Wolf Empire

0361 The law of the jungle

"Big Snow Valley".

A sharp whistle came quickly from the wilderness in the distance, and its sound penetrated the world, long and long. The long whistle flashed like lightning across the snowy field raging in the cold wind and threw it into the depths of the wilderness far away.

It was a signal sent by the scouting wolves hundreds of miles away when they were about to return, and finally the relay passed one after another to the rear assembly site.

Wuhuang's Dongye's whole body was wrapped in a thick and wide fox fur robe, and his clothes lay on his back in the concave ground of the snow. Even though this long whistle sound sounded between the ears of the sky, he was indifferent, and he still lay peacefully and motionless.

The lonely dog wolf, who plagiarized and bravely, swam with his nose from time to time, shaking his tail a few times.

Under her father, the careful and considerate fifth princess An Muxi is lined with a black mink mattress with dense mink hair, smooth and moist, shining blue in the snow.

The mink is thick and dense, which can keep warm and cold. The mink mattress is the warmest leather mattress, spread in the snow nest and can keep the cold air from invading.

With the support of the wolves of the empire, several tribes that subjugized the imperial dynasty worked together. Within half a month, the "Haoyue Alliance" alliance "Great Principality of Silin" were uprooted and the garrison in Mengjin, Qingyuan and Herian, and swept away. The Xisai area was no longer owned by Haoyue!

The army in the middle of the empire left the western camp and stationed in the "Big Snow Valley". Due to the avalanche, the food lane was destroyed, and logistical supplies encountered difficulties; the wolves in urgent need of supply and replenishment plundered and broke through several small tribes of the "the beautiful moon girl country", which is called "war to support war"; to put it badly, it is violence. Plunder, that's the case anyway!

The fox fur robe worn by a wild man is a booty, and this lining is under the buttocks, and the very dense mink mattress is also sewn by the captured Haoyue female slaves with the captured mink.

In order to let every wolf soldier have a mattress to protect against the cold, the mink rat on the snowfield suffered a lot, so that the wolves hunting everywhere were killed all over the field, dripping with blood, but in order to get the skin that could resist the cold on them.

In the same fate, there is a small group of yellow sheep gradually migrating from the south, as well as the otter mice that hibernate in the deep underground cave. In order to obtain the food they need, mainly meat and skin, the wolf group did not hesitate to kill and ride around and hunt yellow sheep. They also drove Haoyue to take out the hibernation hole of the otter rat at this time. Although there is not much fat, its skin is still a very good thing.

The wolves regarded as similar to be stuffed in the snowfield have not been attacked or damaged by human beings. Even in hunting, when they encounter wounded or starving wolves, the imperial warriors will help them get out of trouble.

After staying for half a month, the wolf army finally survived until the logistics support unit of the 15th Princess An Xiaoxing Battalion cleared the road and rushed to avoid the bad luck of hundreds of thousands of people starving to death and freezing in the "Big Snow Valley".

The sun shines obliquely after the snow, and the mountains in the distance are undulating and covered with white snow, covering the nature of nature. The snow light reflects the thousands of miles of silence.

The wolves who are alert around them detect and ride, and send out long or short whistles from time to time. The relay is passed far away, so that the rides scattered dozens of miles around the vicinity communicate with each other and maintain the echo of each other at the right time. This simple note only Only by the wolves can they clearly distinguish the nuances, and it is difficult for outsiders to clearly understand the hidden meaning, just as the snowfield wolves transmit the information of the wolf clan with the help of howling.

Now the army in the middle of the empire has penetrated into the territory of the Haoyue Women's Kingdom, the second largest allied country of the "Biaoyue Alliance". Although most of the nomadic tribes of the women's country are sheltering from the cold in the hidden tribes at this time, in many cases, wolf cavalry wrapped in prisoners and livestock and crossed the wilderness snowfield, and it is difficult to see people for hundreds of miles. Smoke is like entering a land of no one, but An Mochen, the eighth brother of the 181 Division in charge of vigilance, will still go out three or 500 miles away to see if there are any unlucky female tribes and just put the winter camp on the marching route of the wolves.

- This is an era of weakness and strength!

For the underworldly and arrogant soba, once such a tribe is found, there is no doubt that as long as it is not a super powerful big tribe, it will definitely quietly go to kick the camp to attack, break through the other party's camp in one fell swoop, and take away female soldiers, food, livestock, tents and other trophies.

Another long whistle, and the hooves roared in the distance, which was clearly audible. The Wuhuang An Dongye, who closed his eyes and nourished his god, sat up. The whistle and hoofs only showed one thing. The scouts who had returned to the camp "Big Snow Valley" hundreds of miles ahead.

-Have you found the lost troops of An Shangyan and the three little Gege?

An Mochen, the eighth brother who hurried back, did not find the trace of the "Youth Teaching Brigade" that had lost contact, but brought back another important news; a Loulan caravan escorted a considerable number of food and fodder and horses, and was camping in Xiaoxue Valley not far from here.

As soon as he heard this, he became energetic at that time. After carefully asking about the details of the transportation of goods by Loulan Caravan, he did not feel anything particularly wrong. He calculated that he took the guards and armed police as the core, and then assisted by more than a thousand strong men selected from several subdued tribes. , it should not be a problem to eat this Loulan caravan.

Determined, Wuhuang An Dongye summoned An Zitong and An Xiaoyu to issue a battle order: prepare for dinner immediately. After eating, the skeleton division and the brigades of the guard division rested. In the middle of the night, all set out to attack the camp of the Loulan caravan, and each division and brigade launched an attack at the same time at dawn!

In the order of the first army that followed the Wuhuang Middle Road army's personal expedition, due to the importance of the imperial capital base camp and black water, wind wings and other city defense, only eight reorganized divisions of the 23 reorganized divisions of the eight legion were in the Western Expedition, namely the 111th Division (prohibition Guard Division) and the 1111th Independent Brigade (Ono Youth Education) Guide brigade, division establishment), 121st Division (armed police), 14th Army (including four integrated divisions of the Bobcat Legion), 181st Division (main division of the Snake Spirit Legion).

After the 14th Army was ordered to lead General Leihei on the North Road to slightly attack Xiqiang, the so-called Imperial Middle Army had only four regular divisions, and some of them were attached to the Serb Army. The mechanical troops of the 1111th Independent Brigade in these four divisions were not suitable for large-scale tank motorcycles because of the difficult snowy roads. The body propulsion was shelved by the heavy snow hundreds of miles away in the direction of the Great Snow Valley and lost contact; now there are only three regular divisions around the Emperor Wu. Except for the 181st Division of the Eighth Brother to guard the perimeter and guard the battalion, Antonno is already two divisions used, which is already the maximum combat power at hand.

In addition, one thing that has always puzzled the wolf generals is that the first general of the imperial guard has never personally protected the martial emperor. Since the shadow of the shadow-like "mad battle general" Youdong, he has not seen his power in the army since he came out of the army. The figure of the mountain. As for where he went? Although everyone has been doubting, no one dares to ask Emperor Wu.

On the extremely dark snow field before dawn, where the guards and the skeleton police, such as the bloody wolves, were riding quietly, but also the surrenders, including the women and children of the Mongols, Qingyuan and other nomadic tribes who followed the back team, also acted quickly and did not let Who makes a sound, light and silent!

- Like a hungry wolf in the dark night, scattering a bloody hunting net.