Wolf Empire

0446 Battle of the Gallo River

Although the 15,000 horse led by Li Gan is only to lure the enemy, it is obvious that he has lost a considerable number of knights and paid a great price.

The knights who lured the enemy ran to the front of the main array of the base and slowed down the horse's speed. With an order, the cavalry turned around and returned to fight.

The upper hoof of the snowfield roared, and the "Dingxi Army" naturally formed a conical array while marching, hitting the left wing of the wolves that were chasing closely.

Woo-woo, the horn is sad, blowing on all sides! The drums are thundering, and the sharp horns sound to curb the clouds!

Fighting on the plain and disturbing the enemy's array, first of all, it is better than whose bow is strong, whose arrows, and strong bows and arrows have an advantage. It is difficult for knights to make up for this with their own archery. Therefore, the chasing flat wolf knights have taken full advantage of the strong bows and arrows. Arrows are shot like rainstorms, shooting people and horses, and arrows are free.

There was no contact between the two sides, and many horses of the "Western Army" have fallen to the ground, and many knights have been shot down!

The wolf group's riding shooters are well-trained, and they are very proficient in shooting, riding and small team groups. They cover each other in horseben chi, shoot arrows in turn, and shoot enemy soldiers from a distance. They try not to touch each other's charging cavalry as much as possible, but try to cooperate with exquisite shooting skills, riding skills and small team groups. Riding around, like a turbulent wave, gathering and calmly.

And the fierce fighting between knives and guns is mainly the duty of the heavily armored cavalry. The archers generally do not give up their advantages in shooting from the beginning and take their own shortcomings to others. Unless the arrows in the quiver are empty, most of the archers will try to avoid using sabres to rush into the enemy before the enemy's formation is chaotic and defeated. The situation of slashing appeared.

Of course, in actual combat, the cooperation between the riding archers and the heavy armored knights is also very important. Sometimes the light riding, mainly riding and shooting, the arrows are like rain and hail; sometimes the heavy armored cavalry rushes forward, cutting guns, stabbing, and charging into battle; but sometimes there are also light riders who rush forward, wielding with knives and slashing fiercely, while heavy armored cavalry are in the rear. The situation of pulling the bow and shooting is not completely limited to the established tactics.

The flag waved quickly, and the drum beat suddenly rose!

The Xiao, led by Li Gan, rushed left and right on the battlefield, slowly fought and retreated in the direction of the base, so as to get the cover of the artillery crossbow in the base and gasped back. The cavalry waiting on both sides of the base also roared out under the order of Gu Xilou and charged into the battle.

With the rumble rhythm of the war drums, the cavalry on both sides come and go and fight desperately.

This time, the "Dingxi Army" has the advantage of waiting for work on the terrain and artillery, so that the wolves are limited by the narrow terrain of the valley and Liangfeng Gully, and cannot effectively detour to the flank of the "Dingxi Army" to hit its vehicle; and the ** wolves are even more unlikely to carry more powerful artillery, and they can't compete with the "dingxi Army" on the artillery. The confrontation of the Western Army can only stay away from the bombardment range of vehicles and artillery as much as possible, and the situation is quite unfavorable.

The advantage of the wolves is in the cavalry. Many knights of the guard armor, the spirit snake division and the firefox division have actual combat experience, and their martial arts skills are difficult for ordinary people to match, while the strict military law and strict training make the knights condense into a close cooperation. Military attack, personal bravery is really difficult to resist the pressure of arrow rain, knife mountain and gun forest.

It's too late to fight fiercely.

After many rounds of charge, the narrow battlefield was full of human corpses and horse bones, blood flowing into a river, and the thin snow layer disappeared under the trampling of the horses.

The disadvantage of the "Dingxi Army" riding on horses began to appear, and they had to rely on the cannon bows and crossbows of the base to cover frequently, and the wolves did not intend to attack for the time being. In this narrow valley passage, the two sides fell into a suffering battle.

Before nightfall, the two sides broke off contact. Emperor Andongye ordered to retrieve all the bodies of the robes, take away the injured for treatment, and retreat ten miles to camp. The espion, orders, assembly, deployment, counterattack and interception of the "Western Army" are remarkable. It is reasonable for the wolves to suffer a little setback this time. .

- Mouye himself is also aware that the war will become bigger and bigger in the future. How can it be easy to talk about being undefeated? As long as you don't hurt your muscles and bones, why are you afraid of some slight frustration?

After all, the "Dingxi Army" is the border army of the Holy See, and it is also a powerful brigade trained in frequent wars. It is quite strong in combat effectiveness and tenacious, which is completely different from most of the loosely disciplined civil army. Even when the war situation is greatly unfavorable, it is not easy to escape.

If the wolves want to run across the land of Dingxi, they still need to work hard!

In the first battle, Wuhuang Andongye was not angry but happy. What is the victory or defeat of one city and one place? What he wants is the overall situation.

The "Dingxi Army" chose to block the favorable terrain on the banks of the "Galo River" and prevent the empire's wolf riders from easily killing the "Galo City". For Wuhuang Andongye, it is not a big deal. It's just that the main force becomes a restricted division and the partial division becomes the main force.

When the empire sent troops on three routes this time, Wuhuang Andongye almost lit up his family background in Ruidi in the Central Plains. If Wuhuang Andongye's soldiers and horses broke into the heart of the "Dingxi Army" and could contain more than half of the troops of the "Dingxi Army" near Galo, he would attack the other two people of "Galo City". Ma can do a lot of work, and it is not impossible for them to suffer a big defeat if the "Western Army" did not notice it before the secret killer in a wild hand exerted its power.

The complexity and variability of the terrain of the "Dingxi Army" also exceeded the prediction of Emperor Andongye. Galo from the Pingyi valley channel can be said to be the only best choice. If Emperor Andongye leads the army to take a detour to enter the army, no one will have a bottom of how long it will take. Not to mention whether it will delay the fighter plane, that is, it will make the opponent easy. The tail of the earth is not what a wild man wants.

There will be a fierce battle tomorrow, and the coaches of both sides know this.

Nothing happened overnight, and neither side took advantage of the night to steal the camp, knowing that the enemy must be vigilant and closely guarded, and it is difficult to succeed in robbing the camp; on the other hand, both armies have a lot of casualties and people are scarce. For example, after the battle of the "Dingxi Army", there were many casualties in the camp, and there is an urgent need to rest; and in this way On a cold winter night, it is not easy for the brigade to steal the camp and rob the village. If it doesn't work well, it hasn't started to steal the camp yet. Half of its own people are frostbited to death first, which is not worth the loss. This is the third.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for the brigade to steal the camp on such a cold winter night, but a small group of well-equipped and well-prepared spy scouts, both sides still have to go out, and in the dark, there are many wolves in each legion, and the "Dark Knights" of the feather girl and a large group of drives into the house. The hellhound outside the camp is definitely the nightmare of the sentry on the side of the "Western Army" sentry.

Although the knife and gun are cruel, they are visible; and the night killing, although invisible, is more sinister and ruthless. Either you die or I die, and sometimes even the bones are difficult to find.

The two white shadows have just struggled to climb over a snow-covered earth beam. Their movements are very careful and slow, and it is impossible to be found.

But a three-edged arrow passed through the night incredibly, shot into the chest of one of them, and came out from behind, extremely fierce.

The Dingxi spy opened his eyes wide and didn't even make the weakest sound. He had already fallen down the soil beam. Below is the "Galo River" that has not been completely frozen. The body hit the thin ice surface and made a low click of breaking ice. He was destined to spend the winter at the bottom of the river. Of course, the flesh and blood on his body will become It is food for some wintering aquariums at the bottom of the river.

And the other person died almost at the same time under a sudden sleeve arrow.

With a burst of spring, the soul chased back to death, like a flash of lightning. As soon as the sleeve arrow came out to seal the throat, it was stable, accurate, fierce and fast, and the blood gushing out turned black and purple in an instant.

The sleeve arrow is vicious enough, and it is highly poisoned. It's hard not to die!

- This kind of dark killing will never be known.

People's life is sometimes as fragile as the dead leaves on a tree. Accidental changes may be just because of a wisp of breeze, falling silently from the branches, scattered into mud and crushing into dust, and it is too late to sigh.