Wolf Empire

0367 Borrowing troops


Like the lonely wolf roaring moon, the very clear, loud and strange inhaling sound of the east resounded through the mountains and forests, and then the strong wind blew, and the branches and leaves flew across the mountains and forests. It was powerful and amazing. Unexpectedly, it was a big concept that the wind and clouds changed color!

- Everything is dormant!

The whole mountain forest presents an extremely strange silence, giving people inexplicable invisible pressure!

There are mountains, forests, weeds, and flowers, a strange silence. There is no birds singing, no insects singing, no beast roar, and even the sound of wind and leaves. It seems that they all feel the majestic and vast invisible pressure of the east, and everything in the world is silent like a cicada.

Youdong stood motionless on the huge rock, as if it had frozen into a stone statue and lost all its vitality.

In the gloomy depths, several pairs of cold eyes hidden in the dark are watching secretly from afar. This forbidden area, which has been closely monitored, this sudden uninvited guest is obviously the main target of the Fuchun's secret whistles' vigilance.

However, the amazing momentum shown by the uninvited guest just now is not useless. This move has taken the lead, making the Fuchun dark whistles hidden in the dark become particularly careful and dare not act without authorization. They can only watch carefully from afar while waiting for the higher-level leader to decide. What should I do?

The display of strong strength can indeed avoid some unnecessary troubles. The so-called 'the king of hell is easy to see, and the little ghost is difficult to deal with'. It is not a good thing to deter the rashness of the little ghosts with strong strength. At least it can be done quickly and directly negotiate with higher-level people to reduce the need. The conflict you want.

The dark pile ambush in the reckless has always been doubtful. With their eyesight, they are completely uncertain about the origin of the uninvited guest, so they can't help but condense their eyes and look at the unpredictable brother platform from all directions, hoping to see the person's origin from some details.

Youdong's figure looks straight and majestic, with a collarless top, cyan earthen trousers, a bow bag on his right shoulder, an arrow bag under his armpit, a long knife diagonally back, a hat on his head with gourds, horns, silver hooks, purses and other things on his belt, and a black wool shawl full of wrinkles on his shoulders, which naturally droops to small. Legs, you can also see that his calves are tightly wrapped in deer leather leggings, straight to his knees, wearing a pair of mountain tiger leather shoes.

On his forehead, he wears a shiny bubble nail sterling silver head hoop. In addition to the two circles of bubble nails, it is also engraved with mysterious and simple cloud thunder and gluttony patterns, which makes the unforeseen visitor Youdong, who is already strong and mysterious in the hearts of a group of monitors, look more powerful and powerful. Self-respecting.

Not only that, these dark pile whistles also feel great danger, because the clothes of the visitors are obviously conducive to the rapid action of the people in the mountains and forests, which is very beneficial to implement. Any wind and grass can react quickly without any hindrance; not to mention the invisible pressure emanating from the person. The sense of pressure is gloomy and ferocious, and even if it is so far away, it still makes them very uncomfortable.

This breathless and strange silence did not last long. From the discovery of the uninvited guests on these dark piles, it took less than a moment to see a waving flag on the mountain. At the same time, the horns also whined, and the mountains echoed with a strong horn.

The Miao King, who was hidden deep in the forbidden land, reacted so quickly, which was not surprising at all. King Miao's magic power is so vast that he knows that there are uninvited guests coming so quickly, which is natural and normal in their eyes.

"Listening to the simple rhythm blown by the horn, it actually has the meaning of welcoming guests. It seems that the origin of this mysterious visitor is very unusual!" Several Fuchun whistles hiding in the dark secretly guessed in their hearts.

From afar, it can be seen that more than 20 people in wool and felt are leaping through the mountains, looking directly at the rugged and steep mountains as flat ground. Their momentum is as fast as the wind, and the woolen felt rises high with the wind. Obviously, they are not ordinary people. They are not high-level warriors who take care of this forbidden land. He is a personal disciple of Miaowang Cave.

When the long horn stopped, the Miao witch master was already close to the huge rock on the hillside standing in the east.

At this time, Youdong was still standing on the high stone, but the invisible pressure emanating from his body suddenly surged, as if it were real, more intense and turbulent.

If he is an invincible fierce general who dominates the battlefield, behind him, there are hundreds of soldiers and thousands of troops and horses ready to go, and the fierce momentum of the bloody battlefield sweeping the world is surging and surging, so that it is difficult for those strong witch masters with strong martial arts skills and high eyes above the top to make an inch of progress, and their hearts are horrified--

- This fierce pressure that directly refers to the soul is no longer limited to the category of martial arts. It seems that only King Miao and a few cave owners with magical powers can so condense their minds and use similar spiritual power to release their mysterious and huge power.

In fact, Youdong has had a panoramic view of the preparation of more than 20 extraordinary Miao Wu warriors who rushed in a short moment. Although he had long had a fixed idea about the strength of "Miao Wu's Eighteen Caves" and knew that the strength of "Miao Wu Department" could not be underestimated, these new masters of Miao Wu in front of him still made him feel a little surprised and shocked.

"I didn't expect that the power of Miao Wu's caves was already so powerful!" Youdong secretly said to himself.

Most of the Miao witch warriors in front of them are men, with large cyan coats, belts, headbands, silver collars on their necks, silver chains or silver medals on their chests. Everyone is strong and strong, strong and fierce breath comes to their faces, full of beast-like power.

Only seven or eight people are women, all wearing gold and silver, earrings and double rings, wrists wrapped around the letter snake, fierce eyes, strong bodies do not belong to fellow men.

Their status is higher than that of ordinary Miao witch warriors. They do not wear rattan armor or leather armor like ordinary Miao witch warriors. They are usually wear casual clothes that cross mountains and are tied with wool and felt. More than half of them are barefoot. Of course, they carry crossbow quire. Most people's main weapons are knives, and there are also several A hammer with a long axe, a short spear, a thorn and a mace-like hammer.

In front of the revergent and difficult to tame witch caves, if you want to have or have little trouble, it is best to fully show your strong strength. The set of implicit and restrained surface effort or connotation of the Central Plains is not very easy here.

Showing that you are stronger than others can keep a lot of troubles away from you. deterrence is a quite good means to subjure people without fighting. For example, Youdong stopped those violent and fierce Miao witch warriors from rushing with the fierce pressure of pointing straight to their hearts.

After a long time, an old voice like dead wood came at this time, as clear as in my ear:

"Are you under the 'Sian Wolf Sect'?"

Although he saw no one, Youdong did not dare to lose his etiquette. He immediately looked at the sky respectfully and bowed: "Youdong, the commander of the wolf guard army, is ordered by his brother Wuhuang Andongye to make a special trip to see His Majesty King Miao and prays for a redundancy!"

The silent master of the Miao witch cave is one of the six sects of the dark magic. He is the powerful wizard of a powerful generation. He is known as the head of the 18 cave masters of the Miao witch cave. Generally, the Miao witch cave owner can't compare with it at all in terms of witchcraft or status. Even the Lord of the Haoyue League, Slin, to him You should also be afraid of three points; although Youdong is strong and strong, and the back and platform are hard, he does not dare to neglect at all!

The old and hoarse voice obviously knew the identity of Ming Youdong. Hearing the words, he smiled and said, "There are so many tedious etiquette under the door of Sirius. Well, Mr. 18 of Miao, Lan 29th sister, you two attracted the distinguished guests of Sirius Sect into the cave. Don't neglect at all.

Yes! I respect King Miao's instructions!" The two "Miao Witch Department" men and women who were originally with fierce eyebrows and fierce eyes quickly said respectfully.

Youdong smiled secretly in his heart that the etiquette of the witch ancestor was also a lot, but he did not dare to show it at all, so he went to the depths of the forbidden land under the guidance of the two "Miao Witch Department" disciples.

In the cave of Miao Wubu, Youdong finally saw the owner of the Miao King Tianwu Cave.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the owner of Tianwu Cave owed a favor to the old man Tianlang, Emperor Wu many years ago, Emperor Wu would not have instructed his brother to come here.

The owner of Tianwu Cave is as thin as firewood, leaving only a bone shelf all over his body. People who don't know the details will never think of such a skinny, skeleton-like Miao king with such amazing power.

Youdong is very cautious. He knows that most of the power of Miao Wu's 18 holes is here, and only a few are in the Central Plains and Saibei.

Although Miao Wu Zhudong does not directly interfere in the affairs of the Haoyue Alliance, which of those kings, Khans, Buddhas, village owners, patriarchs and leaders dares to ignore their special existences who master the ability of Tongtian Witch? The Miao Witch Department is full of talents, and its important position in the 16 countries of the Haoyue Alliance is even more unshakable.

If he wants to complete the mission assigned by his brother on this trip, it is crucial to win the acquiescence of the important Miao Witch Lord.

Isn't there any reason why Emperor Andongye specially sent his confidant brother to go deep into southern Xinjiang? It is precisely to take advantage of the profound influence of the "Sianlang Sect" in the "Miao Witch Department"!

- In order to attack the "Great Duchy of Slin", the empire has racked its brains, and contacting Miao Wu's 18 holes to send troops is one of it!