Magic Hunter

Chapter 56 Runaway

Chapter 56 Rampage

Thinking of this, Xia Ya couldn't help laughing: "... It's really not an ordinary mess." Her smile was very awkward. She should have some admiration but obvious helplessness, just like she didn't know whether to use self-confidence or recklessness to describe Lin's behavior just now, which was full of contradictions.

Perhaps, reckless self-confidence will be more suitable for Lin's double behavior just now. But no matter what, Lin was so cruel just now that he directly let the slaves at this moment run away.

Indeed, the slave who is now relaxed, the originally very weak body suddenly soared a little, and the original gray and orange-like wrinkled skin was obviously a little shiny. Then, its seemingly fragile back seemed to grow something with the surge of muscles, and the back muscles squirmed crazily...

For a moment, when the squirming muscles of the back were stiffly punctured by the bones inside, the two pairs of white bones appeared. This pair of wings is quite huge, about two meters open, and a random vibration is a strong wind. It seemed that it was also because of this pair of bones and wings. At this time, the speed of the slavers soared a lot. Lin just saw that it was still half away from him, but in only half a second, his extremely ferocious face because of his anger appeared in front of him in an instant.

The face of the slave is very terrible now. Not only is the blue veins soaring all over the whole face, but what's more terrible is that it is in those blood vessels. What flows is not the imagined red blood, but maggots. Countless maggots, large and small, swim back and forth in the already dried blood vessels, from the beginning to the end. It seemed that there was something delicious food in front of him, bursting the blood vessels one by one, crawling the whole face of the slave like crazy.

Lin couldn't help but be slightly shocked by the scene in front of him. You know, the maggots that forcibly crawled out of the blood vessels covered the whole body of the slave, and then, it seemed that they put a solid silver armor on the slave. The white and tender maggots quickly hardened, but after a while, It completely enveloped the slaves.

But this seems to be just the beginning, and the next change is what makes Lin surprised. Those worms that have become armor-like, they also gather on the bone sword, and then, like putting a pair of armor on the slave, the bone sword gradually seems to enter the scabbard because of the hardening of the worm.

But the fact is really difficult to understand. Normally, the scabbard will cover up the sharpness of the blade, but this layer of scabbard formed by maggot hardening not only does it cover up the sharpness of the bone sword, but also doubles its power. Just like now, Lin has resisted a few times, and it has a golden light on its hands. However, several openings were opened...

This is unimaginable. Although black blood is not magic martial arts, it is almost the same as magic martial arts, but the form has changed slightly. What's more, the black blood sword body is covered with a layer of good magic. Before this magic is broken, the black blood itself should not have cracks.

Of course, if you buy smuggling goods from Confident Brother, Lin can still accept it. But this one is made by Aji, who is known as the first craftsman. Among other things, the quality alone is definitely not a joke. Lin can even guarantee that in this world, no craftsman can create a weapon that is of better quality than Aji.

Things were terrible, because he had to heal the terrible wound. Lin's very tight magic suddenly dried up. For a few seconds, he felt weak and weak, and his already very tired body no longer listened to any command of his brain.

Then, under such circumstances, Lin is getting more and more hurt, and more and more serious. Although it is not a fatal injury, many ants can also bite to death. Just like now, Lin, whose wounds can no longer heal in time, even those monsters that attack quickly are a little reluctant, more or less It's being rubbed with some new wounds...

Lin was embarrassed, and Xia Ya in the boundary saw it clearly. Now she also frowned slightly and looked a little worried. Er, it's not so much worrying than worrying about it. Like Lin, she is now full of doubts and puzzles about the layer of silver armor formed by the hardening of maggots on the slave.

How to put it, the slaver's runaway will indeed show bone wings and this silver armor, but at present, the slave's rampage seems to be much more abnormal, not only because the black blood of Lin's state can't be broken, but also because of the bone sword that has also been armored.

She also saw, or her little mythical beast flying over the forest like a firefly. Through its eyes, Xia Ya saw it clearly. Every time the black blood came into contact with the bone sword, it cracked several times, and only had a few contacts. The original intact black blood cracked, as if only a gentle burst of strength. It can be easily broken and torn apart.

"...!" She could only quietly look at the bone sword in the slave's hand. She couldn't find any clue and didn't know where to explain this incredible phenomenon.

The confrontation between magic martial arts and magic martial arts rarely has cracks. For each magic martial arts, the user will deliberately inject magic into the weapon, which not only makes the magic martial arts sharper, but also intends to protect the key demon core. The devil's core is the key to the whole magic weapon. As long as it is not damaged, everything is not a problem. But if the demon core is damaged, the end of the magic martial arts is generally announced. After all, few damaged demon cores can be repaired. Even if it is barely repaired, the power of magic martial arts must be much worse than before.

Therefore, the confrontation between magic martial arts and magic martial arts usually does not have cracks, at least after the layer of magic on its surface is completely destroyed. At that time, playing means the depletion of the user's magic and the failure of the battle.

Xia Ya still understands this, so she feels that Lin Mingming has deliberately injected magic to protect the black blood, but why, when the layer of magic on the surface of the black blood is not broken, the slave's bone sword can hurt the black blood and destroy it to such a serious level...

She couldn't find the answer and was still confused.

Of course, if there is a big gap between magic and martial arts between confrontations, Lin's situation can be explained. After all, you don't have to care about the small layer of magic armor. It seems to be the same. Compared with the bone sword, it is just the black blood that has just been awakened by the dark blood. It is really far from the level of the bone sword.

But Xia Ya doesn't think so. Yes, the level of the bone sword is absolutely above the black blood, but even if the gap between the black blood and the bone sword is very huge, but because it is used as a slave, the power it now is only half as that of black blood. It should not, and it can't hurt the black blood to that extent.

"...this is the end," she had a bad feeling: "...what's going on?" She asked herself secretly, but there was still no answer, but she was very sure that Lin had suffered now.

Yes, the lin who dodged left and right got a more and more distinct wound. Those small wounds that should not be able to heal quickly kept flowing out tingling blood, quietly sliding through the same blood-red magic lines on the skin, and finally falling to the ground.

Lin can't tell which blood-red body are magic lines and which are his own blood. He doesn't have time to take care of these now. In the face of the enslaver's seemingly weakening offensive, he can only try to find opportunities to rest. No, no, no, no, to be precise, he now needs a few seconds to recover and has already bottomed out. The magic.

Breathing~~ Breathing~~ Breathing~~~ Breathing~~~~ He is trying to adjust his breath. This time, in the face of the huge bone sword cut by the slaver, Lin did not seem to intend to flash. Obviously, the magic had recovered a little, but he still stood still in place. His blood-red eyes stared at the bone sword that was already close in front of him. ......