Wolf Empire

0368 slander

The owner of Miao Wangtianwu Cave silently read Lei Jin's handwritten letter and said leisurely, "Thank you for your majesty Wu's beauty, but the old man and Slin are of the same family. For many years, they have been addicted to witchcraft and look like rotten wood, and they have long been unable to drive away."

Hearing the other party's refusal, Youdong's heart couldn't help sinking and waiting to speak. The owner of Miao Wang Tianwu Cave continued to say, "There are still several excellent talents in the old cave. If His Majesty Wuhuang doesn't dislike it, the old man can let the children go out to see the world. It's just that - I'm going to trouble General Youdong to take care of him more."

"The cave owner is polite. This is what the younger generation should do." Youdong knew that the owner of Miao Wangtianwu Cave had acquiesced, and was quickly overjoyed to accept it.

"Well, the lobbying of the 17 holes can help you a little - hey, the old man fell alone and was plotted by the four fox girls of the 'Heavenly Fox Sect'. If it hadn't been for the Sirius to help in time, I'm afraid that the old man's life would have long been gone. He has the right to repay his brother's mentor Sirius. It's a life-saving feeling." The owner of Miao Wang Tianwu Cave was so straightforward that Youdong certainly knew that he had a lot to do with his brother's "Sianlang Sect", otherwise there would be no reason to accept it in a few words. This was only when people readily agreed on the face of the same origin of the "Sianwolf Sect". It was not how much he had, but "Sianwolf" Zong's kindness is big enough.

Of course, what kind of person the owner of Miao Wang Tianwu Cave is. Naturally, I know that once I don't allow Wuhuang Andongye to borrow troops for help, I'm afraid that the imperial wolves will show their ferocious teeth. At that time, thousands of troops will enter Miao Wu, and 18 holes will be bloody. And I heard that even the Qingyuan Lama Sect has been involved in the camp of the imperial wolves, which makes Emperor Andongye have no scruples when he chooses violence. When the young man is full of blood and what he seeks is unstricable, it is extremely easy to choose a fierce and bloody means. With the current strength of the empire and the moody style of the ruler, it is simply reasonable to choose a cruel and fierce bloody means.

Youdong smiled and said, "Thank you for your success!"


The end of the year is getting closer and closer, the preparation of farming has not been fully completed, and snow has begun to frequently come to the land of Kanto.

The snowy weather naturally brought a lot of trouble to business travelers, but it did not affect the increasingly prosperous commercial ports in some large cities of the empire.

When it comes to irrigation farming, wolves are not as good as wind wings, but the agriculture, animal husbandry, industry and commerce of the wolf capital have flourished in Kanto. With the official establishment of the empire, as the center of the empire's new military power, people from all parties have gathered to the wolf capital. The rich people in the Central Plains and the fortress have migrated to the wolf capital one after another. The wolf capital is bustling and prosperous day by day. Come, farm ranches, workshops, tooth markets, restaurants and pubs, inns, brothel casinos, guild associations, all over the imperial capital.

In terms of Beiliang Town, the price of rental shops has risen many times, and the purchase and sale price of land has also changed three times a day, but it has been rising vigorously, and the land prices of other prefectures and counties have also continued to rise, which has greatly increased the tax revenue of the empire and provinces, counties under its jurisdiction.

And there are quite a lot of things that make the Kanto clans, especially the well-informed mainland businessmen, feel fresh.

For example, compared with other parts of the Central Plains, teahouses and teahouses where the empire bloom everywhere are generally equipped with storytelling, playing and singing. Moreover, larger-scale teahouses and restaurants also stage dance halls, and artists who perform miscellaneous songs and dances stage one by one play and unique skills on the stage. .

And take "Liangcheng Inn" as the vane of the entertainment industry, or the inn, restaurants and restaurants to welcome the delivery, or the wind and moon brothel drama, or chickens, dogs and crickets and other fighting bureaus*, or monastic monks to pray for good men and women to pray for disasters, engage in Taoist law meetings; or rich and noble family banquets, lifting all shoulders, carriages and horses, rare food, wine, singing and dance , you need to hire a coachman, a singer and dancer, and you have to prepare wine and food, etc. - there are a lot of tricks, and the money is full of pots. After that, various places of fun began to follow suit, which became quite novel.

Although Her Royal Highness An Moran adheres to the gradual intention of changing her father's small to a major change, the administration is as low-key as possible, and every change of laws and regulations, she tries her best to appease and balance the interests of all parties, she is still secretly married by many self-proportionate scholars, crippled priests and hypocritical squires. Even, the malicious attack on the new policy of the empire, and even intensified, gradually pointed the spearhead of the attack at the Wuhuang Dongye on the expedition.

All of this is due to the regulations of the old aristocratic etiquette system and the folk orthodoxy, and the recognition of some practices of reform and new ones is not high.

Among the famous bachelors in Kanto, most of them are desphemous and inconsiderate, and those men and women's naked dramas make the sanctimonial guardians the most disgusted. And the originator of these acts of blasant etiquette is the unkey Wuhuang Andongye in their mouth.

In the view of these famous scholars, it is the good ones who are, and the lower ones must be very bad. His Majesty Wu Huang's behavior is grotesque, * unruly, has no monarchy, all kinds of over-class etiquette, deviant, and countless; and they do not prohibit the etiquette of the military and the people, so as to imitate the women's style of prostitutes superiors. The world is getting worse, and the bad , there is no medicine.

And Emperor Andongye is the culprit of all this. He is greedy, rebellious, harming the people, defeating the country, lustful, indulgent, poor soldiers, tyranny, tyranny, addiction to kill, arbitrariticism, morality, vulgarity, vulgarity, irresonance, * there is nothing in his body. It is simply a crime that deserves to die, and it is hard to write!

These famous scholars and decent gentlemen who are full of experience and ambitions are born in troubled times and have bad luck. They can only bow to the poor door and live in the downtown, hoping to keep three or five mu of land, support the size of a family, and highlight their uniqueness with scolding and scolding the rulers. Although these useless scholars have benefited a lot from the new imperial policy, they are still scolding and accusing the imperial government of being the most active and harsh.

After the wolves swept away the war in Kanto and the establishment of the empire, the decent gentlemen who had just lived a stable life for a few days and began to talk about military and political affairs pretentiously, especially the new policies made by the empire, such as "militia orders", "election orders", "reclamation orders", etc. Wait and so on, there is nothing that they like and feel good.