Magic Hunter

Chapter 57 The Book of Seal

Chapter 57 Seal Book

"...?!" Xia Ya was dumbfounded. She really couldn't understand that in such a state, Lin actually chose to resist hard, which was simply seeking to die. She now has every reason to believe that Lin can never bear the knife of the slave...

She should be really anxious, almost subconscious. She hurriedly put her hands together. Suddenly, the little mythical beast over the forest shone with a gorgeous rose color. The next second, with the little mythical beast as the center, a blood-red magic array was in the air.

But this magic array only appeared all of a sudden, which was unexpected. One of the three assassins easily cleared the bloody array that Xia Ya had just shown. Then, the assassin was like a ghost. From the moonlight, Xia Ya's shadow quietly appeared: "... The old man told me... Please don't let me We are in a dilemma. His voice was very cold, and there was no way to find it, as if there was no time. If Xia Ya hadn't been sure that there was such an assassin beside her, she would have thought she was hallucinating.

Xia Ya was stunned at the beginning. She wanted to argue about something, but after thinking about it, she finally nodded slightly: "...I know." She still understood that if she forced herself to do it, the three assassins who had stood on her side would definitely turn against each other and even clean themselves up.

She has no doubt about this. The so-called assassins are obedient. They will not and do not need to know what is right and wrong. All they have to do is obey.

He also understood Xia Ya's decision. The assassin quietly integrated into the darkness and finally disappeared in front of Xia Ya silently.

Speaking of which, Xia Ya was also impulsive just now. She should know that these three assassins came to monitor rather than to assist. The assassins would definitely stop her. But because of Lin, she seems to have lost her original calmness and most basic judgment.

She is a little confused now, but she still calms herself down as quickly as before. She doesn't want to, let alone let her private emotions disturb her judgment again.

Then, she stood quietly in the window, looking calm. But everyone could see that when she stared at Lin Fei's beautiful eyes, there were obviously some heartfelt worries and reluctance: "...Don't die...Lin..." She prayed deeply in her heart, hoping that Lin could really withstand the deadly blow of the slave.

———— Peng!!

The wind was strong and the smoke was rolling. In the place where Lin just stood, the slaver chopped the bone and sword fiercely, leaving a deep hole on the strong ground.

The result was reasonable. Lin's face was completely chopped by this knife, his flesh and blood were blurred, his bones were misaligned, his internal organs broke out, and some of them fell to the side casually, bloody.

"...!!" It's just as Xia Ya guessed that Lin couldn't bear the knife of the slaver just now.

She seemed to feel sad: "...Lin?" Because she couldn't feel that annoying breath, she was actually a little sad, with those beautiful big eyes and some tears.

Roar~~~And the slave, it roared vigorously, with endless madness in the rampantness. It killed this damn hunter, yes, it did it.

Now, Xia Ya can understand more or less why Lin had to choose a slaver just now. He is buying time to buy time for the sealed book.

Although the book of the seal is a powerful exorcism weapon, it takes a long preparation time. Just like the former exorcist exorcists to recite the exorcism scriptures, the book of the seal that is basically the same also needs this process of singing. Of course, its singing has changed its form, which is the magic of the releaser.

Nowadays, exorcists are almost extinct. In this era of lack of faith, there are not many that can purify monsters just by reciting exorcism scriptures. However, it is necessary to purify monsters, so the book of sealing that was not favored by exorcists in the past, and even regarded as a forbidden thing has become the final choice.

Yes, exorcists have absolutely pure power of faith, and it is reasonable for them to reject the sealed book. Anyway, the power needed to drive the sealed book is the magic that the exorcist has always been taboo.

Magic is an evil force, just like the literal consciousness, magic is a kind of demonic power brought by the distortion of the soul. For exorcists, everything that has something to do with demons is not pure.

But what they didn't expect is that the passage of time has passed. In this era, many people do not reject magic, and even are proud of having magic. There are some crazy human beings who are willing to sell their souls to obtain this incredible power.

In this form, it seems natural for the book of the seal to become a hot item. Of course, it doesn't matter to Lin. He is not interested in whether the sealed book is pure or not. What interests him is that he can use it to clean up the monsters at present.

Lin is a person without faith. If he insists on what faith, it may be himself. He himself is his faith.

Therefore, after the aggrieved enslaves were destroyed so many times, the magic left by Lin around finally had an effect. Because of the magic bullet that injected magic just now, the ready seal finally slowly opened.

The scene is still very strange. Under the bloody moon, a trace of intermittent blue light began to appear in the night sky. These blue lights are very beautiful, like the aurora, real and illusory, like a dream, with indescribable beauty. Then, when the intermittent blue light in the sky was finally completely connected, the gorgeous magic array suddenly enveloped the whole square. At the same time, it should be in response to the successful opening of the sealed book. Several magic points left on the ground finally shined with the same blue light, and then, these were invented more and more The light shines in the sky, and finally the magic array in the sky is perfectly combined.

The slaver has no time to do anything. Now he can only watch the array under his feet, which is almost exactly the same as in the sky. The same is true of those monsters. When they found the first few gorgeous blue lights in the sky, they tried to stop them. Like slaves, they rushed to Lin at the first time, intending to forcibly interrupt Lin and continue to open the book of the seal.

But the result was easily blocked by the invisible boundary. Even if several blood-red sword spirits were chopped out, the invisible boundary was still easily resisted, but it fluctuated slightly like a water wave...

Of course, the slaver did not stop attacking, just like those monsters. It was clear about what kind of ending it would face when the book of seals was completely opened. Therefore, even if it was futile, it and those monsters tried their best to split the boundary and escape from this dangerous place. Go.

But they failed, and the magic array under their feet that echoed the sky slowly appeared.

Then, those beams of light began to appear in the magic array, completely imprisoning countless monsters, as if there were chains that could not be seen with the naked eye, binding them to death through these two almost identical magic arrays between heaven and earth...

In the end, the monster who could no longer move could only quietly wait for the trial to come, and his eyes were full of despair.

Sure enough, when the two magic arrays finally faded away, a few white feathers floated under the desolate moonlight, and then the blazing angel with six pairs of wings appeared...