200,000 army of Slin and left.

But Bezke, the coach of Saiqi, is flexible and has a strong deployment. Later, Long Zhijie's tricks are not very effective. Although he can't get rid of Slin, who can't get rid of the wolf group of "snow leopard" warriors like hot dog skin plaster. The dog is like a shadow and always chases behind the wolves. Every time Long Zhijie thinks that he has got rid of the pursuit of the horse, when the big guy is just ready to get some food, the black Slinsai horse comes from multiple directions and chases after him. Immediately, the drums and corners are noisy, the flags are beckoned, the swords and spears are shining, and the sound is everywhere. The wolves He had to fight desperately again. Before the horse completely completed the encirclement, he rushed out of the encirclement gap and escaped.

In the process of chasing and fleeing, fortunately, both the members of the "famous flower stream" and the overseas mercenaries recruited are extremely cruelly trained, tenacious and ruthless battlefield butchers. In the bloody battles, they kill like cutting melons and vegetables, without frowning their eyebrows.

After walking in several large circles, there are only more than 3,000 wolves left, and most of them are injured, most of the horses are damaged, and there are also a lot of damage and consumption of arrow bullets. The overall combat effectiveness is gradually going down. jiang。

This time, he slacked a little during the rest, and almost made Slin chase and horse completely surround him. He tried his best to kill him for a long time. At present, he still hasn't broken through the heavy encirclement of Slin Bezig's army!