Wolf Empire

0445 Die before success

Wuhuang Andongye and his entourage then kept inspecting the defense of Ruinan and Ruixi. It was already winter.

The fourth prince An Zixuan has been stationed in the "Ruizhou" prefecture for many days, and soon turned to the sixth princess An Yichen of "Galo City" a bad news: Lord Gu Xiaodao, the former civil minister of the empire and commander-in-chief of the Central Plainsong Bandit Army, died in October and died young.

Emperor Andongye heard about it and remembered that if it hadn't been for Gu Xiaodao's action, he and even the An clan would have been extinct. He couldn't help but be heartbroken and ordered the empire to lower the flag and hang filial piety in all the wolf army in the land.

This is the first important minister to have passed away since the founding of the country. Gu Xiaodao has always been the emotional bond between the empire and the "Western Army". His death directly led to the absence of buffer between the An Dynasty and the Xilou Gu family, and the military confrontation between the two sides has been revealed.

At the time of winter, in order to compete for limited food, they were driven by wolves to various groups of civilian bandits in the mountainous area of Ruibei. Soon after, there was internal stride. The Yuan brothers led the team to go far away to "Huozhou" and defected to the "Heavenly Demon Sect" Huo Du. In addition, Li Gan and Shen Tugou were unwilling to leave their hometown, so they threw the civilian army to Under the banner of the "Dingxi Army", Gu Xilou added more than 200,000 horses and was bold.

The first snow of this year began to fall from the sky.

The fine salt-like snow particles fell from the air and fell on the ground, with only a thin layer that could not even be buried by the ankles. The snow that had just fallen was quickly blown away by the strong cold wind.

In the afternoon, the cold air hits people, the wind is as cold as a knife, and it is hard to endure.

The "Western Army" took advantage of a pass valley slope at the turn of the "Galo River" and rode 40,000 in advance. The central 30,000 steps were mounted on the high slope to the north and lined up to the south. The vehicles were arrayed, with swords, swords, halberths, guns, bows and crossbows, iron-gray iron leaf shields, like the city wall, awehrive light and evil spirit. Contained!

In the highest place of the chariot formation, before the big tent of the Chinese army, the dragon flag flutters high, representing the remnants of the power of the Shaman Holy See; the red commander-in-chief is embroidered with a big "Gu", and the flags on both sides are flying with the words "General Dingxi" embroidered.

The drummer, horner, golden hand, flag bearer, trumpet gunner, etc. of the Chinese army are all in their respective positions in front of the Chinese army, and are commanded by the flag officer.

In addition to the infantry vehicle array, there are 5,000 border troops on each side.

Gu Xilou, the "General of Dingxi", stood in front of the Chinese army's tent, looked up at the snow particles flying all over the sky, stretched out his hand and caught a few grains. The snow grains were cold, and a cold air filled his heart.

The gloomy sky covers the earth tightly, and the sky and the sky are windy, and the silver makeup is wrapped, as if covered with a plain veil, looking at the vast snow white from afar.

The wind blows on the face, and the snow grains are sandwiched with fine gravel, hitting the cheeks with a faint pain.

Overlooking the four fields, the north wind is vast and strong, which makes people stagger.

There is a layer of snow on the mountain, layered and extends straight into the sky. It looks like a snow scene of the mountain dancing silver snake. The yellow grass under the thin snow layer trembles in the strong cold wind.

However, although the snow has been coming down since morning, it refused to get any more; the hateful wind blew so much that there was not much snow on the ground.

"If there is a snowstorm, maybe this imminent war will suddenly stop and end without a disease?" Gu Xilou thought in his heart.

He has known for many years that in the sudden blizzard, no matter how to ride, his combat effectiveness will be sharply reduced, and even more so, if there are too many frozen horses, there will be almost no need to fight the battle; or the snow is so deep that it is not convenient for the cavalry to move, and the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Unfortunately, calling for wind and rain can only be wishful thinking. The wind and snow in front of them have a great impact on the field cavalry at all. If it is slightly beneficial to the "Western Army" is to occupy a favorable position in the north of the valley in the early stage, condescending and waiting for a fierce battle. If the enemy cavalry attacks, they will not only attack but also against the wind. The range of bows and arrows If you want to be affected, you will not be able to reach it. If you are close, you will have to withstand the bombardment of the gun bow and crossbow in the walking bike base.

Gu Xilou, the independent "General Dingxi", has always refused to obey the orders of the imperial wolves. Of course, there is something to rely on.

Galo is barren, and the farmland is thin. If there is no excellent queen and Taiwan, the grain and salary of hundreds of thousands of border soldiers of the "Western Army" alone will be enough for him to have a headache. The cost of being served, armor, ordnance, grain, horses, wheat bean forage and so on are all a large amount of swallowing money and silver, at least seven a year. 800,000, it is very easy to spend more than one million gold, and this is still a situation of stationing and sticking. Once the army is popular, the direct war cost is bound to continue to rise. Now, in addition to raising soldiers, the "Western Army" also has to store fields, open mines, trade with each other markets, buy agricultural tools and livestock for farming, etc. Piles and piles are all It takes a lot of money to work. Isn't it easy to do it?

Gu Xilou is now also a ship to the heart of the river, and it is difficult to get off. At the beginning, he was determined to make some achievements for the court in Dingxi, and he also achieved the promise of the internal affairs forces of "Huadu" to support him in all aspects, including the strong support of money and grain. Of course, the condition is to curb, curb and slow down Guan Dong'an as much as possible. The rise of the imperial dynasty, but the situation did not change according to people's will. Emperor Andongye's fake hands and people intervened in Ruifeng's military and politics, and he could only settle down in a corner of Galo and could not use his hands and feet at all.

Wuhuang Andongye dominated the auspicious land and contained most of the energy of the "Dingxi Army". Since his nephew Gu Xiaodao died more than ten days ago, Gu Xilou knew that the situation in Ruidi would change greatly. He immediately ordered to strengthen its vigilance. The border troops belonging to the "Dingxi Army" quickly gathered and gathered all the strong men and women under his rule. In the middle, there are also 40,000 to 500,000. Fortunately, it is now the winter period of the idle farm, and such a large-scale gathering will not affect farming.

However, just as Gu Xilou gathered troops on a large scale, the imperial wolves had sent troops in two ways, all the way out of Ruinan and went straight to the "Galo" city. The generals were Monjintu riding Darhan Khan and Loulan Jingjia Ge Shield King; all the way out of the city, crossed the Ruishui, drove into the west, and had the posture of killing into the "Galo" city. The leader is the Sand Golden Snake and the Sandwood Eagle of the Golden Snake Division. They are all fierce elite cavalry. They come and go like the wind. Suddenly, the "Western Army" is full of vegetation. The wind is full of wind and tension.

Just as the "Western Army" was trying its best to cope with the vertical and horizontal impact of the Kanto wolf horse, Wuhuang Andongye personally led 50,000 elite cavalry of the Guard Heavy Armor Division, Spirit Snake Division and Firefox Division to cross the Weishui near Ruibei in the south, and traveled north along the flat ground of the valley on the west bank of the "Galo River". After that, he turned to the northwest, went north to the vicinity of Galo, and went straight to "Galo City" along the valley channel without hesitation.

learned that tens of thousands of cavalry of imperial wolves marched north at night and recently joined the civilian army generals of Dingxi. Li Ganshang, the most resourceful, analyzed the situation of the enemy and thought that he could wait for the opportunity to counterattack in many places in the "Galo River" valley on the way to the wolves, and then pretended to be defeated and lure the wolves. It is not too late to pursue to the predetermined position and wave the crowd to attack it with ease. There are many chances of winning, that is, it is not good or not good. It is not too late to frustrate the enemy, and then return to "Galo City" to defend it.

Gu Xilou also agreed with Li Gan, so he led the army to set up a rear, and Li Gan led the army to counterattack. At this time, it was time to wait for anxiety, but there was no reward for the reconnaissance horse.

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard the thunder rolling continuously. In a moment, I could faintly look at the countless knights who drove horses and trampled on the snow, bypassed the mountain beams in the distance and ran to the plain in front of the car array.

Just after a moment, a man and horse turned out of the mountain beam in the distance, like a turbulent tide, like a mountain tsunami. In an instant, there were running horses all over the field, shining machete guns all over the field, as if the endless cavalry suddenly jumped into people's vision, roaring, shouting, and hundreds of groups, chasing the front of them. The "defeated army" in the west!

Thousands of fierce and ferocious hell dogs gallop fast against the ground, not much slower than the war horse. They wear thick felt armor and a collar with nails. This is to resist the damage of arrows and swords, and also to prevent the throat and neck from being bitten by the other party's military dogs, if the other party If there is a military dog.

The ferocious fierce dogs ran wildly in the middle of the cavalry, increasing the momentum that made the enemy tremble.

The drum horn roared, and a blood-red wolf pack flashed out in the wind. The snow in front of them was already a four dance of banners. The army was like a tide, rushing back and forth, but the wolves in the rear were as quiet as mountains, silent, and only war flag hunting.