Magic Hunter

Chapter 67 Game

Chapter 67 Game

This is hard to imagine. The magic required for the eye opening of the bone sword is definitely not a few. If it absorbs all the colorful fragments in the square, then now, its eye opening is not rare and strange, but it is obvious, because the black ice crystals that have not dissipated so far in the forest, and the bone sword absorbs the colorful fragments smoothly. Li was blocked...

More importantly, because of the purification array, the remaining colorful fragments are purified, and the transparent bead crystals produced by purification are now in the body of the little mythical beast next to Xia Ya, that is to say, the bone sword cannot have those magic to produce a complete eye-opening.

But now, it seems to have completely opened its eyes. On the gray-brown hilt of the sword, the crescent pupil like a cat's eye, it was successfully displayed, and then, in its bloody pupil, it clearly and carefully stared at the Lin people in front of him.

".....What the hell is this..." Xia Ya looked at Xu Si beside her, and her eyes were full of surprisedness and puzzlement. She should know that it is very difficult to open her eyes without the support of enough magic, let alone completely open her eyes now. Of course, if the owner of the bone sword or the controller who can control it is here, it is not surprising that the bone sword can open the eyes. After all, it can control the bone sword, which easily shows that they have enough magic to support the eye opening of the bone sword...

This is unquestionable, inevitable and absolute. But the problem is that in the fantasy world, whether it is Lin or Xia Ya, or even Xu Si, who has a lot of magic, they don't feel any unusual magic fluctuation, that is to say, who can control the bone sword is not here at this moment.

Besides, it is very impossible for human beings to drive the bone sword, just like the son of the devil who can control the bone sword appears in the present world, which is very unlikely.

Lin naturally knows this very well, but just like Xia Ya and Xu Si now, they really can't imagine that without enough magic to absorb and the bone sword controller does not appear, why the bone sword seems to completely open its eyes.

"............!" After quietly observing the sword eyes at this moment for a while, Xu Si seemed to find that a little surprise and surprise flashed in his slightly solemn look.

Then, she looked no longer at the bone sword, but the tall object not far away - the slave who was still trapped by the black ice crystals and the pricks of the earth.

Xia Ya soon found the change in Xu Si's eyes, but she didn't quite understand what Xu Si's eyes meant at this moment, so she gently asked, "...what did you find?" She was a little uneasy and seemed to know that Xu Si might give her a very unsatisfactory news.

The result was really like this. After a slight silence for a while, Xu Si said slowly, "... It's impossible to stop it... Get ready." She was a little nervous, even as uneasy as Xia Ya's, but soon, her nervousness and uneasiness eventually turned into a smile at this moment: "... The old man is really a madman..."

She sighed. She should have guessed now that the old man asked Lin Lai to do this task, not just to let him break the ring, as she thought before, the old man was playing a very dangerous game.

Then, these magics that don't belong to Lin at all will only be unscrupulously derived until Lin can't stand it, and finally burst completely like a tight balloon...

The facts should not be much different. Now Lin, he began to feel a little uncomfortable because of the strong magic in his body. Just like breaking the ring, there is an extreme desire to release, and it seems that it will be very uncomfortable for the whole person not to vent the magic that fills the whole body.

Xu Si saw this more or less. The way she looks at Lin now is also very interesting. It's not Xia Ya's worry and uneasiness, but a kind of expectation that he shouldn't have: "... Next, it's up to you," she smiled and muttered, and there was a bit of a good intention in her words: "I mean, you and Bone Sword will There is a pretty good confrontation. She should have guessed that the eye-opening of the bone sword and the magical armed state maintained by Lin now depend on each other, but they devour each other.

Lin maintained the state at this moment with the help of the magic of the bone sword. Whether he wanted it or not, those continuous derivative and strong magic made him have to continue to maintain it like this. And the same is true of the bone sword. Because of Lin's existence, the dark blood it sucks has also worked. Similar to Lin, the blood of darkness and the bone sword cannot be completely integrated. Then the continuous derived dark blood makes the bone sword fully possess such magic and gradually open the eyes...

Then, it is basically no different from Lin. Whether it is completely swallowed up by the dark blood that cannot be fused, or whether it finally absorbs this power, it mainly depends on the next game with Lin. After all, from the current situation, the two cannot exist at the same time.

Xu Si understood that if Lin could successfully integrate the power of the bone sword, his strength would be enough to restrain the next counterattack of the first ring, that is to say, at that time, he was fully able to control the power and magic from the first ring. But as Xia Ya was worried, if Lin couldn't control such magic, he would not have many choices. He would either hang up freely, or survive with the same walking corpses like monsters, surviving but extremely powerfully.

Of course, Xu Si knows this, but she knows better that this should be the old man's gamble. She wants Lin to grow up at the fastest speed in the shortest time. Therefore, now she even feels that this seemingly impossible bone sword is likely to be deliberately released by the old man...

This is not impossible. On the contrary, this possibility is very high.

There is no doubt that the bone sword belongs to the devil's son's exclusive magic martial arts, but few people know that before the bone sword became the devil's son's exclusive, its owner was not the devil's son, but the old man, the former purple hunter.

Although I don't know what happened, after Lin sealed the gate of hell, the old man gave up the bone sword and gave it to the son of the devil at no cost, but it was not impossible for the old man to call the bone sword again...

In addition, the boundary intended to be released for the bone sword is not something that anyone can do. In Xu Si's opinion, not many people in the world can do this, and the old man, he is obviously one of them.

In this way, Xu Si has every reason to believe that this bone sword controlled by the enslaved should be deliberately arranged by the old man. The purpose is to let Lin fight with the bone sword and let him get the fastest power between life and death.

Everything needs to pay a price, skip the usual step by step, and choose this seemingly instantaneous explosive growth, the price Lin has to pay must be the same, and this equivalent price is instantaneous life and death.

So, Xu Si really couldn't help sighing at the old man's courage to cultivate Lin, a waste material that has little use value, into a black hunter...

Of course, Xu Si also knows very well that the old man's gambling can only win but not lose. If Lin can survive successfully in the face of the bone sword, then the old man will make a lot of money. After all, it is very cool to be able to rejuvenate Lin's vitality with such a good chess piece. You know, not many people can be like Lin. There is so much room for development.

Then, even if Lin hangs, the old man just abandoned a chess piece that should have been withdrawn. As long as the next hunter is selected, the old man can be said to have no loss at all.

Kearing this, Xu Si could only look at Lin, who was still confused, and sighed deeply: "... It's not easy for you... You have done so much for the old man, but you don't get the corresponding benefits..."

She shook her head: "You know, the old man will only leave valuable things... So, my dear brother, you really have no way out this time."