Wolf Empire

0369 book business

Some modest gentlemen represented by the famous Qin Laozi in the literary world often use the extravagant habit of attacking the rich people of industry and commerce to scold the locust, pointing the spear at the An Dynasty, saying that "businessmen are empty inside and extravagant outside. The clothes house is extremely gorgeous, and the food utensils are ready for skillful work. Haiku, drunken dance and singing, banquet and play, almost nothing. Even the tough servants and slaves of the family, who eat and live, are also the same as the eunuchs. They are overly polite and crimes. They don't know self-examination, and the fools are especially effective. Their disadvantages are unspeakable. Since Anshi inherits his fate, it is appropriate to restrain the rich people of industry and commerce, save a day's expenses, and can have a few days of national lessons, and let the people know how to be vigilant and be thrifty. Yunyun, in a word, is a large empty article advocating "following etiquette and peace" and "not to overdo it".

There are also scholars and priests who like to talk about soldiers, such as Sima Cuo of the Kanto scholar, not only repeatedly wrote to the cabinet and criticize the government; but also at the gathering of friends, they discussed the gains and losses of the imperial army and politics, and said that "the empire does not want to keep the people to defend the land, recklessly use knives and soldiers on the plug, feuding the neighboring countries, putting the people in the furnace, and hurting the people's wealth. He despised the life and death of the generals-" pointed directly at Emperor Andongye himself.

In addition, some rumors and incitements of "intentional people" have contributed to the waves. The doubts and opposition from all walks of life in industry and commerce of the imperial capital to the implementation of the new policy reform of the An Dynasty have become more and more turbulent. Students and people go to the streets to gather, marches, demonstrations, and even many workshops and farms have been stopped production.

For such attacks, according to some important ministers of the imperial government, such as Zhu Luo and other ministers of the Minister of the Ministry of Law, they dare to give color to these moths, and they dare to open dyeing workshops. At present, the empire is too lenient to scholars, causing this generation to be arrogant and rebellious. They talk about military and politics, saying that they are loyal to the king and love the people, but in fact, they do not abide by the law and repeatedly violate the law. Ling, who is also broad-minded in administrative affairs, does not know the importance of administrative difficulties and knows empty words. In fact, there are more people who practice retreat and few people who are pragmatic. It seems that such clear talks will mislead the country, empty talks about the abolition of government, and the wind of disorder of law cannot be broken for a long time. It is appropriate to strictly correct and destroy this atmosphere!

This proposal has not been resolved and has gone away. These worms in the eyes of the Minister of Legal Affairs still refuse to give up. They have to argue straight in front of Lord Zhuluo, and have repeatedly asked to debate these matters.

For strategic reasons, the regent also agreed to engage in a debate on the "New Deal Reform" with these so-called "people's representatives" at the "Liangcheng Inn", which spread all over Kanto and became one of the topics of people's street discussion. Both sides of the debate have also gathered friendship to prepare for a big fight at the debate conference, ambitiously preparing the polemic materials, and vow not to stop if they don't win.

On the day when the debate officially began, the weather was good and the snow just stopped.

The venue of the debate meeting is not located in the square of the "Liangcheng Inn". There are viewing rooms on three sides. Audiences who watch the lively debate must buy tickets specially designed for the debate conference. Originally, it should have been a serious academic debate. Due to the intention of the imperial royal family, it has become a program to entertain the public. The imperial inn There is no need to pay any money, but also can also do hidden gambling, guess the victory or defeat of each round, etc. A group of bear children are happy to watch the bustle and wait to collect money.

The two players sit opposite each other in the debate ring without an arbitrator, which is equivalent to allowing both sides to engage in a wheel battle. The only rule is that when the other party speaks, the other side must not interrupt, otherwise, on a negative point, you have to wait until the other party has finished speaking before speaking. Eight to twelve people in each round, speaking alternately, and the outcome is subject to the other party's reasoning, and there is no time limit.

The viewing shed is also full of people who come to see the novel and lively imperial capital. It is not easy to see the ordinary high-ranking scholars and bishops talking with each other in public. Small vendors selling all kinds of food shuttle around, selling small goods such as various snacks and hot hand towels.

When Her Royal Highness An Moran and the Eighth Princess An Yixue and a political and business celebrities sat in front of the ring, the 20th princess An Liner, the royal director of the Liangcheng Inn, announced the start of the debate meeting.

The drum bands waiting on both sides immediately played silk bamboo and beat drums. At the beginning of the seemingly funny monkey scene, the audience with low laughing points couldn't help laughing.

"Puff!" An Yixue, the eighth princess who was drinking tea, accidentally laughed!

The two sides in the venue were sitting upright. First of all, the people's team made a high opinion, and the cabinet team waited to refute it.

The first speech of the people's team was Qin Bingzu, who was known as "full of learning": "The Hadith of the sages: customs are diligent and thrifty, and the people are rich. Men's farming and reading, women's silkworms, clothing to cover the body, the house to cover the wind and rain, marriage regardless of wealth, the ceremony is not magnificent, this is the way to rejuvenate the country-"

There are many people who are dissatisfied with the people under the stage. Obviously, there are quite a lot of people who are dissatisfied.

The two princesses in the stands have become the key figures of everyone's attention. Her Royal Highness Princess An Moran smiled, and sometimes whispered a few words with the eighth princess An Yixue beside her. She couldn't see how happy or angry she was.

At this time, the representative of the cabinet team, Minister Zhu Luo, refuted: "The trend of the world is that if its land is luxurious, its people will be easy to make a living, and if its land is thrifty, its people will not make a living easily. Who? It's the same. My Emperor Wu expanded his territory and created people's livelihood. On the contrary, he was criticized and thought it was ridiculous-

Hearing this, the eighth princess An Yixue whispered to Anbuqi next to him and said, "Go and search for more eloquent ministers. We must fight in the ring with the civilian team to the end. Let's drag down those fake Taoism with a wheel battle, and inform the third princess and her gendarmerie guard outside that they will never let them go out if they don't admit defeat. The door of the city inn is not provided for food, water is not allowed, and it is not allowed to go to the toilet. Auntie makes their mouths smelly and hard one by one?

"Yes. I will do it immediately." An gave up a laughter and answered.

"It's just to drive away some flies and mosquitoes and let them buzz more, which not only shows that we have the elegance of advice, but also allows the people of the imperial capital to see through their faces only once, so as to avoid causing some inexplicable trouble for Ann in the future! Fly mosquitoes are sometimes quite confusing. Their status can make them control a certain amount of public opinion, which may be troublesome for us, so if we don't take action, we will be so fierce that it is too short for them to remember 10,000 years. Under the rule of wolves, it will be difficult for them to turn over forever!" Her Royal Highness An Moran, the eldest princess, took a sip of fragrant tea and said slowly.

At this time, a red shadow flashed at the corner door of the stand. The shooting girl who stayed on duty in the "Military Machine Office" held military uniforms and hurriedly came to the two princesses and said anxiously, "Your Highness, the emergency report ahead, the fourth master-fourth master is injured!"