Magic Hunter

Chapter 25 The present world

Chapter 25 The current world

The sky is getting darker and darker, and the street lights on both sides of the street are one after another, but after a while, the dark road just now is much brighter. Of course, in this high-end villa area, the lights here are naturally colorful and gorgeous.

Riding the slightly old bicycle, after a brief exchange with the security guard, she passed through the security room and successfully entered it.

"...How did you get to such a place?" A few meters away, Xia Ya, leaning against the edge of the wall, was a little surprised: "... tutor?" She is a little suspicious. Yes, it is still difficult for ordinary people to go to such a place for tutoring. Besides, in the information obtained by Xia Ya, Tang Jia's tutoring experience is not very rich. In fact, she has just started tutoring this summer vacation.

If Tang Jia has rich experience in tutoring, she can still understand, but it is difficult for a rookie college student who has just started tutoring to get such a rich job easily. In fact, if Xia Ya hadn't known Tang Jia's character, she would definitely have thought that Tang Jia was supported by a rich coal boss. .

Thinking about it, she also got out of the car and parked the red motorcycle there. She slightly straightened her face in the rearview mirror, and then walked to the security room a few meters away in a very enchanting way.

"Wait a minute, please?" Unsuriedly, even though Xia Ya's appearance, temperament and clothes are very suitable for upper-class people, the security guard who is several times the salary of an ordinary security guard in a month still conscientiously stopped this strange face: "Who are you looking for?"

This is a young security guard who looks less than 30 years old, but compared with the ordinary security guard, the man in front of him is obviously more strong and sharp. You know, in front of a beautiful woman like Xia Ya, although the security guard was amazing, he quickly returned to normal.

Of course, in this high-end villa area, there must be a lot of beautiful women that the security guard has seen. She has more or less practiced some resistance. In this way, when facing Xia Ya, he can be so indifferent, but I have to say that without a little real material, he can't stand here.

Therefore, after being stopped by the ignorant security guard in front of her, Xia Ya did not muddle through the customs as before, but looked at the security guard with great excitement: "Don't you know me? Really can't recognize it at all?"

"............?" The security guard thought hard. He had been working here for a while. If it was a familiar face, he would have recognized it, but he couldn't remember the woman in front of him who seemed to know him.

Then, he replied simply, "I'm sorry, miss, I really haven't seen you?" He thought that such a beautiful beauty, even if she had only seen it once, would be impressive.

When Xia Ya heard this, she was not anxious at all, but smiled: "Ha ha," She took a look at the 'business card' on the security guard's chest: "Xiao Guo, I'm serious to tell you, don't lie to me," she deliberately approached a little, and then her charming big eyes stared at him: "...I really can't see it at all. Come out?"

"...?!" The security guard was a little scared. This was not only Xia Ya's charming smile just now, but also the terrible slight body fragrance. Suddenly, the security guard who had calmed down just now was not calm, and even his little face was a little red.

The security guard looked a little uneasy. He finally found this paid job. If he is complained, he will definitely be fired. But he still didn't stop Xia Ya, but waited nervously and uneasily. He felt that it was better to do his duty than to let an unknown strange woman in (the inside was full of people, and finally knew why it was so difficult for him to find a job after staying in the special forces).

Xia Ya's hatred, most of the security guards put themselves in harmoniously with this trick. Why is this security guard so single-minded? Fortunately, she also counted this situation, so at the moment when the phone was connected, she immediately said aggrievedly and coquettishly, "Mr. Wan~~" She stamped her feet. That's right. Xia Ya, who always didn't play this trick, stamped her feet mischievously: "This security guard is so annoying. Don't let anyone in. What do you think!"

At the other end of the phone, Zhang Shu, who was eating instant noodles, sprayed on the computer screen. When he saw the caller ID, he knew that it was Xia's beautiful woman who called him, but what he didn't expect was that the child was coasy as soon as he answered the phone. How could he bear it?

However, he still fully understood that Xia Ya was acting, so he calmly kept the phone in his ear and continued to eat instant noodles.

"Hmm! That's right! I hate it!" Obviously, there was only the sound of 'thin' eating instant noodles on the other end of the phone, and Xia Ya really acted decently: "... You want him to answer the phone?" She looked at the security guard intentionally (what the hell? This guy is too calm.

Yes, this security guard is too dedicated. He knows that what Xia Ya said is true. When he picks up the phone, he will only be scolded and leave, but he still stands there calmly, as if he won't let Xia Ya in without being scolded.

Xia Ya is really surprised. Generally speaking, at this point, no matter how difficult it is, the security guard is sensible to let herself in, but the security guard in front of her...

Well, Xia Ya is really under a lot of pressure.

"Hmm!" Xia Ya still didn't believe it: "Okay, let him pick it up... Don't scold him too much. He's just working." She didn't believe it, so she couldn't scare him.

β€”β€”β€”β€”It's melancholy, Xia Ya is really melancholy. When handing the phone to the security guard, he hesitated a little, but Xia Ya was not proud for a long time. He actually had the courage to answer the phone...

It's a bad thing. When the security guard saw that the call on his mobile phone was the word 'stinky police', he immediately came alert.

Originally, Xia Ya could continue to talk nonsense, saying that the old policeman was just a decoration, saying that rich and big bosses liked to do this, but Xia Ya thought that this one-lined security guard would definitely ask to the end. It was endless, so she had to be hard.

There was no chance. Even if she was born in the special forces, Xia Ya, who could no longer be understood at ordinary speed, casually punched the security guard in the abdomen, and then the security guard only felt a sharp pain in the abdomen, and then fainted without suspense.

Xia Ya did not put him down, but helped him: "Really, a prosecutor can be judged to commit suicide even if he is stabbed ten times. Why do you work so hard?"

After saying that, she immediately changed her role, not the regret just now, but a girl-like panic: "Oh~~" She looked powerless. Helping the security guard made her a little unstable and swayed: "Come and help, someone fainted~~"