Alchemy Era

Chapter 19 Born in Destruction

Li Ou leaned against the wall and looked at the sky covered by dark clouds.

The rain was still falling, and the wild beast trapped by the churning black clouds shed tears of cats and mice in the ancient city, as if to vent all the ridicule accumulated for a long time. The dry sand turned into the country of waterland at a speed visible to the naked eye. The dripping sound mixed with the resounding spells on the street, and the nameless flame in Li Ou's heart swelled arbitrarily.

The bullshit truth, the damn truth... He really didn't know how he was narrowed and stayed. I must have been enchanted by some kind of spell. He thought weakly that it must be the god behind Brandick. The hidden guy affected his will and influenced his judgment.

Li Ou turned his head and looked at the desert warrior, and the belief in the other party's eyes seemed to be stronger than before. He knew that it was useless for him to say anything. He wisely chose to close his mouth and wait quietly. Wait for the end, wait for death, and wait to see when and what the so-called fate will look like.

I hope it's not an old maid who has been fucked countless times with abscesses. He thought maliciously.

In the square, the last golden machete seemed to be manipulated puppets to walk up the high platform.

Bennett's face was twisted, and his eyes were as if the eyes of a dead fish were horribly round. He tried his best to resist the moving body, and his whole body was tight, but his footsteps did not stop at all. The right foot was raised and stepped on the steps; then the left foot... step by step, over and over again. He walked up to the high platform.

The priests surrounded Monroe Selt and sang harsh prayers. He looked at Bennett sadly, with chagrin, self-reproach, despair and guilt poured in, devouring him and dragging him into the endless abyss. His hands were shaking, his legs and feet were sore, and his face was pale, but he couldn't stop, and he had no way out. Only act according to the script written by others, hoping to find a little life in the end.

The dull and stiff footsteps stopped.

Another pair of eyes mixed with resentment, fear, curse and despair. He closed his eyes briefly and tried to erase it from his mind, but a pair of eyes came out one after another, like a shadow ghost, pestering him and refusing to leave. Sorry, it's not my fault. Monroe Celtic said loudly in his heart. However, they still refused to leave. He felt that they were like little ghosts in hell, stretching out a pair of fleshless hands, and only bone joints grabbed him and vowed to let him join them.

The rain above his head poured down and soaked his whole body, but he knew that his wet face was full of his cowardly tears.

"Bannet, I'm sorry." He said with a little crying.

In exchange is only angry hatred.

He can't speak like those people, and he can't curse. However, Monroe Celtic is extremely eager to hear their accusations and curses, because it can make him feel a little better, instead of enduring silent hatred as he is now.

"I'm sorry." Monroe Selt apologized meaninglessly. That's all he has done. In addition, he didn't know how to save, how to atone for his sins, his faith, his gods... He just wanted to laugh sadly. All people, Bennett, including himself, their beliefs collapsed in an instant.

Liar! Everything is a terrible scam!

However, he understood too late and could not do anything about it. You can only be at the mercy of, listen to threats, and obey orders. The short spear given by the ugly old witch sparkled in his hand, shining with an evil rainbow. Monroe Celtic bit his lip and hesitated in his heart.

Bellet knelt down in front of Monroe Selt.

In the struggle, he stubbornly raised his head, and his muscles and tendons made a terrible sound in the struggle with his bones. His mouth bit blood, his face turned red, and the blood vessels under his skin burst one after another, which was particularly fenduring." He opened his mouth and roared in despair and resentfully in his throat. ...I can't...I'm dying..."

The voices of the priests chanting prayers in circles suddenly became loud, and the surging magic swept over them. Bennett's voice stopped abruptly and his head suddenly lowered. A piece of bloody meat fell out - it was Bennett's.

Fear spreads like a plague. Monroe Celtic just wanted to escape from here, but his body imprisoned his mind. While crying, he raised his short spear. In front of him, the corpse was covered with ashes after burning. Deep guilt and despair grabbed his heart together. No!" He shouted helplessly, and then in the resistance, the short spear still stabbed straight into Bennett's neck and passed through his neck. Blood is like gorgeous flowers blooming on the ground of stagnant water, dazzlingly red.

The mysterious black flame rose with the tone of the priests who couldn't help singing like puppets, like ghosts, like smoke and dust. Dance in the heavy rain, stretch your body, open your teeth and claws, and ridicule. It devoured Bennett's body and twisted it in front of him. However, Monroe Celtic could not feel the slightest temperature, and only the deep cold enveloped him and eroded his limbs. In the painful self-reproach, in the vagueness, there was an evil mud-like shadow whispering to him, saying dirty, blasphemy words, abuse, curses, lowly... All the bad words he could think of would swallow him up like a tornado. Go on, go on, more!" Monroe Celtic cried, "Aren't I not such a person?"

However, the sound seemed to be just his hallucination.

A Thunderbolt pierced the dark cloud, and he knelt down and knelt down in a rotten ashes. Why didn't you kill me? Why didn't I die? Monroe Selt shouted desperately, "Why am I the only one still alive?"

He cried like a child. The prayers around him seemed to be the most painstaking ridicule. He slowly raised his head, and the dark clouds were like his mood, gloomy and dark, as if it were the end of the world. Then, Monroe Selt saw that the statue he had knelt down was grinning and laughing happily, with the joy of playing with him in the palm of his eyes. An impulse arose, and he tried to jump up, pointed to the old witch's nose and cursed, but an unpredictable and incomparable force suppressed him. He was suddenly pressed to the ground and couldn't move.

The voices of the priests were suddenly mixed with some kind of pain that went into the bone marrow, and all changed their voices to a tone that Monroe Selt had never heard before, not only like glass rubbing against each other, but also like a sharp blade scraped by nails, with a sound piercing into the ears and tormenting nerves. More sharp shouts linger than night girls, banshees... than all creatures armed with sound. He almost fainted. Words that he couldn't understand and couldn't recognize echoed in his ears, with a frightening magic.

The roar of thunder is endless. After a while, the rain became heavier. The stagnant water did not pass Monroe Celtic's chin. He was shocked to find that after dispersing the ashes and blood stains, the rain was as black as ink, with a rotten stench, as if it were disgusting mud in the sewer, which was full of worms and soft mud with countless tentacles.

The singing reached its peak, and then stopped abruptly.

After a short silence, the priests suddenly shouted in their throats, as if they were suffering great pain.

Monroe Selt raised his eyes with all his strength. In the curtain of black raindrops, he saw the priests roaring up to the sky like wolves. ** Under the muscles of the outside hands, neck and face, there seems to be a sacred beetle crawling, with swollen bulges, constantly moving and crawling. But for a moment, their robes were enlarged...

Monroe Celtic trembled, and a greasy, dark and deep fear caught him. He realized that something terrible was about to happen. He held his breath and prayed to the gods who had been abandoned by him.

The continuous crackling sound suddenly sounded. The smelly blood splashed on Monroe Celtic's face. He saw that the faces of the priests who were human at the previous moment were in a mess at this time, and he could not recognize the previous appearance at all. However, they did not die, and the darkness that made his heart palpitated went straight down from the sky and filled the bodies of the priests. The bishop saw the muscle pieces on the faces of his manipulated men peeling off, and something terrible grew on the bones. They shouted in pain, becoming less and less like a human voice. Then... in just a brief moment, Monroe Celtic saw the priests covered with dark red shells, and their facial features were almost changed: a dark yellow fist-sized eye stood upside down on his original forehead.

They roared like demons.

What kind of monster do we believe in? Monroe Selt thought desperately.

"What kind of monsters are they?" The desert warrior swallowed his saliva and asked in a trembling voice. Even a firm belief can't dispel his fears. I... I've never seen it... I'd rather face a whole nest of sand sting..."

"Not a monster." Li Ou couldn't hide his fear. "It's the devil."


Li Ou squeezed out a bitter and desperate smile. That's what you think, those guys in the era of miracles, those things.

"But how did they... change from human to demons?"

Li Ou looked out of the window, and the dark clouds gathered, and the bronze statue smiled coldly under the lightning, just like her original appearance. Because of the ceremony. His throat is dry and unbearable. I know what kind of ceremony they are doing. But it seems too late to know now."

"What ceremony?"

Li Ou couldn't help lowering his voice and whispering, "Sacrifice to annihilate the demon god Clegg."

Claig, the demon god of creation and destruction. The same is true of the ceremony. He said. Created in killing and destruction. The golden machete was sacrificed, the priest was transformed into a demon, and the citizens killed each other. At this time, there was only one winner left in the square.

"What should we do?" The desert samurai completely lost confidence.

What should I do? Can they kill each other? Obviously, it is comparable to ascending to the sky. But... Li Ou looked at the city like a cage. Can he escape? His heart was full of despair. How far you can go. He said powerlessly, "And... ask for more blessings."