Alchemy Era

Chapter 43 Lu Yuewu

"I got stuck, crying!"

Prince Patton stared at the alchemist with a smile on his face, "What do you think, White Devil?" He narrowed his small eyes and twisted his fat body on the throne. How about letting your people compare with my people to cheer them up?

Now Li Ou has no doubt that the fat man in front of him is a cunning old fox.

"This fat pig." Rosie gritted her teeth beside Leo and said. He'd better choked to death by himself.

"I'm sure it will happen sooner or later." He looked up at Prince Patton lightly, without a trace, and said softly, "He will either die on a woman's belly or suffocate in a pile of pork. There is always the same ending for him.

"It's better to be hanged and starved to death." The female mage said.

The alchemist didn't say anything more. He saw the female swordsman looking at the steaming food with little focus. The knife and fork in his hand unconsciously forked the food in front of him, mechanically stuffed it into his mouth, and then swallowed it. He decided to have a good talk with her later. On his right hand, Miss Bachelor sat in a high seat, enjoying dinner perfectly with etiquette, and chatting with Bachelor Leila next to her without saying a word. Compared with Evela's indifference, Bachelor Leila seems much more enthusiastic. Looking at his posture, he even has the will to replace Asha. Yvela quickly sensed Leo's eyes and immediately cast a hidden look at him, and nodded silently.

"White devil, did you hear what I said?" Prince Patton waved back the naked dancer, "Give me an answer, agree or refuse?" His body leaned forward as if he were questioning, and his tone was full of anger.

His appearance reminds Leo of what Prince O'Bron once said--

"Kings rarely calmly accept words like 'no', 'I won' and 'never'. Kings - all kinds of things are at their disposal: daggers, poisons, dungeons, red-hot fire tongs. Kings have hundreds and thousands of ways to avenge their dignity, and you don't know how easy it is to make some authorities feel that their dignity is damaged. As long as you interrupt their speech or speak rudely, your life will be buried under the wheel.

Prince Patton is the kind of person with low self-esteem, he is convinced. Therefore, the alchemist understands what will happen after rejection. And he also saw it thoroughly. He obviously intends to give them a strong deterrent through this, but the alchemist has made up his mind that he will definitely disappoint him.

"Are you afraid, White Devil?" Prince Patton laughed loudly, and there was an indescribable pleasure in his voice, with contempt and laughter, but there was deep malice in his small eyes. Let your people come, I heard that there are brave soldiers among you. Are they cowardly like you?

"I want to cut off his tongue." The female mage said.

Li Ou put down the knife and fork, "No, of course we won't be cowardly."

"Then show us, White Devil." Prince Patton said with a smile, "Don't let us look down on you."

He is using the exciting method, but Leo can't force him back, not to mention that he doesn't intend to give in. Soldiers are never afraid of fighting. Leo looked at him and whispered, "What I care about is how we will compare? Life-and-death duel, or to the end?"

The alchemist saw a trace of madness in each other's eyes.

Li Ou is not afraid. The martial arts of the Ravens are outstanding and powerful. Leo glanced around, the soldiers standing with swords, and even the officers who greeted them before, all of them were far away from the crows. But killing is particularly unwise at this moment.

Nanta next to him said timidly, "Your Highness--"

The alchemist raised his head and happened to see Miss Bachelor turn her head to talk and laugh.

Prince Patton thought for a moment and looked at the woman in black on his left. Until now." He said in a muffled voice, with a taste of unwillingness. You are my guests, and you can't see blood in the test. Let's stop here."

And this is undoubtedly what Leo wants to see. I sent someone to call us knights."

"No." Suddenly, the voice of the female swordsman sounded around her. Lu Yuewu put down her silver fork and stood up. I'll come."

No one expected that the female swordsman would choose this. What's wrong with her? What on earth are you thinking about?

"Are you crazy?" Rosie roared in a low voice.

However, Lu Yuewu stared at the front without squinting and turned a deaf ear to their shouts and curses. She looked up at Prince Patton, holding the scabbard sewn of shark skin in her left hand, and said firmly, "I can fight on their behalf--"

"Moon Dance! Sit down! It's not your turn!" He shouted angrily. If it weren't for the fact that they were visiting at the time, he just wanted to jump over and drag her back and pressed her hard on the chair. This has nothing to do with you."

Miss Moon Dance--Miss Bachelor exclaimed.

"Stupid woman, what are you stupid about?" The female mage shouted without hesitation, "Is your head flooded?"

"This is exactly what I should do." She whispered. Then he no longer looked at them, as if they had nothing to do with him. She just looked at Prince Patton, "Please send your soldiers."

Prince Patton turned around and asked Bachelor Leila, and then said in surprise, "Madam, are you sure?"

Bachelor Lera relayed his words. Their faces are full of the same surprise.

Li Ou knows that this side of the sea favors boys over girls and does not believe that women will choose to become a warrior. In the Valia tradition, a woman's job is to stay at home and do housework, please men who fight to the death, and seize status and wealth. In addition, any woman who tries to become a warrior will be regarded as a despised alien.

"I'm a swordsman." Lu Yuewu said.

"There are no eyes in the sword in the test."

Prince Patton is now pitiful. However, what annoyed Li Ou was that Lu Yuewu didn't know what "conedient refusal" was at all. For a warrior, scars are a commendable symbol and a symbol of honor. A soldier without scars is a coward, not a real warrior. She said firmly, "I'm a swordsman, not a woman who washes and cooks. Moreover, I have been ready to die.

"Then you can go to hell!" Rosie shouted. She threw down her knife and fork and stood up. "Your Highness, I feel a little uncomfortable. I want to leave first." Before Prince Patton could speak, she left directly. Finally, she said, "You'd better die here!" Don't fucking make trouble for us again."

Lu Yuewu's body trembled slightly, and her face suddenly turned pale.

"Moon dance, come back, you don't have to take risks."

But his persuasion seems to increase her determination. She quickly regained control of her emotions. So let others face the threat of death? What's the difference between me and them? I'm just your escort." She took a deep breath, "Your Highness, where are your soldiers? I'm ready."

At this point, everyone has nothing to say.

Prince Patton was silent for a while, "Call Scott to come forward." He announced loudly.

"Your Highness, let me do it." The previous soldier with a shining golden cloak volunteered to fight, "Mr. Scott was a gladiator. Every move he moves is dangerous and deadly. The past was cruel to a woman. We are in a fight, not a duel. The throne hall should not be stained with blood.

After a brief thought, Prince Patton made a decision. Well, Julian." Only then did Li Ou know the other party's name. "It's up to you. Remember to click until the end."

Since there was no way to stop Lu Yuewu, Li Ou could only turn to the gods to pray that she was safe. However, Prince Patton's seemingly concerned words smelled high, with the contempt and sarcasm of the winner. Does he think they are sure to win? Only the alchemist knew how exquisite the female swordsman's swordsmanship was, and even trained him into a swordsman who could be alone.

Julian, with dark skin and black eyes, took off his cloak, put on leather gloves, and adjusted the buckles on the leather armor to make them tighter, and the bright silver buckles jingled. He took a breath and pulled out the sword around his waist. It was a slightly curved narrow sword, lighter and shorter than the rune sword used by Lu Yuewu, like an alternative machete.

In the process, the female swordsman never said anything. She looked at her opponent, staring at Julian's expression, muscles, right hand holding the sword, and the slightly trembling sword body, staring at the terrible long blood tank on it.

"Be careful." Leo couldn't help reminding him.

She didn't look back and gently nodded her head. Then slowly pull out the sword. In an hour, mercury-like silver light filled the throne hall, covering the burning bright candlelight. Even the puppet-like woman in black couldn't help raising her eyes and giving her a brief glance, with a surprised look in her eyes.

Leo saw what Prince Rilla said in Prince Patton's ear. The latter looked indifferent. I despise you, miss. Good luck." He said with some resentment, "Start."

"Woman, I won't keep it."

"I don't understand your language, and you don't understand what I said. So, don't say anything." She threw away the scabbard, threw a sword flower, pointed the tip of her sword at Julian devocatively, and gently picked it up. Come on."

The soldier didn't understand what she said, but Lu Yuewu's contempt made him full of anger. Being despised by a woman is a shameful humiliation for the Valians. So he shouted and jumped to kick off the battle.

Lu Yuewu took two steps back lightly, and a sword that looked like a machete passed in front of her. She passed by Death, but the female swordsman didn't realize it. Her face is as calm as an ancient well. She moved quickly, took two steps to the right, and then stepped back. Julian is like a monkey being teased. He couldn't help cutting, sweeping, stabbing and chasing Lu Yuewu's footsteps, but he only cut the air, and the only shadow of Lu Yuewu in the thorn.

The female swordsman dances gracefully like a butterfly. She flapped her wings in the candlelight and walked fearlessly through the hurricane rolled up by the sharp blade. The long sword brought a series of brightly extinguished lights, like the bright galaxy in the night sky, so dazzling that the alchemist almost forgot the deadly danger in the beauty.

Prince Patton's warrior - Leo guessed that he should be the imperial guard of the other party - Julian suddenly seemed to see through the butterfly's dance steps. He suddenly stepped forward and cut off the female swordsman's way. Then he waved a sword violently, and the blade broke through the air, bringing a strong roar. Lu Yuewu couldn't stop her inertia, so she had to lean back. The blade tore a piece of skirt on her chest, revealing the moon-white lining inside. A wisp of black hair scattered one after another.

"Well done." Prince Patton shouted excitedly.

The onlookers also cheered happily.

"Ah--" Miss Bachelor shouted in horror. She sat in the seat that originally belonged to Rosie. She was relieved to see that Lu Yuewu was not injured. But she still tightened her eyebrows, with a worried and uneasy face. Miss Yuewu, she will be injured.

"It won't be her who is injured." Leo is full of confidence.

However, saying and doing are two different things. He watched Lu Yue dance struggling in the bondage of the sword net, and his heart seemed to be tightly grasped by a big hand and raised to his throat. He clenched his fist and his hands were full of sweat. But there is no way to stop their fight now. No matter where it is, once the test begins, only one side can withdraw to declare the end. All those who try to break the rules will be regarded as demons who break the sacred contract. Be scolded and bear a terrible curse.

"Li Ou, Miss Yuewu can't avoid this trick!" Miss Bachelor screamed in panic and grabbed his arm.

He looked up and saw the dark-skinned warrior dancing a strange sword light, as if he had put all the candlelight in it. The sword light flashed, and a dazzling astigmatism confused all the eyes. It is like a blooming flower, and the alchemist thought that the blooming flower was spitting out its stamens. However, a man-eating beast suddenly jumped out of the beautiful picture scroll, and the endless false tricks were deadly. It forced Lu Yuewu to block all her retreats. The tip of the sword pointed straight to the throat of the female swordsman.

In response to him was the rune sword that suddenly jumped up. The silver sword body cut off the head of the beast with only one sword, and Julian's weapon made a helpless whine. Lu Yuewu took a step back easily and watched the other party stumble and try to regain the balance.

"Don't worry." Li Ou grabbed Miss Bachelor's hand and passed on his confidence to the other party. Didn't you notice? This is the first time that Moon Dance has released a sword. She is always teasing each other, like a cat that catches a mouse.

Her contempt completely angered the other party.

After a short breath, Julian rushed up again, and the waved dagger set off a stormy attack. Fight head-on, woman!" He waved a sword and shouted, "Sword, woman!" He waved another sword and was still dodged. This time, he didn't even touch the corners of his clothes. Avoidance is not done by soldiers!"

Fools, only those who are alive can be called warriors, but those who die are just corpses.

But Lu Yuewu seems to be tired of playing. When she pushed back the opponent's attack again with her sword, she grabbed the flaws showed by the other party and began to fight back. Her every blow spared no effort. The two swords hit each other, making a series of muffled metal noises, and sparks splashed everywhere, reflecting her suddenly bright eyes. Although her eyes are still calm, not as impatient and beating flames as her opponent...

Li Ou suddenly understood that he looked into her eyes and understood that the female swordsman wanted to relieve her guilt in this way, and she seemed to have found a new direction for herself in such behavior. Leo should have been happy to think about her change, but now, he suddenly felt a burst of loss. Is she still like this? He couldn't help asking himself. Is she still the quiet and calm oriental girl, the girl who is calmer than impulsive? Or is it the girl he likes?

He found that he couldn't find the answer.

In the field, for Julian, the situation was almost plummeting. In a blink of an eye, he changed from an attacker to a passive defender. Moreover, the defense line is full of holes. His eyes were unbelievably frightened, and his face was full of sweat. He tried his best to resist, but even lost his chance to breathe.

The onlookers opened their eyes wide and couldn't believe everything they saw. The throne hall suddenly became silent, and Prince Patton's face became extremely ugly. Around him was Julian's breathing and the continuous sound of a long sword like a drum. It sounds like he is fighting in his own shadow.

Lu Yue's face is as heavy as water. Turn a blind eye to Julian's embarrassment. Her offensive is like a trickle and continuous. Neither radical nor anxious. She is like a master of chess, advancing little by little, destroying the opponent's defense, and swallowing it for the last time. Julian suffered a lot, his arms began to be weak, and his light dagger seemed to weigh more than a thousand for him--

His flaws are obvious.

The female swordsman no longer hesitated, and she waved her long sword. The first sword hit Julian's sword, and the crisp sound accompanied the other party's surprised cry; then the second sword took a step forward, and the tip of the sword pierced the opponent's wrist. In the scream, Julian's weapon came out and fell to the ground; then the third sword... The rune sword had been placed on Julian's neck.

Li Ou was completely relieved. He found himself soaked in sweat and almost collapsed in his chair.

"I won." She said calmly.

Julian looked at the long sword around his neck and had to admit his failure with difficulty. Yes, you won." He said in a hoarse and difficult voice, "Miss, you won."

The alchemist looked at the prince, and he saw an embarrassed, lost face, with hatred. Wonderful test." He covered up the malice, and a voice came out of the trembling fat. White devil, your swordsmanship is not inferior to us.

The alchemist curled his lips secretly. He was about to say something, but sitting next to Prince Patton, the woman in black, who had never moved, suddenly stood up. Superb swordsmanship. She said, "Let's be amazed. But now I'm very tired. I'm sorry, I can't accompany you."

Her voice is still beautiful, soft and not angry, and Leo can't tell how the other party's mood is. Prince Patton obviously can't either. So he also looked puzzled and brought a sudden uneasiness.

"This is the end of the banquet, my guests."

He announced quickly and didn't even say anything, so he left them and chased them.

Disgusting fat pig. Leo cursed in his heart, damn the clown. He exhaled and walked towards the female swordsman who put the long sword into the sheath. They have to have a good talk. There is no delay.