Wolf Empire

0377 mining disaster

Among the nine women of the Church of Light, in addition to these two stunning colors that moved Wuhuang Andongye, several of her nuns are not as far away, their eyes are like stars, their lips are like elixir, their noses are like jade pillars, their ears are like beads, and their skin is like gels. They are also rare peerless beauties, but compared with the first two, they are much worse in the charm and spiritual beauty. .

Accompanied by the Holy Sister An Yidan, the commander-in-chief of the "Holy Light Knights", the "Holy Religion" set up such a beautiful battle, which made Emperor Andongye more vigilant while he used his crooked thoughts; and his keen intuition always made An Dongye feel that there was something wrong, but he couldn't say anything. What's wrong-

At the beginning of the beginning of the settlement, there are more and more incidents of the assassination of officials, raiding small patrol troops of wolves, and raiding logistics and heavy grain troops. In this regard, the newly appointed "Prime Minister of Sisi" Sange An Yaoyi has issued a warning with an emergency *. Remind all officers and officials of the garrison not to go out alone.

As the "Huadu" secret envoy of the Empress Dowager Xia Zhanmei, the black father-in-law has been staying in the middle of the road for more than a month. He brought the secret letter of the heroine, which made Emperor Wu and Dongye also happy and worried.

- The Empress Dowager Xia Zhanmei gave birth this summer and successfully gave birth to a prince. The imperial concubine Yuanfei and Gu Fei also gave birth to a princess.

Since the death of the old Pope Baiye Changqing, the three young widows in the harem have been taken over by the successor Baiye Mufengzi to inherit their father's business and accept them as palace personnel. At present, Xia Zhanmei has given birth to a prince. In a few days, the rumor that Pope Mufeng will change Xia Zhanmei into a new queen has been rumored as the "flower capital", which is very popular; and another pope's new love, Xia Yaya, Xia's niece, is inevitably hopeless. With Xia Zhanmei's wise wrist, Queen Jinfeng was an easy thing to do, and it was seen that there would be a big change in the political situation of the Central Plains Holy Court.

According to the estimation of time, the three children born to the empress dowager of the three hundred-leaf emperors are by no means the flesh and blood of Pope Mufeng, a capable and lost person, but the sins created by the chaotic Baiye harem during their crimes in Beijing.

With Wuhuang Antonye's understanding of Xia Zhanmei, a cheap "godmother", she is ruthless, smart, rigorous, well-planned, well-planned and decisive. This time, he sent a private message to his confidant black father-in-law and himself, in addition to telling his three concubines children the secret of An's bone and blood, more importantly, reminding himself before Covenants and vows reached with him.

After secretly sending away the Black Eight, a pivotal nun in the Bright Church was recruited. In addition to the 11th brother An Shangyan's "Youth Teaching Brigade", who had lost contact for more than a month, who was still sending people to ride with all their strength to find it, there are still several things that need to be done to be supervised and implemented one by one, but from If you want to do it, you don't have to worry too much:

First, in order to strengthen the control of the imperial occupied areas and prepare for the next long-term planning, the consolidation training of the coalition forces is urgent and must be paid attention to;

The second is to enter Silin to find an opportunity to fight a decisive battle. Previously, a large number of wolves and horses were gathered on the East Road and West Road. After a month of secret gathering, the empire did not care about the amazing losses and losses, and the full cooperation of the elf tribes and other ethnic groups was lucky, but it was not enough to find the best opportunity for the decisive battle. What has been done.

The third is that the contact and appeasement of the 18 holes of Miao Wu must be further accelerated, so that it is indeed difficult for him to let the hero of Youdong complete this task alone, but the five armies of the imperial wolves are out of the city, and the manpower is tense everywhere, which is really a helpless move; to integrate the holes of Miao Wu. The amount, with a knife in the back of the Slin people, has a crucial role in the empire's final victory in the Western Expedition.

Emperor Wu controlled the public with military law, with a clear public and private division, strict discipline, and moderate rewards and punishments. When his subordinates handled public affairs, there was no one who dared to slack off. They strictly abided by the law and followed the rules. They were busy thinking about writing and drafting approvals for a while, and were silent for a moment. For a while, the secretaries who wrote quickly took the lead in submitting the draft approvals, and rose up one after another in an endless stream.

Stretched out, and the most urgent and important military and political affairs reported everywhere in a day, Wuhuang Andongye also handed over all the instructions between the oral and approvals. The rest of the business was not urgent, but important, but it was a business that could be postponed. He ordered the fifth princess An Muxi, the attendant, to approve and see if the official approval was completed, but it was late at night. Wuhuang An Dongye got up and left the official military account and took a rest.

The fish girl came out of the wolf capital and walked north along the post road.

The support of more than 40 officials of the "Ministry of Finance" is the whole team of the Imperial Finance Minister on this trip to Coal Mountain.

As the "Liangcheng Inn" debate competition becomes more and more acute, correspondingly, there have been three incidents of civil unrest* that have occurred in the imperial capital and the vicinity of Gyeonggi in the past month.

In order to calm this seemingly coincidental emergency at different times and in different locations, the imperial royal family and cabinet ministers rushed to the scene one after another to deal with disputes, and almost all the government departments were dispatched; this was also the direct reason for the honor of the imperial finance ministers to travel, and there were less than 50 people.

Due to the tense situation, I met several "Purgatory" criminal police divisions wearing the black sickle logo of Death along the way, and even met two wolf tooth secret police of the "Security Bureau" to check. Fortunately, the fish girl has an excellent personality, and nothing unpleasant happened.

The destination of a fish's trip is the coal mountain located in the north of the city outside the imperial capital. In addition to being highly valued by the imperial dynasty due to the dangerous terrain, it has been stationed in the front-line garrison "Bbecat Legion" and the skeleton police to guard the barrier, and it has also become the main production area of coal mines due to the prosperity of industry and commerce in recent years.

It has rich and excellent stone, coal and charcoal production, which is hard and bright, burning and smokeless. In addition to selling rich people for heating in the cold winter, it can also replace coke and directly used in smelting works, etc., greatly saving smelting costs.

In recent years, many super-large smelting farms monopolized by the An's royal family have used coal from coal mountains to replace a considerable part of coke to smelt steel. Compared with the higher price of coke, it is extremely cost-effective to replace coke with coal, although the best coking works are also in An's hands.

Because the coal mountain used to be a garrison, it was not controlled by the strong clan in its local area, but was controlled by the An royal family as a shareholder of most of the coal mountain mines.

As one of the big fortunes of the royal mine, a fish immediately came to the coal mountain mine after receiving the news of the mine disaster.

The earth and stone collapsed, and the whole mine was full of sad clouds and mist. Sometimes some bodies were dug out, flesh and blood, which was unbearable, and the crowd was disgusting.

"Notify the parents, wife and children of the deceased to come to claim the body, collect the aftermath, arrange it properly, and remember to double the pension, and don't owe half a little!" The fish girl frowned and repeatedly told Tang Yue, a powerful subordinate beside her.

At this time, Yuyu had seen the manager on duty of the mine come in a hurry with the foreman, foreman and other people, commanding and dispatching the on-site workers to start the rescue in an orderly manner.

At this time, a fish who also participated in the rescue, but it was getting more and more helpful, so that Tang Yue had to gently ask Miss Yuyu to go back to rest first. The latter just shook his head and refused.

Looking at the black face absentee who had just come up from the rescue and had only one breath left, he muttered with pains: "I'm going home - I'm going home - I'm going home - send me - home - home -" In a blink of an eye, blood and pink foam kept pouring out of my mouth and nose, and painful pumping, I was cut off for a moment.

The fish girl couldn't bear to look at it again and returned to the lounge arranged for a rest in the mine. In the morning, Tang Yue, an agent of the Ministry of Ceremony, pushed the door and entered. After saluteing, she whispered, "Your excell, something seems to be wrong!"

"What do you say, Mr. Moon?" The fish girl's heart was shocked.

"My subordinates carefully checked the scene of the accident. According to past experience, this mine is suspicious, not like a natural disaster, but very much like-" Tang Yue said hesitantly.

What does it look like? Did you say that?!" A chaotic fish said anxiously.

"It's like a man-made mine disaster-" Before Tang Yue finished speaking, she suddenly heard that the voice outside was noisy. Tang Yue turned her hand and pulled out of the gun, stepped out of the door with one foot. She looked up, but was stunned. The mine manager was covered with blood and was being helped by two foremen.