Wolf Empire

0355 Ma Ta joint venture

The cold wind roared, the night shrouded the earth, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, indicating that there would be another heavy snow soon.

Under the black sky, the camp arranged by the Principality of Slin in the garrison of the "Helian Department" seemed lonely and desolate, with only a few poor lights, like sleepless eyes in the dark.

Joseph's garrison, with curly hair and red eyes, is drinking in a tent with several teammates. Everyone is secretly thinking about several bloody incidents in the jurisdiction in recent days, and their mood is heavy.

- The exposure of the mother country's court guards posing as "redbeard" horse bandits to ravage the allies, undoubtedly pushed these cavalry camps stationed all over the Allied countries to the crater.

In the recent stage, several nearby friendly camps have been armedly attacked by local herdsmen and monks, tents have been burned, and officers and soldiers have been killed alive. Even Helian's troops will inevitably be affected sooner or later. The ghost knows whether they will suffer next?

Joseph, the young duchy's cavalry team in "Helenburg" felt extraordinary pressure. How can he fight against tens of thousands of "Helianburg" disciples with less than 300 people in his hand?

There is no need to think about whether to continue to stay to pay for the damn vampires of the palace guard. Several drunk Sling officers are only thinking about how to get out of this and wrong as soon as possible, so as not to catch fire at the gate and affect the pond fish.

"Never mind, I'll leave at dawn tomorrow!" Joseph's team of Sling's garrison was throwing the wine bottle to the ground fiercely.

At this moment, the thick curtain on the door of the tent was suddenly lifted, and a cold wind rushed in.

"Sergeant, what's going on?" Sling Joseph was staring angrily at the knights who broke into the felt tent.

"The team is in the northeast direction of the camp, less than 30 miles, and the enemy was found. Nearly 10,000 cavalry stag and headed for the camp. What should we do?"

"10,000 cavalry?" Joseph's team saw that the sergeant nodded affirmatively, and the first reaction was to escape! He was already flawless in his army, and he quickly decided to sneak away with his cronies.

Leaving the camp, Sling Joseph's team is quietly leading the horse northwest with more than 50 confidant horses with blade bows and arrows collected from the "Helian Department" on a peaceful day, as well as necessary food and water, in order not to disturb the Slynse cavalry in the garrison camp.

On a small hill outside the camp, he looked blankly at the Slin garrison camp with a red sky and was indifferent to the bloody noise until more than a dozen darkkuang fighters then swept up the hill.

"Where is the next goal?" The soft and touching voice, even in the ears of Lei Zhan, the leader of the iron-stone mad warrior, did not feel awe-inspiring chills into the bone marrow.

"Northwest direction, sixty-five miles." Lei Zhan wiped the bloody steel axe on the sleeve of his robe casually twice.

Later, there was a sudden sound of hoofs in the dark field of the night, and soon faded away.

Except for the movement of footsteps and the sound of horses' hoofs on the ground, there is only silence and murder.

It was not until they left the camp of the "Helian Department" and walked five miles away that the Slin Joseph team was ordering everyone to get on the horse, but they were not allowed to gallop, only to move forward carefully step by step in the dark, so as not to alarm the possible enemy ambush.

The firelight and screams in the distance have represented that more than 500 men abandoned by themselves in the camp. At this moment, all of them have gone to hell. Joseph's team can't help but be glad that they escaped in time. 60 miles further, their home country is located in this area. The largest garrison cavalry camp has 20,000 elite horsemen. As long as you get there, you don't have to be afraid of anything.

When the night sky was red by fire, Joseph's team and his cronies had just reached a grassy hill. Sergeant, do you see who is coming? The team was asking by the way.

"The team is right, which may make the army of the wolves?" The sergeant was not sure.

"Impossible. The mobilization of the corps of wolves can't hide it from our sentry without martial law. Joseph, who escaped from the battle and abandoned the lives of his subordinates, said that they had fought several hard battles, and they knew more or less about the battle.

"Then, I don't understand who else can mobilized so many people?" The sergeant muttered.

"Well, this should still be related to the wolves. Maybe these people who came to attack the camp are the 'Helian Department'. Since Helian Tieshu established a relationship with his precious daughter and the immortal dynasty, he has increasingly stopped paying attention to the garrison of our Grand Duchy. A team that once proposed marriage to Helian Tieshu but was declined is saying angrily.

Listening to the faint sound in the distance, Joseph's team is ordering everyone to run away from the wrong place as soon as possible.

The dawn is faint, and the sky is getting brighter.

Helian Iron Tree, who fought hard overnight, sat on the ground and carefully wiped the wolf-tooth saber in his hand with an oil cloth. This was a gift given to him by Emperor An Dongye in the imperial camp. The skillful craftsman used fine steel, mixed with cooked iron, black gold, fine copper, etc., strong and soft, strong and sharp, blown hair, cut gold and jade. Down.

The leather robe was splashed with the blood of the Sling people, which was the traces left by the overnight killing.

In the name of the Allied Power, the Slin Garrison has a varying number of troops in the Haoyue Alliance, which carries out military supervision and control, which makes many member states dissatisfied early, but they suffer from weak strength, and can only dare to be angry and dare to say; the garrison has extremely poor discipline, * women in the country and the robbery of residents' property. It is not uncommon to see it, among which the "Helian Department" is particularly affected by the small and powerful country.

- Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Now, due to the strong addition of wolves, the situation has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Last night, Helian Tieshu led more than 8,000 cavalrymen, his son, and with the cooperation of the "Dark Knights" of the empire, successively attacked four military camps in his territory, which was well harvested.

According to the prior agreement with the empire, a camp will be broken, the men and women will all return to the empire, the horse empire will occupy seven, the cattle and alpaca and other livestock empire will account for three, the gold and silver property and grain empire will account for two, and whoever will break the rest will get it; whoever has made great achievements in the action will get more points. Such a benefit, these Mengjin who rely on loyalty to the empire Sudqi, Qingyuan monks and soldiers, Helian's children, where is there any reason not to fight for the first from top to bottom?

The desire for interests and the struggle to turn over have stimulated the bloody desire of the superiors, charging into the battle, and stepping on the military camp of the Principality is unprehensive!