Wolf Empire

0360 The Fundamentals of the Country

Imperial capital.

In Queen Tianyi's bedroom, the charcoal fire is vigorous and warm as spring.

The three imperial concubines were accompanying the Queen Tianyi sisters who had just returned to the palace and gossip about their family life. The eldest princess An Moran came early to say hello, and several Identified concubines with Qin also accompanied them to make jokes. A large group of women surrounded the little brother An Xiaoye, who was full of beds to make a grimace and fly, which was very lively.

"I haven't seen you for a while. The big-headed baby has grown up again and can actually roll." Empress An Tianyi said with a smile.

"It's very strong and naughty, but there is no meat, and the head looks bigger and bigger." Imperial Concubine Yui Asano said with a smile.

Holding the big-headed baby in his arms, the emperor's aunt An Xiaoyi blushed and praised him: "The big-headed babies are not smart. Our big-headed baby will now call 'Dad'. Big-headed, perform a performance for moms and big sisters-"

The big head fluttered his two small arms excitedly, and milkyly shouted "ba-ba-ba-", which made the onlookers' fans and sisters have another round of kisses.

"The emperor won't scream when he went on an expedition. If he knew that the baby would call 'dad', he would be very happy-" Imperial Concubine Yui Asano said sadly for no reason.

"I'm not here during this period. Thank you for your hard work, three sisters." Empress An Tianyi smiled and said, "Chiyo sent the errands of the aviation police station, and Mei Xun also managed the military factory. Jieyi was the most tired. Since she handled palace affairs, took care of the little brother, and took care of the clothing and grain factory, our grandfather raised me for nothing."

"Where did your sister say? Such a big business in the Chamber of Commerce is not enough for you to be busy. Yui Asano hurriedly laughed.

"Bear by the way, Mo Ran, how is the war ahead?" Empress An Tianyi smiled and turned her head to ask the regent who was sitting next.

"After returning to the mother: According to the latest war report, the army on the East Road of the Empire is progressing smoothly. The eldest brother Anxi cried and destroyed the 'Thunder Department' for the first time, and the thunderstorm was killed. Now he is negotiating with the Moon Soul, the high priest of the 'Elves Department' to join the empire, which is very promising to be successful; An Jinliang, the second brother of the South Road, successfully attacked the "Great Duke of Silin" imperial capital. The 'Bezke' battalion beheaded 50,000, but the two wing divisions suffered heavy losses and were heavily blamed by their father. The achievements and demerits are now complete the southern Serbia and look for opportunities to fight again. After the three brothers of the West Road, An Yaoyi recovered the Mengjin, Qingyuan and Helian in the middle of the round, the troops came out of the West and marched to the 'Miao Witch Department'; the North Road Army is divided into two routes, four A Ge'an Zixuan's army contained the "Bei Rong Department" and the old general Leihei gathered a large part of the 5th Army, Xu Tu's "Xi Qiang"; the middle army is now stationed in the "Daxue Valley", and after the two countries of "Haoyue" and "Loulan". What is surprising and worrying is that on the way to the army, the eleventh brother "Ono Youth Teaching Brigade" followed up by the back road due to the weather Loss of contact with the main force and the headquarters command, including three small grids-"

When the women heard this, they couldn't help sighing softly.

"Recently, the 'wolf' has been stormy all day long. Remember to order Gu Xiaodao, who ordered the 'Ministry of Civil Affairs' to be diligent, and send more people to nine cities to do errands to help the people repair destroyed houses, clean up streets, and settle people's lives. This second son Gu has the ability to do things, but he can't get rid of the doren's likes and dislikes. Lao's pompous style, the eldest princess still mentions something better. The imperial army is blocked in the west, and the rear can't be chaotic. Empress An Tianyi took a sip of fragrant tea and handed the teacup to Gong E beside her.

"What the mother said is very much." Princess Regent An Moran said carefully that she knew that her father entrusted the imperial power after the expedition to herself rather than the queen. An Tianyi, who appeared to be nothing, was jealous and dissatisfied with herself.

"That's right. I only see wind and wind blowing all day long. All day long, I'm blowing soil and scraping soil. I don't wear a hat or a scarf when I go out. I can't even open my eyes. The table and stools at home have to be wiped hundreds of times a day." Aunt An Xiaoyi complained with a smile.

For the matter that the sister-in-law went to bed, when Empress An Tianyi returned to the palace, there was a confidant who was placed in the palace. She had no choice but to swallow the bitter water into her stomach. Looking back, the three concubines of Canglang hugged her, and she had a sister to help the Olympics. It's not a bad thing, just pretending not to give up.

Shiyue said obediently, "Look at the people of Kanto, they all like powerful heroes. When they like it, they even fall in love with roughness, and they feel particularly relieved. The weather here also follows the human nature of the people, which is not comparable to the flowers and beautiful mountains and rivers all year round in the Central Plains.

Looking at the straightforward shooting moon, An Tianyi said to himself, "This girl got the holy favor with a clever mouth, and became more and more irregular. That's what she said at the beginning. If it is investigated, it's not too much to destroy her nine clans!"

It seemed that she also felt the unhappiness of the queen. Her Royal Highness Princess An Moran hurriedly changed the topic and said, "The first batch of beautifully printed religious scriptures advocated by Luo's 'Printery' have been officially delivered to the market, which is very popular among Buddhists, Taoists and religious believers. Because of the newspaper's financial turnover, It has been put on hold for a period of time, but it is estimated that it will take shape by next summer at the latest. The 'jewelry shop' sponsored by the emperor's aunt is amazing. High-priced crystal products, gold and silver jewelry, glassware, luxury cars, gorgeous clothes, and famous pets have become luxury goods that mainland rich people scrambled to buy and show off their wealth; the construction of chain inns It went smoothly. After employing a large number of idle people who have no livelihood, they have been rushing to work and expand day and night within two months. The whole construction project is about to be completed. The interior decoration of the house has begun. Soon, you can choose to open on auspicious day. Perhaps when the brothels, casinos, money houses, restaurants and other industrial clusters of the 'Liangcheng Inn' have opened, the very slouded treasury of the empire can be slightly bulged, and the financial situation will be better. Aunt Yuyu, who is in charge of the 'Ministry of Finance', has been worried that she has seen a few gray hair these days.

"With hundreds of thousands of troops in the western expedition, the empire is now using money everywhere. These imperial lives are life-saving. Everyone should pay more attention. The success or failure of the imperial expedition to the west is not only the leakage of the soldiers in front, but also the stability of our rear and the supply of money and food are inseparable." Queen An Tianyi's words made everyone here nod frequently.

The depleted and distressed financial situation of the empire is an indisputable fact. The farming area of the Kanto Plain is very rich and developed. It is the richest land in addition to the Central Plains, and most of the best anointed land in the Kanto fields are in the hands of the local old rich people, and only a small number of them are in the hands of some scattered farmers. Even the clan of the An Dynasty are nothing more than mastered in the barren and low-yielding land reclamation in the Blackwater area. It's just a field; so, using the royal enterprise workshops to absorb the financial resources of the rich gentry to fund military expenses and enrich the treasury has become the leading financial policy of the empire.

It should be said that tax rent still occupies an important position in the composition of the empire's money and grain income, including land rent, corvée, commercial tax, miscellaneous duties, etc. Unlike the Holy See's preference for farmers as the main object of taxation, the empire consciously focused on pressing oil and water from more economically powerful officials, officials, soldiers, gentry and other classes, so as to bear the fate of the whole empire.