Wolf Empire

0395 fangs

In the past few days, Emperor Andongye and Tuobaye also have a deeper understanding of each other. Tuobaye has a glimpse of what he wants to know. Emperor Andongye has a new understanding of the Principality of Slin.

Wh or the alliance, or completely tie the Slings to the imperial chariot, for both sides, there are indeed many traditional and realistic interest bases, and the combination of interests between the two sides is more than one or two points, especially the interest interface in the general direction is quite close. Based on the empire of Kanto and its future strategy, it is an inevitable choice to march into the Central Plains. At least before the empire controls the front line of "Wangyue City" to the west and the front line of "Yingzhou" to the north, it is difficult to say that the rear situation of the empire is safe. At the same time, fighting on the east and west fronts is not tolerable for any wise hegemony. As the most powerful "Duke of Slin", it hides the dream of chasing the Central Plains one day, and if there is a chance for them to occupy the flower world of the Central Plains, they will not be reluctant.

Looking at the two amazing Slin children fighting together with a smile, it is difficult to understand. Wuhuang An Dongye is still calculating the trend and layout of each chess piece in the big chess game. It is not easy to get the general trend of the final battle in the Central Plains. Now every step has to be carefully considered. I hope that every key step is A sophisticated calculus skill, not a failure that leads to failure.

"Oh, why are they so strong at such a young age?" The fifth princess An Muxi looked at it for a long time and was surprised that the two Slin teenagers were not only amazing, but also full of tenacity and patience. After being entangled for so long, their brute force had no obvious signs of exhaustion.

"Ha ha, at a young age? Xiaowu, are you very big? Haha. When Slin's children, especially boys, are still crawling on the ground, their mother will sew two sheepskin pockets, which are filled with fried rice or Mingsha, so that children can play as toys every day and as wrestling practice objects. As they grow up day by day, the sheepskin pockets are getting bigger and heavier, and heavier, and the pockets can Higher than a person, there are two or three hundred catties of fried rice or Mingsha, and more than four or five hundred catties. They carry such heavy pockets like toys every day, punching and kicking, holding and falling, carrying and falling, and falling in different ways. After more than ten years, they haven't practiced the brute force? This kind of toy will not be played until adulthood. Therefore, many Sling knights can open strong bows, and some sharpshooters are so powerful that they can even overturn the crazy bison to the ground. This is a nation that was born to raise children as wolves and soldiers.

The fifth princess An Muxi shook her head slightly and said, "It's really cruel for children to start practicing."

"Cruel?" Wuhuang Andongye blinked and smiled casually, "Ha ha, the survival of the strong has always been like this."

"That's true! How are you going to deal with the father of the Slin Palace Guard? The fifth princess An Muxi nodded slightly.

"How to deal with it? Without eyes, just go into battle to let the children kill. Anyway, it is a willing match between the two sides. Whoever is killed can only be blamed for their poor learning. At most, I will add more pensions to their dead and wounded soldiers, and buy more horses, cattle and livestock for their herdsmen. The living are always more important than the dead, right?

With a slight sigh, Emperor An Dongye continued: "Slin only respects strength and talent. Only when they are truly subdued can they be convinced by the elites."

After saying that, the fifth princess An Muxi stepped back and no longer watched the two Slin teenagers fight the unfinished battle.

The sun rises in the east.

The snowfield is vast and quiet, and white. It is already a rare good weather in the winter snowfield.

At three o'clock on the sun, the whining horn and the rumble of war drums resounded through the snowfield. The flag is spreading, and the horses' hoofs are like thunder. In an instant, there are thousands of troops and horses on the empty snowfield. Another drum horn roared, and the flags flew over, and the horse team quickly lined up.

Slin's herdsmen came from all sides to see this dangerous test and life-and-death struggle.

The formation was formed, and Emperor An Dongye, the lord of Shilin, Tuobaye and others successively boarded on the high platform next to the big platform.

This match was not originally on the agenda of both sides, but in the process of the talks, King of Donghu and other leaders were dissatisfied with the tough attitude of the empire. In particular, the empire asked the Slin tribes to obey the orders at any time, which made them very uncomfortable. They intended to say goodbye to the imperial wolves, so they proposed that each have 300 elite horses to fight against each. Kill it and see the high and low.

Instead, they were indifferent to the empire's laborious collection of "livestock tax" in various ministries of the Principality, because each herdsman has 500 livestock, and the empire only draws one as the imperial tax. If there are less than 500 livestock, they will be exempted, compared with the lords levied from the herdsmen. The "livestock tax" can be said to be quite low, and it has little impact on the interests of the nobles, and there seems to be no need to oppose it.

However, Tuobaye is bitter about this. If Tuobaye agrees to the empire's proposal of "livestock tax", it will not only invisibly admit that the empire is the representative of authority, and 30 years later, the principality is accustomed to the reality of imperial taxation. People's hearts will return to peace and the situation. It's even more difficult to get out of control.

However, the empire seems to intend to fight east and west in the talks between the two sides, always making a big deal on the issue of expropriation and combat, but understate the collection of taxes, which gives the impression that the empire only pays attention to the issue of expropriation and operations, and even the distribution of military law, military orders, military discipline, military achievements and trophies. Matters such as death pension have been discussed and agreed in detail.

The princes of the King of Donghu have shallow eyes. Even if they mention the taxation, how can they be the opponents of the calculating third brother An Yaoyi and the fifth princess An Muxi? In three or two sentences, Muxi turned the matter around the matter of the battle.

It is not easy for Tuobaye, who has just mastered the power of Slin, to say more on this issue. Moreover, 30 years have been long.

In this way, Tuoba Ye did not object to a comparison with the imperial cavalry in order to find out the real strength of the imperial guards. If you win, it will suppress the arrogance of the empire; if you lose, it will only be 300 riders, and there will be no damage to your strength. No matter how you lose, it is impossible to end miserably.

The hoof sounded suddenly, and a team of iron riders rushed across the snowfield and rolled up to the ground!

The first two black battle flags rolled in the wind, with sparrow tails, on the flag, one is the flying tiger, the other is the spirit snake, and the flag gun shines, which is the battle flag used by the imperial cavalry responsible for the escort task.

They are all cavalry temporarily drawn from the major legions and the two camps. Their flags are different. Judging from the emblems of tigers and snakes on the flag, they are two cavalry platoons drawn from the demon tiger legions and the spirit snake legions of the wolves.

Look at these 300 cavalry, the tall horses and black armor, running on the snow-covered grassland, their momentum is like thousands of troops and horses!

Thousands of people on all sides were silent and forgot to cheer.

In an instant, the 300-riding horse team has galloped to the central high platform.

The princes from Tuobaye's subordinates did not look good. Originally, they thought that in this competition, Emperor An Dongye would use the guard cavalry that followed him. In the eyes of the princes and nobles of the Duchy of Slin, the strongest cavalry in the empire was the guard cavalry of Emperor Andongye, but he did not expect that it was just an escort. The imperial cavalry of the three brothers An Yaoyi advance team came out to the battle.

Although these imperial cavalry look good, they don't look like killing fierce cavalry. They should not be as strong and good as their Slinsey cavalry, but today's comparison is very different from usual. Suddenly, they show a ferocious fangs, which is really beyond the expectations of the princes and nobles.

Tuobaye glanced at his wife Siyan and the Snow sisters, and their eyes also showed worried eyes.

However, at this time, the arrow is already on the string and has to be fired.

The horn whined and the drums thundered. The two Sling Palace Guards were leading their respective cavalry to fly out of the distant snowfield and arrived at the center of the snowfield facing the high platform in the blink of an eye.

The machete is shiny and well-dressed, and it is also the elite rider of the Principality of Slin.

These knights are arrogant and do not pay attention to the imperial knights at all. They are not as sharp as these princes and nobles on the high platform.

These days, they think they have a complete understanding of the imperial cavalry. With an equal number of people one-on-one, the imperial cavalry is by no means their opponent.

They don't know that these imperial cavalry have been warned in advance by the third brother An Yaoyi not to cause trouble and violate the military law; the imperial cavalry are trying their best to restrain themselves, so they give the impression that their combat power is not particularly strong.

Now these Sling Palace Guard knights have an extremely cold murderous intention in their hearts, and they are determined to chop these imperial cavalry into meat sauce!

The empire did not send the "strongest" guard cavalry, which has angered these arrogant Sling court guard knights. They were full of fierce and belligerent blood and secretly swore: How can these wolves be rampant on the Sling snowfield?