Alchemy Era

Chapter 44 Drunken

Relying the kindness of the waiter trying to sort out for him, the alchemist closed the door, casually took off his shirt full of brick dust and threw it on the hanger beside him. As he walked, he untied the sword belt and put the sheathed sword next to the chair in his hand.

Their room is located above the castle, looking out of the window with a panoramic view of the brightly lit city. Only at night can you see the brick red dust that covers the sky and the sun. Black is like a rag, covering all the restlessness, and those lights are like a little spark that can start a field spread in the night. In the distance, the bright light gradually faded, leaving only dark gray sea water surging towards the shore. A lighthouse stands alone, as if standing at the end of the world.

"Win?" Rosie sat by the window with her legs crossed and said without looking back.


The female mage snorted coldly, "She is not dead."

Li Ou was stagnant for a moment, and he didn't know what to say. They are all right and wrong. As an authority, he doesn't seem to be qualified to say anyone. He can only be silent.

After a short silence, Rosie suddenly threw down the wine glass in her hand and stood up. She passed the alchemist with a blank face and walked straight out of the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

The mage stopped and turned to look at him. Amber eyes are as calm as water. It's not like her, he said, not like her at all. Her calmness made him feel uneasy and worried more than the anger of the flames. Before he could speak again, Rosie took the lead, "I know your plan." She said, looking at him with the eyes he didn't dare to look directly. He owes her a lot, no matter what. I want to talk to her. I have to go, or I will die in her hands one day. Don't look at me like that. I know you don't want to see this happen, do you?"

He would rather see them quarrel and turn against each other. I just don't want to see you disagree--

"Fight?" The female mage smiled coldly. She lifted her hair, and a few strands of hair drooped. She looked at the hair that fell on the ground and was stunned for a moment, and her tone suddenly became heavy. Am I a real villain in your eyes? Don't worry, I'm a useless person now. I can't do anything. I still need to beg for your protection.

"I didn't mean that--"

The female mage interrupted coldly, "How dare I fight with your beloved woman? I'm afraid of being killed by her with a sword. After saying that, she shook her hand and went out, closing the door loudly, and the dust fell down.

The alchemist was stunned by the tightly closed door for a moment, and then he lowered his head and looked at the hair on the ground. Dry red hair is particularly dazzling like cut straw. His wound is faintly painful. He sat down in the chair, grabbed the wine bottle and poured it into the glass with bright red ** - like blood.

There is still the temperature of lips and teeth at the edge of the wine glass, but the alchemist does not feel any sweetness. The mellow wine in the wine pot seems to have been replaced with bitter wine made from immature plum fruit, with only a mouth full of bitterness. He drank one cup after another until he was a little drunk. He grabbed the wine pot and looked inside, which was already empty. He threw down the wine jug angrily and had to force himself to stand up. He supported the window sill and looked out of the window again at the dark night.

How much is buried in the darkness? He thought, just like the heart. He thought he knew them well enough - isn't there an old saying? See people's hearts over time." They followed him all the way, experienced pain and suffering together, and shared joy together - but they made him more unable to understand and guess thoroughly. He can't even grasp their minds. Each of them has secrets, all hidden in the dark. He wants to know, but he is afraid to understand.

The moon hangs high above his head. He wants to sleep, hoping to wake up and get rid of his troubles, but he is not sleepy at all. He lingered and hesitated by the window for a long time. After a while, he made a decision. No matter what Luo Xi and Lu Yuewu said, he had to go and have a look. He should not stay out of the matter. He turned around and took the sword from the belt, grabbed the scabbard and walked to the door.

As soon as the alchemist put his hand on the door, the wooden door depicting a ** woman in the woods was knocked. If there is no dye, this woman still looks quite beautiful. The alchemist was surprised that anyone would come to him so late, and then he opened the door.

Outside the door is a bacheloress dressed in a long white dress. Leo couldn't help imagining the appearance of those Valerias wearing white clothes, and as a result, he was so disgusted that he was about to spit it out. Her blonde hair coiled behind her head, revealing her slender neck like a swan. The alchemist is glad that he is not a vampire, otherwise he will not be able to jump on it.

"Liu, are you free?" Miss Bachelor asked. The tip of her nose moved and said with a little dissatisfaction, "You drank a lot of wine."

He waved his hand indifferently, "Just a little bit."

"Is it really only a little?" She came up, sniffed at his mouth, and frowned tightly. She said in disgust, "I hate the alcoholism of others."

"I'm neither dizzy nor drunk." Leo said cunningly, "What's more, alcohol can wake up the brain--"

"It will only burn your brain." Miss Bachelor turned her head disgustedly, as if she couldn't stand his mouthful of wine. I hope your brain is still awake and you can think.

Li Ou finally heard it. What can I do for you?

"Congratulations, I'm so glad you can still see this." She sarcastic.

Why does everyone seem to have a grudge against him? Where is he annoying? Why is everyone like this?" Come in," he made way. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Have you finished drinking?" Miss Bachelor did not move, and her eyebrows were still not relaxed. But this time the alchemist didn't say anything. Instead, Miss Bachelor sighed, "Did you want to go out just now?"

The alchemist moved his stiff neck. I'm about to go out."

"Well, I won't ask you where you are going. As soon as I saw you like this, I knew who you were going to. Miss Bachelor said leisurely, "I just want to ask you, can you spare some time?"

"It's not too late to talk about them tomorrow."

However, Miss Bachelor seems to regard his kindness as ulterior motives. I don't feel honored at all." She said with a strange indifference, "Since you can take time and don't look drunk now, come with me." After saying that, she turned around and went out of the door.

"Where to go?"

"You will know when you arrive."

Prince Patton's castle has a sloping ceiling, and the walls on both sides of the walkway are also high and low, connecting one door after another. They climbed a marble ladder - worth mentioning that even the marble has red textures - all the way to the top of the castle.

"Where are we going?" The alchemist asked again.

Climbing the stairs made him soaked in sweat. The alcohol was evaporating, and his brain was dizzy and swayed on the stairs. Looking at the burning torch in front of him, several ghosts appeared. He felt that he was about to fall.

"Do you want to rest?"

"I think...yes."

"Sorry, I can't."

"I feel like I'm falling."

"That's the illusion of drinking too much. Or will you tell me that you are afraid of heights? Miss Bachelor said sharply. His dull head made him confused. He didn't understand why she suddenly changed. It's like... like a female mage who looks like Eveila. As a woman, I'm not tired. Can't you support it?

The alchemist held the wall. Drunk, he felt that his legs were as heavy as lead. He leaned against the cold wall, his legs trembled, and gasped heavily. "I'm not tired, just... I need to rest."

"Sweating can keep you awake." He heard Miss Bachelor's voice from the sky, "You need exercise." Of course he knows. But his hands and feet were not at his command, and his mind seemed to be filled with copper. He just wants to sleep soundly. Stand up, Leo. Don't be like a coward abandoned by a woman!"

Who the fuck has been abandoned! The alchemist stood up against the wall cursingly. He stood staggering, and the scabbard slapped against the wall, making a sound, making him feel irritable. He pounded the hilt of the sword hard in exchange for a louder noise.

Two patrol guards found them and immediately came over.

"White Devil." A guard said.

"Drunk white devil." Another answered, "I thought they could only drink blood."

Miss Bachelor looked at them warily and said coldly, "If you are fine, please go away."

"No, of course there is something," the first guard said. "You see, you need help--" "Ha, what a meaningful thing. Maybe the boss will give us a few rewards--" "You can't resist the drunken guy alone."

"You don't have to pretend to be compassion." Miss Bachelor grabbed a few coins, "Take the money and get out of here!"

"Get out of here." Li Ou muttered. He held Miss Bachelor's shoulder and grabbed the hilt of the sword in one hand. "Your mouths..." He burped and said, "Close them all. Otherwise... I will cut off all their tongues..."

"Shut up too!" Evela turned her head and shouted at him, "Don't breathe at me. I hate the wine all over your body--"

"There is also a stinky mouth." A guard said as he shook the long hook knife in his hand.

Li Ou pulled out his long sword, "Do you want to do it?"

"Leo!" Miss Bachelor screamed.

"Look, drunkard, you can't even hold your sword, and you still want to fight with us?" The two guards laughed together, "I can throw you down from here with one finger."

Li Ou had another hiccup. Let's try it and we'll know."

"What the hell! I should have let you get drunk in the room!" Miss Bachelor grabbed his wrist and easily seized the weapon in his hand.

"Give me the sword." He tried to take back the weapon, but he stumbled under his feet and almost fell down.

"Do you still think it's not troublesome enough?"

The guard laughed louder. He also said that he would cut off our tongues.

"I can also cut off your heads." Miss Bachelor roared, and her voice echoed in the aisle. This sound can literally wake up all the sleeping people. You have already taken the money. Get out of here."

A guard threw away the coins in his hand, "Yes, we're going to get out. Who asked us to do things with money? The other party bowed comically, "May you and your man have a good night."

"I'm afraid the white devil can't even find the hole." Another guard laughed, "At that time, you can only satisfy yourself."

"Get out!" The guards shrugged their shoulders, said vulgar words to each other, and gradually walked away. Damn bastard, take a good look. This is the trouble you've been looking for!"

"You should let me have a good fight with them--"

"The only one who will be knocked to the ground is you, drunk." Miss Bachelor said angrily, "I really shouldn't have any expectations of you. You should really go back." She threw the sword to the alchemist, but he didn't receive it. The sword fell to the ground and made a wail of pain. Go back by yourself and pray that you can find a way.

She left the alchemist and walked up the marble stairs alone. As she walked around the corner, her footsteps gradually became light, and finally turned into an imperceptible echo until it finally disappeared.

Li Ou stood still. Everything changes so fast that the dull brain doesn't even figure out what happened. He picked up his sword stiffly and decadently like a puppet. Looking at the empty, only the torch crackling, illuminating the aisles around him, and he suddenly fell to the ground.

It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this... Things shouldn't have developed like this... He looked around, only the twisted shadow accompanied him, and he was lonely and helpless. Lonely and helpless, he kept chewing these two words in drunkenness and suddenly understood their taste. So bitter, just like the bitter courage of being bitten. He needs companionship, comfort, and even more needs a sense of security that no longer exists. Endless choices and a sea of knives and fire exhausted him. He just wants to have a good sleep and remove all the burdens - but he can't now. Whether it was self-righteous or even the control he hated, he could not sleep peacefully. They needed him, and he secretly vowed to take them back safely. Therefore, he can't sleep. Yes, he can't sleep.

The alchemist struggled on the stairs, supported the ground with his elbow, rubbed the rough wall with his back, and climbed up with difficulty. He staggered on the stairs, but he stood firm. He grabbed the sword tightly, staggered one step and walked up again.

Evela knocked on the door of the only room at the top of the castle.

"Bachelor Leila." She shouted softly outside the door.

Waited for a while, and there came Lella's voice. Is it a black thorn bachelor? Please wait a moment, I'm coming."

She took a deep breath and tried her best to calm down. She regretted leaving Leo alone. However, she was fed up with the drunken look of the alchemist. This reminds her of the past, when she was young:

She will always remember that when her father Motima Black Thorn had not yet made a fortune, socializing took up most of his time. Every night he comes home drunk. She will not forget the situation when the drunken father whipped her mother. He is like a soft egg, venting his resentment of being laughed at, despised, scolded and rejected on his sick mother. He is a poor and hateful coward, Evela thought, a complete coward.

But Leo will not be such a person. At this time, her anger gradually subsided, and the impulse in her heart made her want to return immediately. She was worried that the fool would be clumsy enough to fall down the stairs. But she has knocked on the door now. She had to hold her concern and squeeze out her smiling face.

The door quickly opened, and a faint fragrance floated out of it.

"What does this taste like?"

"The incense of temple sacrifice." Leila explained softly, "It's for that woman."

His faith is also false. Isabella is relieved. She will not talk about any topic of secret letters with a blinded bachelor. Rayla's hint reassured her a little.

The other party got out of the way and invited her in.

This is a spacious attic cabin. The scattered books and piles of paper did not make her feel messy, but her heart was full of strange satisfaction and joy. She loves books more than luxury.

"There's some chaos here."

"It's okay. My room is also messy and can't be cleaned up more than here.

Evela picked up a book at will. What she holds in her hand is an ancient book about how the true god ignites the divine fire. She looked at other books in surprise and found that they were all about how to become gods.

"What do you think of this?" Eveila sat down on a chair vacated by Leila, "Because...woman?"

"There is a part." He should be telling the truth, and Evela looked at his unevading eyes to judge. Leila found two cups and poured a cup of tea for her. Black tea from the West Coast. He continued the previous topic and said, "After all, I am serving Prince Patton. He wants to understand, and I have to deal with his endless questions. Serving the king is more dangerous than people think. There was a lingering expression on his face. Many of Prince Patton's cronies have died. They were all ordered to be executed by him because they could not please them. I don't want to be the next unlucky person."

Evela nodded gently to show her understanding. She took a sip of tea, "So, what about another part of the reason?"

"Because of the Thousand Lake City State." Leila said in a low voice, "The sailors and businessmen brought bad news. It is said that there are water monsters and ghosts. It was occupied by the islanders and shrouded in witchcraft and evil methods. The gods who fell from the sky punished all the wrongdoers and turned them into puppets who obeyed them through terrible rituals. It sounds like a fantasy--"

Evela interrupted him, "This is not a rumor, it's all true."

"You are so--"

"I have personally experienced that we came from the Qianhu city."

He looked surprised and unbelievable. No wonder Miss Nianta is with you." Leila took a deep breath in fear, "But I still have doubts." He poked the cover of the ancient book with his finger. According to the sailors, the monster, called a god by the Leos, is an octopus... But how does it become a god? This is obviously no longer feasible--

"None of us know." Evela looked out of the window at the dark night sky and suddenly said, "Bachelor Leila, have you received the letter from the chief bachelor?"