Magic Hunter

Chapter 26 Heavy taste!

Chapter 26 Heavy taste!

Ding Dong~~ Standing outside the iron gate, Tang Jia gently pressed the visual landline at the door. Soon, the people inside picked it up.

That's a nanny in her forties, about 40s: "You're finally here," she felt like a burden: "That child is so annoying. He just shouted to pick you up quickly." With that, she opened the iron door.

Tang Jia smiled a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Aunt Liu, something has been delayed."

"What's so embarrassing," Aunt Liu smiled and said, "Who can't have something to do? It's normal... Come in quickly. The child is in a hurry."

Tang Jia nodded, and then she entered the mansion marked 808 through the iron gate.

I can't see it outside. I didn't know what exaggeration was until I came in.

This mansion looks as big as two basketball courts, and even a little more than that. There is a square in the front, and there is a pool in the middle, with flowing water.

There are several rockerys in the middle of the pool. Most of the water columns spewed out around fall on the top of the rockery more than two meters high. Then, along the deliberately portrayed traces, slowly down and finally return to the pool. Because there are some small plants such as real bamboo on the rockery, and then hung with colorful red lights, the whole pool looks extremely beautiful, like a dream.

On the far left of the square is a garage, and there are several valuable luxury cars parked outside. On the right side of the square is a small pavilion. Because a pond is deliberately dug, it has to pass through a small wooden bridge to the pavilion. It is worth mentioning that in that pond, there are dozens of rare fish species that can't be named, each of which is as red as blood, which makes the original clear lake watermark red. Although it feels a little scary, it is really beautiful.

On the way to the main house, there are neat potted plants on both sides, from low to high, from emerald green to bright red, and all kinds of plants create a colorful feeling in four seasons...

Tang Jia is no stranger to such a mansion. When she was a child, she also lived in such a house. Therefore, every time she is tutored, every time she comes here, she has a feeling of going home, although this is not her home, nor will it be her home.

After walking for a while, she arrived at the door. She was about to knock on the door, but the door opened by herself. Then, she saw a playful face. Finally, this lovely face suddenly rushed over and hugged her tightly like a coquettishness: "Sister Jiajia, you're here. Do you know that Xiaomei misses you so so?"

Xiaomei raised her head, stared at Tang Jia with innocent eyes, and even pouted: "... Sister Jiajia, will you live here in the future? It's really boring for Aunt Liu and I to live in such a big house." ... Er, Lin, who has been renting the shabby house, is under pressure).

The little beauty is very watery and even more cute, just like the characters in the cartoon, big watery eyes, exquisite small nose, standard melon seed face, I don't know if it's because of the bangs on the forehead, the whole face looks only the size of a palm.

She is wearing a loose T-shirt with beautiful girls, but her breasts are bulging, which seems to be well developed. The lower body is a casual shorts. Of course, the shorts are also printed with their own cartoon characters.

"That's good, that's good," Aunt Liu smiled sweetly: "Don't think I'm verby. It's like this when I'm old."

"No, auntie looks very young."

"This child..."

"Aunt Liu, then I'll go upstairs."

"Well, let's go."


It's really not easy. Obviously, it looks very close, but it takes some time to walk. In addition to the wrong road several times, Xia Ya finally found this damn 808. She did not intend to go in, but sat on a stone bench by the roadside and waited quietly. It was at this time that her rose-red mobile phone rang, and Lin's call.

"Hey!" She picked up the phone and said in a provocative tone: "Little brother, where are you?"

Hearing this, Lin knew that he was a little uncomfortable: "Come out and pick me up. The security guard won't let me in."

"Oh," Xia Ya's name was Shuang. She suddenly felt that the security guard was still very cute: "How could this happen? Why didn't you let you come in?" She pretended to be puzzled: "Are you too scary to scare them?"

"...!!" This is Lin's death point. You know, Lin's child is still quite narcissistic. He is also quite satisfied with his appearance. In his words, those women who are willing to go to chuang with her are all for his face. But now, Xia Ya actually said that he was scary, and Lin Ke, who had a bad temper, couldn't stand it...

"In a word," he was very direct: "You can't get out!"

"Oh," Xia Ya looked scared: "You scared me... What should I do? I'm so scared that I dare not go out." She felt that this was not cruel enough: "Well, you pick me up. I'm in C..."

Dududu~~~ Before she finished speaking, Lin hung up the phone.

"............" Tang Jia suddenly felt a little uneasy: "This guy is not really angry, is he?" Seriously, she now has a little regret of angering Lin. How to put it, Lin, who is angry, is still a little terrible. If she remembers correctly, the last time Lin was angry, she smoked a whole ten packs of cigarettes.

Er, well, Lin's anger doesn't seem to matter. However, if these ten packs of cigarettes are smoked by others, or within 30 minutes, in this case...

Yes, when Lin was angry, he was completely a pervert. Last time, the poor uncle smoked ten packs of cigarettes, and then was sent to the emergency room. I heard that he had just been discharged from the hospital recently.

As for whether Lin will be rude to women, Xia Ya is really not sure. After all, she is the first woman to provoke Lin.

But soon, Xia Ya smiled indifferently: "... Let's talk about it later."

As Xia Ya guessed, Lin still couldn't get into the security room. The two security guards stopped Lin.

"Hey, hey, hey!" The old security guard really couldn't stand it: "Why are you so ignorant of the rules? Can you enter such a place if you want to? Be honest and go back quickly.

Lin is obviously very angry, but he doesn't want to provoke too much: "I can't go back." It doesn't work hard. Lin plans to be soft. Yes, pretend to be pitiful and sympathetic: "Uncle, I really can't go back. I really have to go in..."

The two security guards were scared by Lin's appearance. They were aggressive just now, but why are they crying now?

Yes, although it's just red eyes, it really means crying.

"Don't do this," the old security guard obviously couldn't stand it: "What does it look like for an old man to cry?"

"...5555," Lin really pretended to be addicted: "Uncle, you don't know, the one in it is me... It's me..." He seemed difficult to say, but he struggled again and again, and still said, "...she is my wife!!"

"..................?!" The old security guard and the young security guard obviously couldn't stand it. Wife? This plot is too heavy, isn't it?!

"...Wait a minute," the old security guard was afraid that he would be wrong: "You mean, that, no, that..." He really couldn't find a suitable word to describe it, so he just said, "...that beautiful woman is your wife?" He was shocked. It was not only a heavy-flavored husband who found a wife to sell, but more importantly, he really couldn't imagine that the cheap clothes and some decadent man in front of him would be the jeweled, fashionable and elegant, that woman's man, this...

The same is true of the younger security guard. Of course, he is a little different from the old security guard. Although he deeply sympathizes with this poor man, he also secretly envies Lin and envies that he can marry such a beautiful woman as his wife.

Seeing the two people on the hook, Lin even added oil and vinegar: "Yes! That's the woman," he cried tragically, but didn't have many tears: "We have been in love since high school, and when we graduated from college, we got married." He began to make up stories very naturally: "In the first few years, we were still very happy, and even had a daughter... but later... but later..."

He secretly looked at their reactions and saw that they had no suspicion. He continued to talk nonsense: "Later, a tycoon said that he wanted to support her. At first, she refused strictly and declared that she was married, but later... but later..."

"What happened later?" Lin is not in a hurry. The two security guards are in a hurry. It seems that there is no difference between men and women in gossip, especially when listening to tragic gossip.

Since the two of you gave such face, Lin naturally worked harder: "Later, the rich man gave her a lot of expensive clothes and jewelry, slowly...slowly..."

The two seem to be used to Lin's narrative style and are looking forward to listening to his later stories.

"...Slowly, she disliked that I was poor... Finally..." He deliberately adjusted his appetite: "...She was raised by that rich man!"