Wolf Empire

0359 Group

While talking, there was a sound of footsteps from far away from outside the tent, and a guard sang and shouted: "Fourth brother is here!"

surrounded by Major General Sha Water Scorpion of the 543rd Division and Major General Changsha Tu Camel of the 545th Division, the fourth brother An Zixuan has walked into the big tent.

The fourth brother An Zixuan was dressed in a uniform, wearing a set of light, exquisite and strong Linggen armor, holding an exquisite horse whip in his hand, smiling on his face, and greeting the first-first subordinates one by one.

At the moment when Lei Jin entered the account, all the generals in the tent got up with a "bang" and bowed their hands to salute, and a loud voice of armor leaves resounded through the tent.

The people in the tent have finished their salute and all sat down. An Zixuan, the fourth brother sitting in the main seat, smiled and went straight to the topic and said, "This time, the generals are called to gather here mainly to prepare for the military operations under our northern camp; the two generals, the sand water scorpion and sand camel, should all know each other, the ninth princess I won't introduce the general of the marching army sent by His Royal Highness to the front line. Everyone is welcome.

The wolves were shocked and said secretly, "It turns out that they are the sand water scorpions and sand camels in the recently famous 'Mobei Five Show'! Sure enough, it's better to be famous than to meet, elegant, young talents!"

Lei Hei and other generals saw the salute one after another. The sand water scorpion and sand camel are very young. The former sand water scorpion white helmet and white armor, with white skin and smiling eyes. White and fat, they look more like a young master of a well-fed family, but the people present dare not despise it and can walk with the fourth master. It is impossible to be an ordinary person; the latter has a yellow robe, with rigid facial features and a slightly hunchback. He just arched his hand and talks and laughs with his companion sand water scorpion. Soon, he went to the generals in the account to form a very different personality, which belongs to the category of few words.

These two young people, together with the other three sand snakes, sand eagles and sand fire fox, are the heroes of the older generation of Mobei Sha people. After the emerging young rising stars are not only distinguished from their families, but also have strong martial arts skills. They each have their own unique skills. After being recruited by the fourth brother An Zixuan, they are highly valued and powerful. Long.

"The reason why this town seconded these two infantry divisions from Jiu Wangmei to come to Beisai to support the battle is that the mountains of the 'Beirong Department' are high and dense, and the terrain is dangerous, which is not suitable for large-scale cavalry. In terms of geography, it is more suitable for infantry mountain combat." Fourth brother An Zixuan glanced at the people and said:

"Next, we mainly discuss the configuration of our army's combat corps under the new situation in northern Serbia. The attack and defense of the infantry legion is quite different from the field battle of the cavalry legion, and the city attack and field attack are not the same. Based on the few opponents we are facing at present, there are many swamps in Donghu, and Western Qiang is full of desert, while Beirong is mainly mountainous and forest, which is different. Therefore, in the shortest time, our army needs to find the best allocation in terms of personnel allocation, troop formation, ordnance and equipment, heavy grain, and field warfare.

"The battalion staff has painstakingly agreed on several allocation plans. According to my estimation, it may be difficult for a relatively neat and uniform allocation to meet different combat needs, so in the future, several different allocations will coexist, and then continue to adjust in drills and actual combat." Lei Hei first issued suggestions with the leaders of the generals:

"In terms of the 543rd Division and 545th Division, two strong combat effectiveness, weapons and weapons and weapons should be as good as possible. When attacking, they must be as fierce as thunder and fire, and when defending, they must be as difficult to shake as mountains, and when marching It can be wind and lightning, and thousands of mountains and rivers can't stop the pace of progress, which can be regarded as the momentum and norms that our wolves should have.

"For the sake of the speed of soldiers, the marching speed of the infantry legion needs to be able to roughly keep up with the marching speed of the cavalry legion. Therefore, except for a few main infantry corps equipped with large artillery and other siege equipment, artillery vehicles, etc., most of the main infantry corps will be equipped with mules, horses, donkeys, cattle, camels and other marching to carry animal power according to different needs. The infantry corps rely on animal power when marching, and only when they are engaged in battle. Just dismount and fight step by step. If necessary, the infantry can even ride a horse and attack the enemy from the side of the enemy's wings like cavalry. Huo Zhanfei, commander of the 512th Division, will add his opinion.

"In addition, the empire has now produced a considerable number of artillery, *, mines, rockets and other firearms. How can it maximize the advantages of firearms and make up for its existing defects and shortcomings? What kind of firearms do infantry and cavalry regiments need to be equipped with? How many firearms are suitable? What is the upper limit of the amount of firearm equipment that the empire can withstand with its financial and material resources? Is it necessary to independently prepare a artillery brigade or multiple* teams in the infantry corps? Or is it necessary to establish a special artillery team and field artillery team? How many days is it most appropriate for the allocation of firearms to ensure the continuous fighting of each legions on the weight of ammunition with the financial and material resources and supply and transportation capabilities we may have in the future? How much is the most appropriate arrangement of firearms and other weapons in a legion? How much animal oil does it need to be allocated for the vehicle to transport firearms? Because of the allocation of animal power, how can human and animal grain ensure transportation and supply? How much heavy grain can be solved by collecting on the spot or supporting the war? Wait, many of these problems require our overall consideration and must be solved as soon as possible.

In the future, if the war gets bigger and bigger, the infantry legion will not only undertake the task of attacking and fighting alone, but also cooperate with the cavalry legion, which we need to gradually improve through drills and actual combat.

In addition, the coordination between the infantry and cavalry corps is also a great test of our current generals' ability to plan a thousand miles. Our generals can command one legion to fight, which does not mean that they will be able to command two legions and three legions in the future. Multiple legions in command and dispatching one aspect cooperate with each other, which is completely different from commanding a legion alone. Generals and generals must pay attention to the continuous improvement of their own abilities.

After a long talk by the fourth brother An Zixuan, the generals nodded repeatedly and thought deeply. Unconsciously, it was already getting thinner.



With the thunderous roar of Emperor Andongye, the pen, ink and inkstone on the table were overturned to the ground with the main body.

The five princess An Muxi, the two girls who stood next to him, and the 108 guard men who were waiting for the knife couldn't help but be shocked. They were as cold as cicadas and dared not breathe.

"Father, what happened?" An Zitong, the second princess, was summoned and asked nervously.

"The second master successfully attacked the Slin 'Bezik' defense camp, encountered a strong wind and snow, and abandoned the two sides of the division, resulting in General Longzhijie's foreign army not being one and suffered heavy losses; Long Zhijie made a scene with a knife and was put into the army by the second master, waiting to be killed--" The fifth princess An Muxi explained to Nai in a low voice.

"Zitong," Wuhuang Andongye pointed out with trembling fingers: "You immediately go to Senan, let the second bastard release General Long Zhijie in person, and apologize to the Long army commander in front of all the snow leopard soldiers. You beat him fiercely with a horse whip! Since the wolves, I haven't left a brother on the battlefield!"

"Father, at this time, I will hand it over to Zitong to deal with it, and the minister will go back!" With a slight bow, the second princess An Zitong left quickly.

- Long Zhijie is very prestigious among the foreign generals of the "Snow Leopard Legion". Once it is not handled well and in time, it is easy to cause mutiny. If the cold commercial alliance legion participates again, the army on Imperial South Road is bound to break itself without fighting!

Temporarily calmed the anger in his chest. Emperor Andongye looked at the 108 guard men with tigers and bear waists in front of him and asked, "Do you know what task I want to let the fifth brother select you from the army to perform?"

"I don't know, please make it clear to the Wolf King." 108 strong men roared back and replied.

"Once the battle is over, the army of the middle road is about to leave the western camp and enter the 'Great Snow Valley'. This valley is located in the point of Sai, stretching 800 miles, which is a must-have place for soldiers. The only task for you is to unload your military uniforms, incarnate the bandits, lead some people, and build forts in the dangerous areas of the 'Great Snow Valley'. , store grain and troops, cooperate with the imperial regular army to fully control the Sais, and take root. Do you have any problems?"

"No problem! Promise to complete the task!" More than a hundred strong men said in unison.

Wuhuang Andongye waved his hand with satisfaction, and the energetic guards hit their left chest with right boxing, and a wolf army saluted.

The army in the middle of the empire was launched, and each division brigade followed suit.

On the third day, An Mochen, the eighth brother of the "Spirit Snake" legion in charge of peripheral vigilance, came to report angrily: "Father, Lao Eleven's 'Ono Youth Teaching Brigade' has lost contact!"

Wuhuang Andongye heard this and his head buzzed.