Wolf Empire

0380 to kill

In the bell and drum tower of the tallest "Wolf God" cathedral in the center of the Wolf City, there is a team of "Holy Cross" army and a team of "Wolf Tooth" secret police downstairs. The two men upstairs are indifferently watching the chaotic situation. The sparks in the city almost make the sky red.

"Didn't the eldest princess always dislike your 'dark part' to interfere in royal affairs? Why are you willing to let Fourth Master Wen be fully responsible for handling this emergency this time? High Priest Zhuluo, the legal minister who was half drunk and half awake, laughed.

"Ha, the 'dark' wolf teeth are both ruthless and familiar with the customs of the imperial capital and other places. Can Her Royal Highness the Princess Regent find a more suitable candidate than wolf teeth? After all, the 'blooded' gendarmes of the Third Princess' and Her Royal Highness's 'purgatory' criminal police team are a little tender after all, and they are almost more popular. Wen Si said proudly.

"Haha, fat man, aren't you afraid to burn the good wolf capital into white ground by allowing those mob to sit and watch them set fire everywhere? There seems to be more and more fire in this city. I'm afraid it's not enough to rely on the fire brigade and the city defense department alone, right? The High Priest Zhu Luo, the Minister of Law, laughed.

"Ha ha, I just pushed the boat along the water and lit the wind. I have long ordered them to put out the fire with isolation as the first. Even if the fire is cut off, the small fire will not be saved, but only the big fire. It should be able to control the fire. What's more, they are all burning the big houses of the Kanto Qiang clan. Why should the high priests worry about them? Wen Si said with a smile.

"arson is a serious crime, and conspiracy* is even more unforgivable. What do you think Her Royal Highness the Regent will do in the end?" Zhu Luo hiccuped and asked.

"There is always a need to kill a batch and fill a batch of troops, most of which is the case. This time, Her Royal Highness the Regent used a knife to kill people and eradicate all dissidents and unstable elements. I'm afraid that even if this chaos subsides, the subsequent purge will not stop immediately, and many people will drop their heads. The knife of the An royal family is not a decoration. Many strong clans are afraid that they can't escape this time. Who makes them overpower and want to use the chaos to fight against the An royal family? Ha ha, the wolves have always been ruthless in treating stumbling stones, and they have just become the truth of An's father and daughter to stand up their power. Looking at the pocket watch, Wen Si said indifferently:

"Well, it's almost time. We can start arresting."

With an order, secret police soldiers and the "Holy Cross" corps of priests who had not acted began to flock to the whole city to arrest all kinds of suspicious criminals.

Although some people tried to resist, the crossbows equipped by the law enforcement officers did not give them any chance; and those who struggled and wailed in the corners of the streets made all those who witnessed these scenes tremble and tremble.

The noisy and bloody New Year's Eve finally passed, and * gradually calmed down in the big search and arrest of the whole city, but the killing continued.

In the prison cells that interrogate all kinds of suspicious criminals, the "pergatory" criminal police took turns to take turns in various violent and unimaginable methods of torture. All kinds of "commissions" that have been drawn up in advance by law enforcers came out in bursts of hoarse screams, and then the newly arrested suspects were dragged in one by one. News, most people can no longer come out of there. Even if they can come out, they are bloody dead bodies.

* In the next few days, every day, suspected gentry, merchants, civilians, craftsmen, students and other people were executed for various crimes for various reasons. The blood was endless, and the horrible atmosphere even the first month full of the atmosphere of the New Year brought infinite blood and gloom.

As for how many of these people who were killed deserved, how many of them were killed innocently, and how many of them were just momentary and made mistakes, no one paid attention to it.

Only those gentry, bureaucrats, merchants, craftsmen and priests on the protection list avoided the tragedy of being poisoned by the mob, and this time the representatives and scholars who participated in the "Liangcheng Inn" debate conference were not on the secret protection list of the An Dynasty, and they were burned most thoroughly by the mob. Kill ** and plunder, so that there are many people who have been destroyed all over the door. Naturally, only God knows how many tricks the An Dynasty has hidden behind this and how many tricks he has moved. The secrets about this matter are likely to be destroyed in the near future, and there will not leave any handle for people to use.

Among them, Sima, a Kanto scholar who once attacked Emperor Wu's Western Expedition and spoke generously and excitedly at the debate meeting, was smashed in the head by the mob, and his newlywed wife was killed by thugs*; while Qin Bingzu, another political spiritual leader of the opposition party, Qin, was burned in the middle ancestral house, and his young daughter Qin Xiaocao Infamation - such evil * pieces are countless.

Some of the scholars and celebrities who can be saved from the poison are relatively gentle and not extremely stubborn. The princess of the regent finally raised her hand at the last moment and let them pass.

The killing scene like Wolf City is the same in many towns and markets in the empire. Many strong clans, which have several signs of dissatisfaction and do not accept the governance of the An family's royal family, have been severely cracked down. Not only have they suffered huge losses of human and property, but also a considerable number of powerful opponents have died as a result. In particular, those local forces that have evidence of colluding with foreign enemies have been subjected to unprecedented cruel looting and killings, and shocking extermination incidents have occurred in the first month of the lunar year in all parts of the empire.

Even Tianyi Chamber of Commerce has several companies that have been brutally attacked and closed down by "mugs". Tianyi's corporate departments are equipped with strong mercenary security guards, which are still destroyed after a life-and-death struggle, which shows the madness and fierceness of the perpetrators.

All this has not been personally done by the An Dynasty. An only borrowed this scene caused by hostile forces and used his strength to make many powerful figures and even many powerful families who were against the imperial dynasty disappear, and the mainland was removed from the name.

With the proposition of hard-line officials such as Wen Si and Zhu Luo, those who openly and secretly are enemies of the imperial dynasty should be connected with nine clans, cut off the grass and eliminate them. All those who collude with foreign enemies will not leave any mouths!

However, Her Royal Highness Princess An Moran, who is becoming more and more iron-handed, resolutely rejected the suggestions of the ministers; she believes that as long as some of the most stubborn central figures and important forces are removed, it is enough to stabilize the overall situation and remove obstacles to the future development of the empire.

However, everything in the world must be reversed. No Thailand has always been connected, and the misfortunes and blessings are also dependent on each other, and there is no killing and punishment. Therefore, if the killing is too cruel and punishing is too much, it can only hurt the vitality of the empire, and the gains will not outweigh the losses. This is the way of politics, and I will encourage you with the ministers. The words of the princess regent won the unanimous appreciation of several cabinet officials.

Just as the Kanto scholars and others are living tremblingly and carefully in the blood every day, the wolves have blown up the horn of the general attack and decisive battle!

In the southwest plug, outside the big snow valley, the horn-blowing camp is vast.

On the vast and boundless snowfield, covered with snow, and the military tents are scattered all over hundreds of miles. The picture of the wolf on the wolf flag can still be clearly seen three or five miles away.

All kinds of battle flags fluttered in the cold wind, and a team of plagiarism wolf soldiers led the fierce hell army dogs around, with bows and knives in the waist and guns in hand, and the military appearance was awe-inspiring and alert.

The soldiers trained in the camp, even during the New Year's Day, the routine exercises are meticulous, the drums roar, the flags are flying, and the majestic shouts are exciting.

The authoritarian and ambitious Pingwu Emperor Andongye galloped on the plug, stepped on the iron hooves, and the bones were like mountains, and the blood was drifting. Now he has gone to collect the place and lead millions of iron horses outside the "Duke of Slin". He has been practicing every day. The military is majestic, which makes the army and people in the Principality tremble. All the time was awe-inspiring and did not dare to speak.

When dusk came, the horn whined and echoed in the vast fields. A pile of bonfires were lit in the camp, and the soldiers were devouring the roasted beef and mutton.

On New Year's Eve, ordinary soldiers added meals as usual. Each person added a large piece of beef and a large piece of mutton to dinner. The amount of salted bean sprouts, boiled soybeans in salt water, and sauce boiled tofu was twice as much as usual, and a large bowl of rice was also more than usual. In addition to the soldiers of the guard division, each person was even given some fruits. Wine and rice wine.

When Darhan Khan of the Ministry of Monkin, Ba Siba Living Buddha of the Qingyuan Department, the owner of the Helian Iron Tree Department, Queen Situ Xiaoyue of the Haoyue Department, King Isda of Loulan Department and other distinguished guests, accompanied by the third brother An Yaoyi of the new "Prime Minister of Cise", came to the barracks in the valley and got off the saddle and got off the horse, what they saw was The faces were red by the bonfire. There are dozens of soldiers around each pile of bonfire. In the middle of the bonfire are roasted yellow and oily beef and mutton. The wine jar has been put high. The soldiers casually laid rat skin or sheepskin under them and sit on the mattress, drinking in large bowls, chop meat with short knives, and shouting. , a scene of noise, everyone's faces are sweaty and blushing, and they are immersed in the fragrance of beef and mutton barbecue and the ensemble sound of the exciting drum horn flute. Some people even sing the Kanto minor key of their hometown. The cold wind in winter seems to have gone away-