Wolf Empire

0354 Internal and Foreign Affairs

The accompanying personnel who toured Kanto with the eldest princess include the "Military Office" secretary bending bow, shooting the moon, etc., and the cabinet is several related political participation, including the "Biluo" backbone that has just been transferred back to Kanto from "Huadu", as well as the three elders of the "Tianyi Chamber of Commerce" and Mobei. Naturally, the head of the branch, An Xiaocui, the 19th princess, and a group of rose women's army, accompanied the guard.

In addition to inspecting the situation of appointed officials and local officials governing the people and politics, in fact, one of the main focus of this inspection is to inspect the reclaimed new fields, Fengyi farms and several Hemo North pastures that have been purchased with a lot of money in the hands of the imperial dynasty, and inspect these royal industries that have been gradually promoted. What is the effect?

In addition, the construction of militia in various provinces, counties and even counties and villages is also one of the key points of the tour of the princess regent. After a period of massive consolidation a while ago, a large number of laid-off troops have been enriched to the second-line troops and become militia regiments that are not inferior to regular legions. Its biggest advantage in military is that the militias added to the main legion in the future have undergone a considerable degree of military training and previous combat experience, and it is easy to quickly form an overall combat effectiveness. Even if the number of people is slightly larger, the impact on the combat effectiveness of the main legion is relatively small. At the same time, the militia can also serve as The garrison can carry out defensive operations independently, and can cooperate with the main legions, such as transport heavy troops, as attack divisions, etc., such a system is naturally perfect.

However, Her Royal Highness Princess An Moran, who is insightful, still sees the shortcomings and shortcomings of the militia system.

Although the main legions under the command of the "Ministry of Military Affairs" have different sources of soldiers, the empire has fully distributed food and salaries to these main legion soldiers, and their armor and weapons are also borne by the empire, and the treatment far exceeds that of temporary recruitment in the second-line reserve militia and the border army. The so-called "militia" of the empire is actually a relatively paid compulsory corvée. Although the cost of salary is obviously far from that of the empire's regular army, five or six million police serving militias, armor and weapons, military expenses, grain and other items must be borne by the local government. It can be imagined how the burden of the local government is. Huge and heavy.

Comprehensively, developing national strength, farming and business at the same time, and sufficient money and grain are the way to govern the country and strengthen the army!

The army is the guarantee of national security, and money and grain are the lifeblood of the survival and development of the army. Only when there is enough food can the imperial militia system be implemented for a long time, not just a stopgap measure.

With this consideration, the inspection of Her Royal Highness Princess An Moran, the princess of Regent, first began with the cultivation of the new fields in the Blackwater River, went north to the first line of sky, border cities and camel cities, and then went all the way back and turned to the south to inspect Fengyi, Hancheng and other places. Everywhere, the eldest princess did not hesitate to inspect the officials and inquire about production. Examin the school's armaments and observe the people's feelings.

In this way, the subordinates of the empire naturally dare not neglect, offer advice, work together to encourage farming, and there is also a new trend of forging ahead.

During this tour, all the people accompanying the tour realized a problem that had been ignored in the past, but could not be avoided, that is, the main officials of the imperial provinces and counties, either appointed by the central government or selected by local recommendations, but most of them were selected from the children of the powerful clans in Kanto and the Mobei ethnic group. This situation is likely to form a new force challenging the An Dynasty in the future; and how to balance the interests of the An's upstarts with the old clans in Kanto and Mobei is also a big problem. If it is not solved as soon as possible, there will be a big problem in the future.

All this is helpless. The children of famous families always have much more opportunities to receive various cultural education than the ordinary grassroots people. In the land of Kanto and Mobei, children from poor families have no money to study at all. However, as long as the children of the big clan are willing to study hard, they can naturally not be compared with illiterates who can only read a few big words or even a word illiterate. The empire does not choose these talented people as officials. Will it choose the illiterate of the poor family as officials?

Among all the civil and martial arts offices under the jurisdiction of the new nobles of the An family, they have undertaken some of the functions of cultivating talents. At present, they mainly rely on the "Wolf Academy" and "Wolf Youth Camp", while the Military Machinery Office, the Recruitment Hall and the Printing Society have also shouldered some of the functions of educating talents, and even the "Liangcheng Inn" have also undertaken the training room for the imperial dynasty. The responsibilities of espionage personnel, of course, the "Dark Department" and the police director have also intervened in this.

Her Royal Highness the Regent is mixed with the excellent children of the gatekeepers as central and local officials. Although these big clans are allies of the Ann family, it is also certain that their interests are different from themselves. The selection of excellent children of major clans as officials can be more closely integrated in terms of interests, but at the same time, it also gives the powerful clans the opportunity to govern the An family, and even confront or manipulate local government affairs with the royal family in the future. This is a fundamental matter to be taken seriously. If it is not done well, it will not be a big deal and the situation of meeting swords and soldiers.

In the face of fundamental events such as talent selection and balancing the power of the big clan, it is necessary to properly plan and put it on the agenda immediately.

With this question, Her Royal Highness Princess An Moran was patrolling all the way and thinking all the way. Until she returned to the "Wolf City" at the end of the inspection, she was still racking her brains for these fundamental plans. She couldn't sleep at night, and her whole body actually lost a large circle.

This day, he dealt with the urgent items one by one. Moran picked up the blue and white fine porcelain tea cup and took a sip of tea. He finally had time to take a break. During the inspection, An Yixue, the eighth princess who stayed in the base camp, based on the principle of "not seeking merit, but seeking no mistakes", and with the assistance of cabinet ministers, also handled the government smoothly and properly without any major mistakes. At this time, she was talking softly with the eldest sister, mostly of which was family and military affairs.

"Sister, this is the old man's letter, asking about my father's situation now. Xiaoba has drawn up a draft with his father's tone. Do you want to have a look?" Eight Princess An Yixue leaned out and asked.

"Well," the eldest princess An Moran nod and said, "I won't read the manuscript. On the side of 'Huadu', Mr. Tang, Xiaoba should pay more attention to it and not report the good news."

"Mrs. Nalan said that the ginseng and deer antler sent by my father last time were good, and she liked them very much. Grandma Song said that the mink velvet winter clothes were very good last time, and Shaji's mommy also liked it. Eight Princess An Yixue said again.

"Oh, I see, Xiaoba, just take care of it. Next time, remember to prepare one more gift. Shaji's mommy is also Dad's woman anyway, and there is no reason to despise her." The eldest princess An Moran then said, "Is there anything else important?"

"Also, this is the fold of Lord Ivy who turned to Monjindarhan Khan and Qingyuan Basba Living Buddha." Eight Princess An Yixue picked out two documents marked with her nails in advance from the fold in her hand and handed them over.

"Basiba Living Buddha represents the lama monks in the Qingyuan Snowfield. How his tendency will directly affect the attitude of the 'Qingyuan Empire' towards us, which is related to the imperial control of the Qingyuan region; Darhan Khan represents the major pastoral forces of the Mengjin Grassland. They are Whether they recognize the empire and are willing to accept the restraint of the empire, or in other words, whether they are still willing to turn to the empire as affiliated countries, the attitude of these two figures is crucial. The eldest princess An Mo said lightly.

During the visit of the eldest princess, the talks between the eighth princess An Yixue and Foreign Minister Ivy and the two distinguished guests have been held.

The empire is asking for a lot of money, and there are many conditions put forward. For example, the Monkin people can serve in the empire or the wolf army, and local affairs in the Monkin area are governed by the Monkin people themselves, but whether it is the imperial government or the Monkin local affairs officer, they must go through the rotation training of the "political training office" or "military training office" belonging to the empire. Only qualified people can choose to be an official. The empire can help the Monjin people develop agriculture, animal husbandry, industry and commerce, start education, open trade and markets. Monjin people can also form business groups to bid for foreign trade rights, etc. However, the empire should levy certain taxes on the industrial and commercial markets in the Monjin area, and the military management orders, election orders and other decrees issued by the empire should also be implemented in the Mengjin region;

When meeting with the representatives of the Living Buddha, the Eighth Princess An Yixue also put forward several conditions for the empire. For example, the lama temple should abide by the imperial decree and must not fight against the empire; the empire will protect the temple property in the form of a public decree, but the temple property must be paid to the imperial government. Tax, this tax can be reduced or exempted by the empire at its discretion, but it shall not refuse to pay, otherwise the empire will not undertake the obligation to protect the temple; if the incense, money and goods donated by the believers exceed a certain amount, the empire shall also be taxed; the number of monks in the temple should be limited, one every ten, forming a "legy of monks" to accept the command of the wolves , jointly assume military obligations, etc.

Obviously, some of these conditions are not decided by Ba Siba Living Buddha and Darhan Khan alone, and it is inevitable that they have to bargain back and forth. Even if both sides express their respective positions, attitudes and requirements clearly, it is impossible to hope that they can be negotiated in just a few days, which depends on the development of the future situation. Xiang, and the number of chips of both sides, as well as their respective sincerity.

During the negotiations, the eighth princess An Yixue was not in a hurry at all. From time to time, she also arranged for members of the envoys of the two countries to visit the arsenal today and the air base tomorrow, including the secret training camp of special forces that is difficult for ordinary people to access.

While the representatives of the envoys of the two countries during the visit, while they opened their eyes, they also obviously felt the hidden force deterrence of the empire.

But the foreign envoys of the two countries also understand the current situation of the empire. The stall of Wuhuang Andongyepu is too big. What is his bottom line? They can't predict whether it will be a blessing or a curse after their national tribe is kidnapped by this wolf chariot? Therefore, although the attitude of the talks has softened and loosened due to many visits, there is still a lot of persistence. The deadlock in the negotiation can only loosen little by little and make difficult progress.

At this time, Her Royal Highness Princess An Moran understands that in order to make breakthrough progress, the empire still needs to press the most important weight-

- Good news on the front line of the wolves!