Wolf Empire

0378 conspiracy

From the intermittent description of the mine manager, the fish girl and Tang Yue got a general overview:

I was busy for most of the night last night and finally saved a few people. Fortunately, there were many people who got off work first. Not too many people were buried alive and smashed to death. Originally, this was the case, and the rest was to pay for the aftermath.

Who knows that early this morning, the families of the miners who were killed were encouraged by. Thousands of people gathered on the mine to ask for more pensions and burning money, and even shouted for a strike to stop production. Many miners also joined their ranks and surrounded the managers, foreman, foreman and other stewants in the mine, forcing them to It is necessary to increase wages and salaries.

According to the mine manager, there are still some people with ulterior motives hidden among those people. When the mine manager sneaked out, someone secretly shot down the mount with an arrow and broke his head. As for other managers, they don't know what's going on now.

The blue-faced fish girl's expression is uncertain. The reaction of the 18th princess An Jingchen's "pergatory" criminal police officer is too strange. She usually show off her power, why is there no movement at the critical juncture today? Or is there any unexpected change? The "Purgatory" criminal police division itself is a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and it is difficult to protect itself?

"Let's go to the mine!" Completely ignoring the worries of a moon king, she ordered the two foremen to take good care of the injured manager. The fish girl shouted and took more than 40 attendants to the mine in the mountains like a whirlwind.

He urged the horse to whip, and soon he had already gone to the mine. No one came out to stop them from entering the mine, and they also saw many miners trotting to the mine in twos and threes.

The fish girl and others mixed among the miners and came to the containment of many miners and their families. Those managers, foreman, foreman, accountants and other managers were blocked and could not come out.

The fish girl was not in a hurry to do it. She carefully observed the movements in the crowd, but saw someone in the crowd flying a red flag and writing, "One heart, give me back my hard-earned money!" ; Some people put up banners, "No salary increase, strike to stop production!" On the wall, there are large and small slogans on the trees. You don't know what the content is.

In the center of the crowd, there were several people standing high and shouting hoarsely to incite demagogic words. The most terrible thing is that many of these miners are holding knives and guns, and there are also axes, hammers, picks, shovels and other tools used to dig coal, which are almost the armed civilian army.

The fish girl, who has always been weak in the eyes of others, showed her little calm decision at this time. She looked coldly at the angry miners and calmly searched for those suspicious leaders in the crowd, especially those who had ulterior motives and hid behind the scenes.

While the fish girl was devoting themselves to observation, those absenteeism men and women who were incited to anger by the crowd have begun to smash the iron door of the warehouse with hammers and other things at the instigation of people. Obviously, they are going to break in and use violence. This situation can no longer hesitate any longer.

- Hit the snake and hit the snake seven inches, and capture the thief first!

The fish girl knows how to deal with these miners who are like mob and carry various weapons. Only by getting rid of those who are hiding behind the scenes can she have a chance to calm the situation.

Like an enraged lioness, the fish girl's voice is like spring thunder, shaking the hearts of the miners.

Shaman Central Plains and other places are rich in carbon and oil production. There are many mines and hundreds of thousands of workers are employed near and far. Many mine owners crazily pursue to make money and make profits, and most of them owe wages. As for mining disasters, most of them have no pensions, and the money buried is also pitifully. Therefore, the Central Plains Many absentee workers from all over the country have migrated to the empire with relatively good work and treatment.

The fish girl knows that these incited miners are used by interested people for their own vital interests. The previous fierce and violent attack, no matter how many innocent people were involved or not, at least shocked people, especially the painful wailing of the wounded, the blood on the ground, crushed many people's will to resist; and the timely comparison at this moment also touched these incited people and gradually woke up from fanaticism and began I feel scared.