Wolf Empire

0392 slave

Hunting with banners, low drum corners, flying and galloping, thrilling. Grand Duke Sling was armored, surrounded by the surrounding palace guards, and returned to the camp with bravery and vigorous skills.

The Slin people in the camp set up a fire, slaughtered the sheep, removed their heads, cleaned their internal organs, and finally put fried rice, salt, etc. into the inner cavity of the cleaned sheep, and then roasted them on the fire. In addition to the men and women who were busy taking care of food, there were also many fat and energetic Slin men who twisted and wrestled with half their chest and abdomen. When there is no difference between victory and defeat, the onlookers waved their strong arms, cheering and shouting for the people on the field. With the noise of the camp, the Slin women who like to sing and dance also sing and dance in the sound of the piano and enjoy themselves.

The nearly half-year war is coming to an end, and the disaster and pain will also pass. The happy Slin people sing and dance to express the joy of hating war and welcoming a stable and happy life.

The food was cooked, reflecting the starlight and bonfire. The Slings in the camp sat around the fire and began the open-air feast.

The lamb's belly has been cut open, and the fried rice inside has been stewed and soaked with sheep oil. It is extremely delicious. The mutton needs to be cut by hand.

Starlight sprinkled all over the earth, people enjoy the fragrant mutton and fried rice on the plate, drink rice wine in a large bowl, talk and laugh loudly, and rejoice in the vast night-

Only Tuobaye, the lord of the new country, is still thinking about the great plan of the military. A team of the Chinese army is stuffed and patrolling outside at a neat pace, while the palace guard with sharp armor and shining knives and spears around the big tent is even more heavily guarded.

The lords and nobles under Slin gathered together, with their own words, holding their own words and arguing endlessly. The two factions said their different opinions and were deadlocked for a while, but Tuoba Ye was not in a hurry to make up his mind. Although this is the third meeting, after all, the matter under discussion at present is related to the vital interests of Slin and the tribes under his jurisdiction. He can't make a hasty decision, and it is reasonable.

Thousands of lobbyists came thousands of miles away, such as the masters of the demon world, the foreign ministers of the waves, the messengers of Dongshura, those touching rhetoric, and all kinds of news constantly coming back from the empire all stirred up the hearts of the lords under the Slin account.

But with Tuoba Yexiong's courage for many years, don't you know that these secret envoys are nothing more than killing people with knives?

In the end, whether the Slings are war or not. In his opinion, it mainly depends on their own trade-offs and interests, rather than the lobbying of outsiders. At this point, both sides have reached the point of exhaustion, and it is not good for anyone to fight any longer. Therefore, Tuobaye was not in a hurry to show his attitude and let these nobles quarrel endlessly.

Although the turbulent situation of the empire and the serious injuries of the Wu Emperor make people feel hazy, under the lobbying of the envoys of all parties, many nobles have begun to think that some things are not groundless and can completely compete with the empire again.

At the beginning of the war, the Sling people were not very smooth. First, the Allies suffered a rare snow disaster, livestock losses were heavy, and Mengjin, Qingyuan and other Western Serfu rebelled against each other. Then the outer defense camp suffered a lot at the hands of An Jinliang, the second brother on the Imperial South Road. Then Slinsai rode was in the confrontation with the imperial wolves. The frontal confrontation was comparable, but strictly speaking, the coalition of Youdong and Miaowu Eighteen Caves successfully attacked the rear army of Sling from the back road and almost annihilated nearly 30,000 Slins in the pursuit. This was not only a heavy blow to the Slings, but it can even be said that the Slings actually fought in that battle. Defeat.

If it weren't for Tuobaye's own strength, coupled with the strong support of the two tribes controlled by the King of Donghu and the King of Beirong, although Tuobaye is deep and resourceful, it is not easy to support the situation, so Tuobaye is not easy now.

However, because of the secret agreement with the empire to open trade, a large number of goods and goods urgently needed by the Sling people were obtained. For the Sling nobles, in addition to obtaining considerable private wealth from it, it also eased the boiling grievances caused by the snowstorm and banditry, and stabilized the governance foundation of the nobles. The benefits are not simply the amount of wealth that can be measured.

The balance of interests and the fear of the strong force of the wolves, coupled with some latent spy agents sent by Tuobano, have been selectively cleaned up by the "dark part" of the empire. Tuobano's grasp of the domestic situation of the empire is far less than before. It is true that the war will continue under the condition that the enemy is not clear. The future is slim.

This concern is the reason why these Sling nobles cannot reach an immediate agreement resolution. Many nobles are unwilling to submit to the rule of the empire, but they are really afraid of the military power of the imperial wolves.

In the grand ducal's account, before Tuobaye himself made a clear statement, the Slin nobles argued with each other about whether to surrender to the country and did not give in to each other, and the lights lit up all night.

In the north of the Sling Camp, in an inconspicuous cave of the Beirong's back camp, there was a whimper and low roar of the beast from time to time.

In the dark, the slave snubbled on the stone wall, his eyes flashed with a fierce light of resentment, and secretly licked the wounds on his body.

As soon as the dark "Heavenly Demon Sect" giant Lord Slin died, the six dark masters he summoned before his death suddenly dispersed in order to avoid the capture of Tuoba Ye.

In the snow battle, although the beast slave retreated, he was still injured by the dark wizard's feathers. He ate snakes and insects in this cave and had been dormant for more than a dozen days and nights.

The beast's innate sense of smell and spirituality made him feel that the danger was approaching step by step, looked up and laughed, pulled up in place, threw himself into the dark night, and suddenly disappeared.

At the moment when the beast slave suddenly disappeared in the night, a one-armed woman in white suddenly appeared from the night and shot down the beast slave's spiritual cover with one palm.

The cold light was like practice, and the dense knife light surged up in front of the beast slave. It seemed to push forward slowly and quickly. It was fierce and did not allow the one-armed woman in white to be as fast as lightning, completely sealing all the changes in the woman's fierce offensive.

A series of vigorous explosions, and the two figures hit a pile, swirling together, and the rapid transformation of the body can no longer tell who is who.

The loud noise of the fierce battle stopped in an instant, and the beast slave unconsciously slowed down. A Buddha sang in the distance. At the same time, a woman's voice shouted coldly after the dazzling sword awn: "Warcraft slave, you have been surrounded by my holy religion. Do you still want to catch the battle of beasts?"

The beast slave roared fiercely several times, still dancing the beast knife and launching an offensive!

The knife is surging, shining like stars, and the roaring sound is endless. Like a tide of knives, the Ansi nun and Andria nuns of the "Holy of Light" came at the same time.

Ansi dancer snorted coldly, and the long sword took action first, and the one-armed female Xiu Adria also took a step forward and came out again!

Many church nuns poured in outside the cave, swarming up and attacking on all sides. It seems to be chaotic, but in fact, it faintly forms a joint formation. Swords, sticks, knives, whips, and other weapons are attacked like a storm, but there is a surprising tacit understanding between the advance and retreat.

The beast slave has been completely angered, and every time he makes a move, he is extremely fierce. For a while, Ansi Dancer and Andria Nuxiu are forced to be in a hurry by the other party's fierce attack.

Suddenly, the beast slave flew out of the cave, and the holy daughter Anyidan, who was ambushed outside, exhaled the sword spirit. The sword light was condensed, green and awe-insisted, like the bloom of green lotus. In the darkness and ignorance, the power was also very amazing, and the world was bright.

The beast slave let out a howling in the night sky, and the man had rushed into the grass in the distance. Then, dozens of javelins were divided into several waves and rushed through multiple directions, but they did not stop him from going!

The beast slave fled in panic. The saint An Yidan, who was intercepted behind her, snorted, and her face was instantly pale. She spit out a mouthful of blood and staggered back. She happened to be supported by Ansi dancers, and the world returned to darkness.

This injury is not light, and the injury is the most deadly.

The saint Anqidan bullied Frost Saixue's jade hand held her chest and smiled tragically, "The beast slave has hit my sword spirit and is powerless to fight again. It should have escaped back to the World of Warcraft. Let's find the next target."

Countless dark knights were busy searching for targets. An Yidan Saint looked at the dozens of dark knights she had gathered to support, and they all had some embarrassed expressions on their faces, and she didn't want to say anything.

Although these people obeyed the order on the surface, after all, they were all under Yushi's hands, and the private battle between the two knights serving a monarch has never been interrupted.

Looking at those dark knights who are agile, silent and well-structured, An Yidan guessed that there may be many guard soldiers with very different temperaments. In addition, they are all madmen, dragon cavalry and some magicians under the feathers.

Lei Zhan, the leader of the mad warrior who gave the order, was issuing a series of instructions to track, alert, spy, and send more people to the peak-