Wolf Empire

0393 veteran

After Wuhuang Andongye was injured, the two major knights, "Dark" and "Holy Light", which were mainly responsible for the security of Wuhuang, were unanimously severely criticized by the military and even the cabinet. At one time, someone proposed to transfer the "undead" of another imperial knight far away in Shura to replace the existing Xingyuan security forces; the two knights The commander-in-chief was fierce this time. He must find out the six missing fish of the devil's way that participated in the assassination of the Wuhuang one by one, and there is a tendency to fight endlessly.

Grand Duke Slin and 18 Duke Miao have passed away, and the beast slaves have been far-reaching. Who will be the next target of Concubine Xiao Ni, Mr. Jinya and Mr. Huo on the blacklist?

The sound of walking in the distance came faintly along the corridor. Emperor An Dongye, who was sucking ** in the arms of the bow girl, suddenly smiled. A visitor came to the door and quickly ordered the Buddha mother and Meinu, who were waiting on the left and right, to change their clothes.

"General Leihei has arrived--" An Xiaoyu, the fifth officer of the servant, sang loudly.

These days, the generals of various battalions and the leaders of the various tribes have gone to the empire to visit the injury of Emperor Wu. Originally, according to the arrangement, it was not yet the turn of the officers at all levels of the "Pingbei Legion" to come to visit him. However, since Lei Hei took the initiative to seek the meeting, Mouye also waved a lot, Zhu criticized Yes, let Lei Hei come to see him.

The sound of the boots gradually approached, stopped for a while, and had been turned into the internal account to wait.

Changing the python robe, Wuhuang An Dongye, with a crown and hair belt, smiled and walked into the inner tent. Lei Hei, dressed in military uniform, got up and saluted.

After sitting down and watching the tea again, Emperor Wu Dongye no longer circled and asked bluntly, "Brother, why are you in a hurry to see me? These are all lonely rose guards, but it's okay to say it.

"Your Majesty, the day before yesterday, there was a secret envoy of the 'Heavenly Demon Sect' demon, Mr. Huo Du's secret envoy sneaked into the general's camp. It is said that there are many reasons in today's empire, and chaos will be born. He tried his best to lobby the generals to take advantage of the chaos and become king; the subordinate generals are afraid of beating grass and startling snakes, and did not detained people, but only ordered his nephew Lei Feihu to follow his tracks. Please let your majesty know what you will do in the future. Although Lei Hei said it as if nothing had happened, the twists and turns can still be seen.

"Oh? And such a thing?" Wuhuang Andongye calmed and said with a smile, "Brother, you might as well talk about the context."

After Leihei finished talking about how the people of the "Heavenly Demon Sect" secretly contacted him, Emperor Wu An Dongye already understood more than half of Leihei's thoughts. He was not optimistic about the prospect of cooperation with the "Heavenly Demon Sect", and the teachings and deeds of the "Heavenly Demon Sect" were fundamentally different from those of the "Pingbei Army". ;

Secondly, even in terms of pure interests, Mr. Huo Du, the "Tianyao Sect" can't give enough benefits to move Leihei. At least it won't be more than what Emperor An Dongye gave him. Ten thousand steps back, even if the "immortible Imperial Dynasty" collapses and there are 13 brothers and 21 princesses of the empire, how It is not Leihei's turn to lead Qunlun. If the name is not right, how can the wolves and all forces convince him;

Once again, Qin and Chu are not a good reputation. It is a forged to switch from the Baiye Holy See to the wolves. If they are not forced to a dead corner by the times, who will easily ruin their reputation on this, not to mention this is not in line with Leihei's loyalty.

Mr. Huo Du's people went to lobby, but it was just to arouse Leihei's own ambition. Of course, it would be best if Leihei could automatically launch a self-regency. Even if Leihei's first denounced, there was no substantial loss to them, that is, the "Heavenly Demon Sect" did not embrace this. Too much hope.

Wuhuang Andongye believes that although his old classmate Huo Du sent people to lobby everywhere, the real means of attack and containment should still be carried out by their own people and place all their hopes on others. This is by no means Huo Du's style.

Mr. Huo's various agitation and incitement actions should be just to cover their real secret assassination plan.

Wuhuang Andongye secretly thought that it seems that it is necessary to strengthen vigilance at each key points. In addition, the "Wolf Tooth" secret police of the Internal Security Bureau should also selectively clean up and control those mice who are ulicious. If there is no control and complete indulgence, it is not only easy to be suspicious, but also easy to lead to a complete situation. Out of control, but lost his original intention.

"Well," Wuhuang Andongye said slowly, "Brother, don't track your people anymore. The 'Dark Department' of the 'Heavenly Demon Sect' will keep an eye on them." After a pause, Wuhuang Antonye said again, "Your 'Pingbei Legion' should be well trained. After the enemy army returned to the division, it will soon be useful. Er, if the 'Pingbei Legion' is transferred to the third brother An Yaoyi's restraint, the 'Prime Minister of the Western Military and Political Council, what do you have?

The meaning of Wuhuang Andong's wild words is to let Leihei ignore the "Heavenly Demon Sect". Leihei immediately realized the secret lobbying of the "Heavenly Demon Sect". Ten * were all under the gaze of the "dark" spy agents, and the cold sweat on his back immediately came out.

But what does it mean for Wuhuang Andongye to let him train his military horses well? Is it possible to entrust the heavy responsibility of stationing in Serbia and assisting the third prince to deal with the military affairs of the West to himself and the Pingbei army?

Although Lei Hei's heart turned upside down at this time, his face did not show any expression, but he accepted it at once. He had no objection. Wuhuang Andongye asked him to train his military horses well, which naturally meant that he would not have any strong suspicions about him, and he was barely relieved.

"Well, go back to command your subordinates, restrain your family, help Lao San take care of the military affairs in the west, and take care of your father-in-law and Hou Wandai." Wuhuang Andongye said with a smile.

Leihei, a veteran, is glad that he has come to the right time. If he wants to fool around, although he is fine now, he may be charged with "great disloyalty". He now understands the voice of the superior, but only should be.

"I heard from Fourth Master Wen's men that the old brother fell in the middle of a village girl in Qiang's department. Is there such a problem?" After saying the business, Wuhuang Andongye suddenly asked with a smile.

Lei Hei said skillfully and said, "Your Majesty is really well-informed. In fact, the village girl's beauty can only be said to be 'formable', but this woman** has a 'suitable man' appearance. She will be sent back to the army to give birth to a son for the Lei family and inherit incense, but the village aunt's father thought that the general was a little old. I'm not very willing. The general can't get any decent bride price in the army, and he is so anxious these days.

"Wildly, who has been ordered to work in the Northern Serb Army, sent a thick gift on behalf of his brother. If the old man is really ignorant, no matter what the method is to tie it with a rope, he will bring all the village girl's family to the brother's army." Wuhuang Andongye said with a bad smile.

"Thank you for your success." Lei Hei said gratefully, and at the same time, he was shocked by the pervasive and trivial spying of the "dark part" master of the superior; at this point, he also retreated and went to the next place to rest.