Wolf Empire

0379 * Occurred on New Year's Eve

"Everyone processes money, and not one person can decide, but Yuyu can assure everyone that as long as it is a reasonable requirement, everyone can sit down and discuss a good amount and discuss a good result that everyone can accept. Everyone said, didn't they? As for the money and pension, if it is really not enough, although Yuyu is not talented, he is willing to plead with the eldest princess. Even if it doesn't work, Yuyu himself promises to pay the money and pension for you this time. It's about to break up. Go home for the Spring Festival. Your parents, wives and children are waiting for your family to get together and have a reunion dinner!"

The fish girl's words of turning hundreds of steelmaking into soft fingers immediately made the already frustrated employees and the families of the miners dispersed. The tragic scene of blood splashing on the spot and turning to wailing finally made them start to be scared and began to be glad that they were still alive and see their families.

Seeing that the miners gathered here had dispersed except for the injured, the fish girl and Tang Yue looked at each other and sat on the ground with discouragement. Only then did she feel that her back was full of cold sweat.

- What's going on? What about the armed police? What about the gendarmerie brigade? Where have they all gone? Is there anything going to happen to the imperial capital tonight?

Wolf City, New Year's Eve.

The noisy crowd, densely, holding torches and holding various weapons in their hands, roaring around the street - on the street, a pile of fires in the east and west illuminated the city brightly, but not with firewood, but the door panels, tables and chairs of smashed shops and shops piled together randomly, raising the fire and burning, and rolling up the strong rise. The tongue of fire-

A group of thugs gathered around the door of the house with high walls and deep courtyard doors closed, making noise, thinking of ways to smash the door or set firewood-

Another group of violent people surrounded some passers-by and night market vendors, beating, killing, and even dismembering blood-stained wooden sticks, sticks, shovels, axes and hammers without hesitation-

The whole city is murderous, crying everywhere, and sad and weeping everywhere. The originally orderly prosperous city seems to have returned to the wild wilderness, and there is no more order, or the only order is to manipulate the murder weapon and the powerful Kong Wu dominate everything. ** naked bloody violence is the only rule at this time.

At this moment, no one knows what happened. Ferociousness, madness, blood, corpses, fire, etc. suddenly came, the order collapsed and the situation was out of control.

The thugs looted and burned, and the bodies in the market, and even many women's corpses were naked, opened their bellies and broke their stomachs, missing some organs-

Half of the body, half of the arm, half of the palm, one leg, other eyes, ears, and blood all over the ground are also full of every corner of the bustling city, which can be seen everywhere.

Mismity and cruelty are intertwined, with violence and mourning-

After enjoying two years of peace, the people in mourning and panic suddenly realized how bloody and crazy it was when the imperial order was not there, and how precious the peaceful days were.

Why did it become so crazy and orderless? What about the police station? What about the gendarmerie? Where are they?

At that night, almost all the towns of the provinces, counties and counties of Kanto under the rule of the empire were similar to burn, kill and loot. In many places, this night is a chaotic night, a noisy and bloody night.

In fact, it is not completely disorderly. In fact, all the troops and police stationed in the empire entered the state of readiness under the secret order of the imperial dynasty.

Police stations and gendarmerie in various places are not moving. They are only secretly and forced to protect some people and their relatives in need of protection to hide and safe places such as barracks or police stations. In addition, they are protecting local government agencies, warehouse churches, and Some important businesses, workshops and workshops that have entered the imperial protection list, and others that are not included in the secret list are allowed to be tossed by mobbs, and even killing and arson are mostly based on surveillance. Only when the fire is likely to delay will they take measures.

As for the "dark" secret police under the "Security Bureau" of Internal Affairs, they are also carrying out various operations in accordance with various secret orders, which is unprecedentedly busy.

On New Year's Eve, the stars flashed, and there seemed to be more stars in the sky everywhere.

frustrated vendors, unwilled students, poor people living in difficulty, and helpers who are often owed wages by employers, at the instigation of some people, rushed to the streets with knives, hammers and shovels, impacting everything they see, government offices, offices, shops, houses-

Angry and impulsive people soon found that as long as the arson did not hit the government offices, organs, and warehouses of the government, the imperial military police patrolled the martial law would ignore it at all. No matter whether they rushed into the homes of some large local rich families, set fire, or even killed people*, no one cares about it;

However, once they attack the government offices, organs, and warehouses, especially in places guarded by armed criminal police, blood gendarmes, and even city defense forces, they are often greeted by ruthless bullets and fierce crossbows, and even the fierce bombardment of military rockets, often a large area of blood.

After several bloody lessons, coupled with the rapid rumors circulating in the crowd that "as long as you don't attack the place guarded by imperial military and police soldiers, the * crowd is now smart and no longer hits the place guarded by imperial military police soldiers. Anyway, there are many rich families in the city. I don't care about the "district" of the government.

In addition, they also found that the police or those imperial gendarmes would only interfere in one situation, that is, when they set fire, if the fire was particularly fierce and there was a danger of burning the neighbors of the target house, the imperial military police would come forward to alert and suppress the bomb.

The fire brigade responsible for fighting the fire also carries various fire extinguishing equipment, such as water bags, water bags, water dragon tubes, hemp pieces, shank, knives and saws, flags, fire cages, fire vests, etc., and the city defense forces throughout the city also carry buckets, buckets, ladders, fire hooks, water guns, gongs, alarm bells, hooks, axes and other fire extinguishing instruments. They came out to help put out the fire.

It's just that this firefighting operation is surprisingly rough. It often directly destroys adjacent houses by violence and makes it a quarantine before extinguishing the fire carelessly. Obviously, the main purpose of those fire brigades and city defense soldiers is to isolate the fire and prevent the spread, but they don't care what the house that has been burned will eventually burn into. Appearance.

In addition to those unlucky people who were beaten, burned and robbed by the empire, the imperial military police who were alerted at the scene did their duty to maintain the order around the fire to prevent another robbery; or rescue and resettle the injured; or rescue property; or transport water to extinguish the fire, each other, each other It is well organized and does not seem to be in a * period in this city.