Magic Hunter

Chapter 10 Inspiration Bastard!!

Ten chapters of inspiration, asshole!!

The jingle bell~~ The doorbell rang and the door of the store was pushed open.

"Welcome~~" polite but somewhat formulaic greetings. Behind the counter, Han Xiaoxin, dressed in a blue and white uniform, showed a professional smile.

Someone came to the counter: "Strawberry ice cream."

"Strawberry-flavored ice cream, right?" With a few clicks, Han Xiaoxin selected the goods on the machine: "Do you need anything else?"

"Well," someone who was single held his cheek and intently stared at Han Xiaoxin: "If anyone wants, I can buy her a cup of ice cream."

"............?!" Han Xiaoxin was sterned, but then reacted: "I'm sorry, it's time to work now." Han Xiaoxin, who is born beautiful, has not been accosted once or twice. How to refuse, she is still experienced.

However, this time it seems to be a little different. How to put it, the more Han Xiaoxin looked at it, the more she felt that the man in front of her was very handsome. Yes, although he is not the kind of handsome man who can catch people's attention at a glance, seriously, with his decadent temperament and unruly smile, such a man is absolutely lethal to girls like Han Xiaoxin...

So, Han Xiaoxin played cat and mouse, neither refusing nor accepting it. She wanted to see the handsome man's reaction.

But the result was really surprising. The man who was very interested in Han Xiaoxin just now just smiled mysteriously, then took ice cream and quietly walked to the window seat. He didn't say anything or say anything.

Han Xiaoxin: "..." For the first time, she really realized that this man was more attractive than a simple boy of the same age. The feeling of being separated made her very challenging. Of course, experienced Han Xiaoxin naturally understood that it was quite risky to play games with such men and women.

There are not many guests in the store, in twos and threes. Most of the young men and women sit together. At a glance, you can see that they are all students who are in love nearby.

In this way, the man who did it alone seemed to be very prominent. When Tang Jia came back from delivery, he suddenly noticed the man...

She should have known this man, but she pretended not to know him, and even stared at him angrily, and then came to the counter angrily.

"Do you know?" Tang Jia's every move Han Xiaoxin looked at it in her eyes: "...It doesn't make sense. How can you know such an uncle?"

"The ghost knows him!" Tang Jia was very angry: "... a stinky hooligan with no demeanor at all!"

"...oh...oh! Oh?!" Han Xiaoxin was excited. Tang Jia reacted like that, and the fool saw that there was something wrong: "You're not with him... What's that?"

She has every reason to imagine that on a wonderful night, the shy Tang Jia said softly [It's the first time, be gentle]...

Then, the uncle nodded with a bad smile on his face. The hands of the young girl who didn't know how many young girls had been spoiled, skillfully and emotionally untied Tang Jia's...

Seeing Han Xiaoxin's eyes, the simple Tang Jia suddenly realized the shameful thing. As expected, her little face turned red, like a ripe apple.

"——--No way?!" Han Xiaoxin was shocked.

"What!" Tang Jiajiao said angrily, "It's not what you think!"

"Huh?" Han Xiaoxin was very suspicious: "Do you know what I'm thinking now?"

"Hey!" Tang Jia was anxious: "Who is with that stinky hooligan... What..." The more she said, the more she whispered, especially the last half of the sentence. If Han Xiaoxin hadn't been close enough, she wouldn't have heard what she was muttering at all.

Tang Jia is shy. Of course, there is an essential difference between this kind of shyness and that kind of shyness, but it is still very tragic. In the opinion of Han Xiaoxin, Tang Jia's blushing is completely self-invising.

Therefore, Han Xiaoxin stared straight at Tang Jia for three seconds with a slightly surprised and surprised eyes. Three seconds later, she actually grew up and said, "Oh! Why don't you love yourself so much? That uncle may have children..."

"...children, children?" Tang Jia was shocked, but the next second, she laughed and said, "Does he look that old?"

She looked hard at the man by the window: "He looks quite old... However, he is just a few years older than us. He is not the uncle you said."

Seeing Tang Jia say so, Han Xiaoxin was surprised: "No way! So masculine?!"

"What are you doing?" Tang Jia looked at Han Xiaoxin: "Are you interested in him?"

"...Is it so obvious?"

Tang Jia was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and sighed softly: "Xiaoxin, I didn't say that man is very dangerous and not suitable for you."

"Danger?" Han Xiaoxin didn't seem to think so: "Only dangerous men have a sense of security!"

"............" Tang Jia was speechless: "I'm serious! I'm not kidding you!!"

Han Xiaoxin smiled faintly and didn't put Tang Jia's warning in her heart at all: "Well, good! I'll take care of it."

Tang Jia wanted to say something more, but he ignored it so much. Han Xiaoxin ordered a cup of strawberry-flavored ice cream for herself, and then walked over there: "Hey!" She said, "It seems that you still have a cup of ice cream that you haven't checked out."

The man looked up and then smiled: "It's working time now. Aren't you afraid that the boss will deduct your salary?"

"Hee hee," Han Xiaoxin sat down consciously: "Uncle! Do you know the post-90s generation?

"The brain-damaged generation?"

"Cut!" Han Xiaoxin was very disdainful: "The boss is not here. I'm the biggest. This is the post-90s." She seemed to mind the man's comment just now, and her eyes were a little more serious: "This is called self-confidence. It's not brain-damaged or brain-damaged!"

"Confidence?" The man smiled and said, "If you don't pay attention to the boss, it turns out to be self-confidence. Well, it's a teaching today."

"............" Han Xiaoxin was speechless for a moment. After a while, she asked slowly, "Uncle! Have you always understood so much about girls? It's easy for girls to be annoying like this!"

"Uncle?" The man felt very wronged: "Actually, I'm very young, although I look a little old."

"Come on!" Han Xiaoxin deliberately retorted: "Tang Jia has said that you are just an uncle and a hooligan." Speaking of this, she deliberately approached a little: "Ah! How did you meet Tang Jia? You two don't seem to have intersections.

"Uh-huh!" The man pretended to be meditative: "How to put it, the two of us grew up together, and we can be said to be childhood sweethearts."

"Don't be kidding!" Han Xiaoxin didn't believe it at all: "She and I have been classmates from elementary school to high school. She has an uncle like you. Why don't I know? Don't fool people, okay?

The man smiled bitterly: "I can't help it. We had a beautiful encounter a few days ago. It's normal that you don't know."

"It's true or false!"

"I'm an honest person," the man spooned a mouthful of ice cream and tasted it carefully: "I don't like lying."

"Come on! At a glance, I know that you are that kind of sweet-speaking lover, and you can't lie! Who are you lying to!"

"Oh, why doesn't anyone believe the truth?" He seemed to be very entangled: "Then let me tell you, I fell in love with you at first sight. Do you believe it?"

"............?!" Han Xiaoxin was stunned for a moment. The man directly surprised her. At the same time, she was also secretly happy: "You said that love at first sight is love at first sight, and I don't know you... What do you do?"

"I'm sorry," the man behaved in a principled manner: "I only tell people who like me about my work." He put his right hand on the table and got a little closer to Han Xiaoxin. His seemingly unfathomable eyes stared at her big eyes: "Don't you think I should tell you?"

This move obviously embarrassed Han Xiaoxin. She had seen a smooth tongue, but it was so smooth and not annoying. It was the first time she had encountered it.

There is no way. In order to protect the girl's reserve, Tang Jia showed an indifferent look: "Humph! Don't say it!"

"Well," the man didn't look anxious at all: "Then I can only tell Tang Jia that she still likes me more."

"Uncle!" Han Xiaoxin was very indifferent: "Don't be affectionate, okay? Tang Jia is not me. I will like a hooligan like you."

"Hooligan?" The uncle was depressed again: "I'm a literary youth."

"Art and art?" Han Xiaoxin suddenly had a bad feeling: "Don't tell me, are you a creative person?"

The uncle said leisurely, "Writer."

"Writer?!" Han Xiaoxin was scared: "So brave?" In her opinion, a man who will be a writer is either insane or mentally ill.

"Hehe." The uncle could only laugh twice, indicating that he was absolutely helpless.

"What are you in?" Han Xiaoxin also had a little hope: "Are you a columnist or something?"

"No, no, no," the uncle answered very pertinently: "It's about the little thing between men and women."

Han Xiaoxin frowned slightly: "Love?" No matter how she looks at it, she can't see that the vicissitudes of uncle in front of her will have such delicate emotions, and she can write about the love that shocks the world and the world.

"Love?" The uncle himself smiled and said, "Forget it, I can't write that kind of story."

"Then you are..." Han Xiaoxin was more curious.

"Cough," the uncle coughed twice, showing the possible embarrassment next: "...about love action..."

Han Xiaoxin should have guessed: "...color. Love?"

"Well," the uncle pretended to be deep: "Please don't use such vulgar words. We prefer to call it success. People's novels.

"......" Han Xiaoxin: "... I have something else to do... Goodbye."

Uncle: "Please wait a moment!" He, who was very calm just now, suddenly grasped Han Xiaoxin's left hand tightly, and those excited eyes seemed to emit hot flames at any time...

"Such a look?!" Tang Jia at the counter was suddenly very uneasy: "Is it..."

Sure enough, as Tang Jia imagined, the involuntary uncle quickly took out the paper and pen, and his hot eyes became hotter...

Han Xiaoxin really wanted to break free, but she didn't know why she couldn't bear to see the uncle's hot and excited eyes, and even had an unspeakable expectation.

Then, as if attracted by some kind of magic, her eyes gradually fell on the paper on the table...

[The afternoon classroom was empty, and she was the only one sitting there quietly. She has some expectations and fears, but the deep desire in her heart is that she can't refuse, let let aless ignore it.

[...He came in, and he, like her, was deeply attracted by each other's existence and couldn't extricate himself.]

[............ Breathing heavily, in this quiet classroom, she could even feel his heartbeat, and then, unconsciously, she also began to bump into the deer.]

["Teacher..." She cried and asked the teacher to stop. But he didn't. From the moment he met her, his reason was gradually swallowed up. Until now, he only has the most real and strongest possessive desire.

[He tore off her school uniform, pulled off the pink bra, and pulled down her short skirt...]

[............She began to be unable to think, his lips, his big hands, his strong chest, all of which made her deeply infatuated.]

["...Teacher!" Finally, she began to call affectionately and look forward to it enthusiastically.

[...The gorgeous sunset is lazy, and the warm sunshine is sprinkled on the naked bodies of the two people, as if this moment, until eternity.]


It's like after a hard battle. When the uncle put down his pen, his whole body was in vain...

"...What's going on?" Han Xiaoxin couldn't help asking about Tang Jia at the counter.

"...inspiration!" Tang Jia wanted to cry: "This guy, that's the inspiration."

Han Xiaoxin: "............"