Alchemy Era

Chapter 20 Black Rain, Thunder

"Starting in May, please collect!!"

In the pouring black rain, Leo and the desert warrior ran as fast as they could against the wall. The cold and smelly rain hit their faces, like sticky mud, like the sand under their feet, and the yellow sand like shaves, crawling full of boots, getting heavier and heavier and slipping.

The dark day has hidden their traces, and they walk through one shadow after another. However, the thunder never stopped, and the roars one after another in the square became more and less like ordinary people, and the smelly cold wind seemed to blow from the top of the ice and snow, roaring ruthlessly. Leo's heart was full of uneasiness. The bloody rain of demagogy has passed, and this is the last step of the ceremony. And he had no time to regret his hindsight, so he had to immerse himself in his head and escape - the farther the better, the better to escape to the end of the sky.

The desert warrior followed his footsteps, squeezed his mouth and said nothing. There was still unwilling in his heart, and Li Ou could see it clearly. Just in the face of the cruel reality, even the most powerful warrior has to bow. It is more brave to admit your shortcomings and choose to retreat. Just as a reckless man can never become a hero, and a hero will only die and become the protagonist of the bard's poetry, only the living can enjoy flowers and glory.

The long roar in unison tore through the clouds and hit the eardrums.

The magic broke out like a lava explosion, and the invisible and untouchable magic wind pulled their bodies like a hurricane passing through, holding Leo's head and hitting him hard against the wall. The pain from his spine spread quickly all over his body, his head buzzed, and his feet knelt softly in a pool of sand and mud with stinky black water. The desert warrior gave a muffled groan beside him. He fell by the wall like a puddle of mud.

The violent thunder exploded overhead, the darkness advanced and retreated, and the rolling dark clouds cracked from the middle, revealing a red sky that seemed to be hot magma. The smell of sulfur and ozone permeated, surrounded them layer by layer like silk.

Li Ou raised his head in horror and saw the sky burst and the red magma fall, as if a meteor had cut through the sky. Horrible omen. The ceremony is about to be completed, and the grand destruction is coming. Leo doesn't know how much time is left for them.

"Is this... the end of the world?" The desert warrior muttered in horror.

"All I know is that if we don't leave, it will be our end!" Li Ou struggled to pull up the arm of the desert warrior, "Get up, get up quickly! Run! Don't look at it, just run!"

They stumbled in the black rain, with the roar of strong wind and thunder over their heads. The magic oscillates disorderly and moans painfully. The air gets hotter and dry, and the smell of sulfur becomes stronger. The black rain gradually became sparse, turning into wisps of gas and rising into the sky. The steaming fog covered the street ahead. They ran through houses ravaged by the hurricane, which were empty and the city was reduced to a dead land. Then, Leo smelled the burnt smell.

With no warning, a mass of Mars first emerged from a house next to it. The spark unstoppable fire, and after a moment, the whole street has become a sea of fire. They were completely surrounded by flames.

The fire tongue swallows, as if it were a monster who laughed at it wantonly. In the thick smoke, they coughed loudly.

"Can we still find the direction?" Li Ou asked.

"No problem." The tone of the desert warriors was with some uncertainty - the high wall made of flames blocked their footsteps.

Li Ou took a deep breath, "Get ready..." He quickly drew a French seal and condensed it in the palm of his hand. Let's go!"

They jumped out like rabbits, and the seal opened a slit on the wall of fire. The fire tongue licked their hair and browned their clothes, but other than that, there was no defect. They rolled in the mud, turned over and climbed up without stopping.

The loud thunder chased their footsteps, and the flames also followed, and the fog and smoke rose everywhere.

Liu found himself lost his way. How far is it?"

The desert warrior was silent. He clenched the handle of the axe, the blue veins on the back of his hand bulged, and a painful struggle flashed in his eyes. Li Ou's heart is not good. He suddenly stopped. Turn right at the front intersection and you will see where we came out. The desert warrior said. I have to go back. Fighting is my mission, not cowardly escape. He took a deep breath, as if he had found himself and his faith again. I can't watch the disaster come."

"Idiot!" Li Ou scolded angrily, "You are no different from dying."

"That's better than living secretly." The desert warrior turned around and left.

Smuggling? Are you a righteous hero?" Unself-empowered idiot, do you really think that those demons can be slaughtered by you like old horses and sick donkeys, and can be easily defeated like wood? You don't understand what they are at all!"

"The gods guide my path, and their glory blesses me."

Does he really think he is a warrior of the gods, the sword of the gods? You are a desert warrior, yes, you believe in the gods, and you also believe in the Clegg they sacrifice. The black sun gathered with the gods. But now... it's a great irony. But all the gods are fucking dead! The so-called divine power is gone. How do you fight against spells and evil methods? Don't forget, you can't even jump over a wall of fire!"

The desert warrior stopped. This is an irrefutable fact. However, Connor Brandick said, "I'm ashamed of my retreat. I'm about to correct my mistakes because of stupidity and cowardice.

Li Ou sneered, "Wash your sins with your life?"

"This is also my glory."

"The glory of bullshit, the gods are just a group of unscrupulous disciples for the sake of faith. And what about you? You are just a mortal body now. Leo told him loudly. The meteor roared over their heads, the sky cracked into pieces and red, and the sun was dyed black after the dark clouds.

However, suddenly, there was no sound around, and there was a dead silence, as if he were in a silent world. In a city without vitality, there is only a dirty demonic word singing prayers to please the demon god.

All glory is worthless after the end, just like the faith once. The desert warrior looked up at the sky, and his voice trembled with deep fear, "So, what is that?"

One eye opened at the burning red ceiling, and the churning black clouds condensed into his face. A twisted, hazy face, full of madness, pure evil, and then her eyes are as calm as a lake. Just like his crazy personality is unpredictable and capricious. It's impossible to guess.

A bucket of thunder fell from the sky, and the demon priests shouted loudly through the sky.