Wolf Empire

0394 Shuangxiong

Emperor Andongye had just sent away the old general Leihei and returned to the inner room. An Muxi, the beautiful female official, the fifth princess, hurried in and said with a happy face, "Dad, the third brother has sent a letter. Tuobaye invites you to come to the meeting. It seems that there is an idea about the surrender of the armistice."

Wuhuang Andongye laughed loudly and shouted. A horse took the lead and rode out of the wolf camp.

Behind him, a guard knight shouted repeatedly, rolling down the hills like a strong wind, and the snow dust splashed from the horse's hoofs was like a dragon rolling on the snowfield.

Raise the whip and jump the horse and go straight up to the snowfield. The place where the Slin people are stationed is not far away.

A team of Slinker rode on a whirlwind, but it would instantly reach the first ten steps of the Wuhuang Andong Mustang. Immediately, Slinsai rode back to the horses one after another and turned sideways to the Wuhuang Andong to salute on horseback. The Slin team was pointing to the approaching black line at the end of the snowfield in the distance and shouted: "His Majesty Tuoba has come to welcome His Majesty Wu!"

Everyone looked at it, but saw a Slin vulture flag on the wide snowfield. The horse team came straight like an arrow from the string, and its momentum was so urgent that it left the snow and dust far behind.

"It's so fast!" An Xiaoyu, the fifth general of the imperial guard, couldn't help admiring.

The fifth princess An Muxi smiled and said, "Watching the situation, compared with the imperial guard wolf riding, the heat is still half a bit worse!"

A guard general couldn't help laughing loudly.

Emperor Andongye stared at the approaching flag of the horse team, and had already seen the fierce vulture representing Tuoba Ye from afar. He roared and whipped the horse to meet him. The fifth princess An Muxi, the fifth brother An Xiaoyu and others immediately rode and then flew to meet the running horse team.

The armored inside, the iron helmet on the head, and the white cloak on the outside, greeted the welcoming Wuhuang Andongye politely, and the two sides greeted each other. An Yaoyi, the third brother, the plenipotentiary of the imperial negotiation who went out to greet him, also went out to greet his father, and then retreated to the queue.

In fact, under the instructions and control of the highest power class of both sides, the negotiation conditions have been negotiated back and forth. The remaining issues are either trivial or some general national policies in general directions.

Naturally, there is no need for the two leaders of Wuhuang and Tuobaye to meet. The key is whether the national policies of the two sides can be complementary and converge, and whether the two sides can borrow each other's needs and get what they want. This is the important reason why the leaders of the two sides must meet.

- There is no possibility of alliance between wolves and sheep; only between wolves and wolves can form alliances hand in hand.

Emperor Andongye pulled his horse to walk with Grand Duke Slin and ordered the guard knights: "When you enter the place where Slin is stationed, you must settle in the camp. Don't make trouble at will. Those who violate our military order will be killed!"

"I will obey the order of the Wolf King!" The guard knights responded in unison; in the wolf army, only the five direct legions still call the "Wolf King" the Emperor.

Under the order of Tuobaye, the horner blew the horn and blew the horn. Slinsey, who retreated aside, rode a team to open the road. Behind the palace, he guarded the imperial horse team left and right, and headed for the camp in Slin deep in the snowfield.

At the headquarters camp in Dethlin, the camp of the wolves and the reception banquet have been prepared.

The two heroes met, settled down first, and held a banquet half an hour later. The banquet was set in the king's tent of Tuobaye, which was also magnificent.

Emperor Andongye and his party were held into the public account and sat on the carpet by the wife and children of Tuobaye's family and the head nobles in the Principality of Silin.

As early as the beginning of the negotiations between the two countries, in order to show his sincerity, Emperor Antonye instructed the eleventh brother An Shangyan, who occupied "Gosdanburg" to return the captured Grand Duke Slin's family; according to the meeting etiquette of the Slin people and his identity, Emperor Antonye greeted the master Tuobaye's family.

As usual, many colorful concubines in Tuobaye, as the host family, first presented milk tea to Wuhuang Andongye and other guests, and then served fried rice and a large bowl of cream, milk tofu, etc., for guests to taste.

Wuhuang An Dongye did not refuse. He broke a small piece of milk tofu, scooped up a little cream, and tasted it a little. The third brother An Yaoyi, the fifth princess An Muxi, the fifth brother An Xiaoyu, Youdong, etc. also followed the customs. Tuoba Ye was obviously very happy to see the guests without any doubt.

Then, Tuobaye's favorite little daughter Tuoba Linglong served milk wine to entertain the people of Wuhuang Andongye.

Wuhuang Antonye laughed, took over the milk wine, drank all the luxurious wine bowl inlaid with gold and silver, and suddenly applauded in the big tent.

Emperor Andongye was calm and moved in accordance with the traditional etiquette of the Sling people. This is a sign of respect for the master and drinking alcohol, which immediately narrowed the distance with these nobles of the nobles of the Sling Palace.

For a while, the tent was full of heroic spirit. When we met, everyone was in a happy atmosphere and got drunk.

Two days later, Emperor Andongye put on a black leather robe and came to the tent with his hands behind his back and stood in front of the wind.

The beautiful fifth princess An Muxi, wearing a purple sable warm cover and a white fox skin crane with a big red satin face, gently leaned next to her father's emperor, smiling and watching the two ten-year-old Sling teenagers fighting in the snow. They did not give in to each other, and their brute force was amazing.

Around the father and daughter, there stood sparsely in a few people in wool felt cloaks, like "absent-minded" guards, which formed several strict warning circles on the outside and inside, guarding the father and daughter of Emperor Wu and green marks in the middle.

In the past few days, Wuhuang Andongye has met frequently with the princes and nobles of Slin, and also sighed with Tuobaye twice, and the results are quite satisfactory.

In addition to trade, municipal law provisions, litigation arbitration, medicine, culture and education and many other matters involving the practical interests of both sides, Wuhuang Antoniye listened to the opinions of the Slin side, reiterated the position of the empire, and more solemnly reaffirmed An's respect for the autonomous status of the Sling people and the traditional customs of the Sling people, but the Sling people We must be loyal to the empire and attach it to An. The empire will treat the Sling people under its rule fairly, treat them equally, and seek prosperity and development together.

Compared with the examples of Mengjin, Qingyuan and other departments, the Slin departments had the obligation to fight when the empire went on an expedition; also when Slin suffered from famine and foreign invasions, the empire also had the obligation to assist relief.

However, Emperor Antonye also said strongly that the empire would levy a symbolic "livestock tax" for 30 years in Sling, and then the tax rate 30 years later will be agreed by both sides, and neither party can unilaterally decide to change; at the same time, the empire has the power to station troops in the Principality of Slin, which is It is the established policy of the empire and cannot be changed. However, in view of Sling's reality, matters such as taxation, garrison, household registration and other matters must be implemented by the military government sent by the empire to the fortress and Sling's integrated consultation agreement. Neither party shall implement the rules and shall change the matters that have been resolved without authorization.

Wuhuang Andongye also proposed a special law to discuss with the nobles of the Slin Department. Fan Silin, Donghu, Nanman, Xiqiang, Beirong, etc., and it is not allowed to prohibit people from marrying with other ethnic groups. Those who are willing to marry other people should listen to each other's wishes; those who do not want to marry other people should also listen to their marriage and do not be forced. Violators, or 80 sticks, or slaves, shall not be lenient.